Hi Kilian,

I agree with Maciej. There should be a big emphasis on getting an
*open-source* libc available in EDK2, and not relying on a proprietary,
opaque binary blob.

In my opinion EDK2 should pivot to using a high-quality, license-compatible
libc such as Newlib, musl, etc. If you believe your Toro C library is the
best tool for the job, you should open-source it (with a compatible
license) as soon as possible to let the community decide :)

Best regards,

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 8:21 PM Kilian Kegel <kilian_ke...@outlook.com>

> Hi Maciej,
> *CdePkg* is already integrated into EDK2 and satisfies all your needs for
> pre-/post-memory
> PEI, DXE, (SMM in latest releases only), BDS and UEFI Shell too.
> I have introduced *CdePkg* for POST usage 2 years ago without any
> interest of the “Tianocore Community”:
> https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/51562?p=,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,CdePkg,20,2,0,65191785
>    1. Klick on the email link above
>    2. Klick on the first link in that email, that goes to the
>    edk2-staging\cdepkg folder
>    1. read the HOWTO:
>    https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-staging/blob/CdePkg/README.md#howto
>                *and go for emulation – that works perfectly.*
>    1. I simply can’t do more for you, than to urgently encourage to try
>    it out yourself, test it, see what it can do for you
> This time *toro C Library* (that is absolutely the same as the library
> part of the latest
> CdePkg
> https://github.com/KilianKegel/CdePkg/blob/master/CdeLib/CdeLib.mak#L15)
> for UEFI Shell will be discussed first, since “Tianocore Community” is now
> aware of serious problems of edk2libc
> and probably ready to examine my solution, that lacks all of those issues.
> You, Maciej, can support *CdePkg/ toro C Library* by
>    1. testing *CdePkg*
>    2. giving feedback to the community
>    3. updating *CdePkg* to latest AAEON WhiskeyLake platform (that is on
>    my Desk for months but I simply don’t have time to get it running…)
> (MinnowBoard is deprecated now)
> The license issue *can not* be discussed *before* there is any serious
> interest in *CdePkg* and *toro C Library*.
> But if you are seeking  for a free solution, that
>    - requires unknown additional working hours
>    - requires a couple of high motivated maintainers, specialized in
>    Standard C
>    - countless  patches will spam your inbox folder for years
>    - additionally with unpredictable result
> please use  edk2libc, PDCLIB or adjust NewLib for your needs.
> >Unless those problems are solved, I simply cannot use it.
> Right, but you are invited to take a test drive!
> In the EDK2 Emulator. Debugging with the best Debugtool ever seen…
> Try to get SysPrep and Redfish running in the Emulator.
> Really, just do it!
> > How can I verify what was actually implemented inside?
> I will publish source code of *toro C Library* beginning 2022 and discuss
> the design details along those files.
> But, did you check glibc’s fopen-source before using it?
> Have you ever seen
> Microsoft/Borland/Symantec/ARM/IBM/Dinkumware/Greenhill/IAR … C Libraries
> source code?
> Thanks,
> Kilian
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows
> *From: *Rabeda, Maciej <maciej.rab...@linux.intel.com>
> *Sent: *Monday, November 22, 2021 05:31 PM
> *To: *devel@edk2.groups.io; kilian_ke...@outlook.com
> *Cc: *Rebecca Cran <rebe...@nuviainc.com>; tim.le...@insyde.com; Mike
> Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>; af...@apple.com; Leif Lindholm
> <l...@nuviainc.com>; Richardson, Brian <brian.richard...@intel.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [edk2-devel] CdePkgBlog 2021-11-14
> Hi Kilian,
> From my point of view, the main problem with adoption of CdePkg to EDK2 is
> that it relies on Torito C library.
>    1. Torito C library License (
>    https://github.com/KilianKegel/toro-C-Library/blob/master/LICENSE.md)
>    only allows for creating UEFI Shell applications.
>       - What about applications that do not rely on ShellPkg (example:
>       SysPrep application that might want to use Redfish, which depends on C
>       standard library)?
>       - What about drivers/libraries that rely on C standard library?
>       - How is that compatible with EDK2 BSD-2-Clause-Patent?
>    2. Torito C is pre-compiled.
>       - How can I verify what was actually implemented inside? Industry
>       would have to trust your tests, perform own set of tests or/and 
> disassemble
>       it (doable, but unacceptable effort-wise).
> Unless those problems are solved, I simply cannot use it.
> Thanks,
> Maciej
> On 14-Nov-21 20:51, Kilian Kegel wrote:
> Hi All,
> as announced last summer, I’d like to start a comprehensive tutorial on
> how to use Standard C / ANSI C in the UEFI environment and how to design
> and implement
> such a library for Shell and POST usage.
> Since most parts of that comprehensive work are already done,
> I will report, demonstrate and discuss implementation principles and
> details on edk2.groups.io
> as a kind of “blog” on a biweekly basis.
> Please checkout my first CdePkgBlog
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-staging/tree/CdePkg/blogs/2021-11-14#cdepkgblog-2021-11-14
> and enjoy the breathtaking build speed if compiler and linker are used
> exclusively to create MY LEGACY TOOLBOX,
> a handy set of one-trick-ponies that I have been using for about 25 years.
> Have fun,
> Kilian

Pedro Falcato

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