On 22/11/2021 16:42, Michael D Kinney wrote:
You are also modifying the DebugLib in the paths where ASSERT() macros
are disabled.  When they are disabled, we want all code/data associated
with ASSERT() to be removed by the optimizing compiler/linker.  The source
code change appears to force a reference to a variable/expression.  Does
this have any size impact to any of the toolchains when ASSERT() is
disabled?  Can you provide the size comparison before and after this

I would very strongly recommend having the non-debug version of the macro use something like:

#define ASSERT(Expression) do {   \
    if (FALSE) {                  \
      (VOID) (Expression);        \
    }                             \
  } while (FALSE)

Without the "if (FALSE)", you will find that an expression that may have side-effects (e.g. by calling an external function) will result in executable code being generated.


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