Hi Mike,
On 23/11/2021 09:21 PM, Michael D Kinney wrote:
+ "EccCheck": {
+ ## Exception sample looks like below:
+ ## "ExceptionList": [
+ ## "<ErrorID>", "<KeyWord>"
+ ## ]
+ "ExceptionList": [
+ "4002", "HobConstructor"
+ ],
I noticed there are other ECC errors with ID 4002 in StandaloneMmPkg.
[4002]Function header doesn't exist Function [CreateHob] has NO comment
immediately preceding it.
[4002]Function header doesn't exist Function [HobConstructor] has NO
comment immediately preceding it.
[4002]Function header doesn't exist Function [CreateHob] has NO comment
immediately preceding it.
[4002]Function header doesn't exist Function [UpdatePeCoffPermissions]
has NO comment immediately preceding it.
I am trying to undestand how the ExceptionList works. Would Keyword =
HobConstructor ignore the other errors too?
We will look into getting these issues fixed. However, to unblock this
patch can proceed.
Reviewed-by: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>
Sami Mujawar
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