In BaseConfigBlockLib add function to get next config block from config blocks 
table in order to iterate over blocks of the same type.


Signed-off-by: Jakub Fedorowicz

Cc: Ray Ni
Cc: Rangasai V Chaganty
 .../Include/Library/ConfigBlockLib.h          | 20 ++++++++
 .../BaseConfigBlockLib/BaseConfigBlockLib.c   | 50 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/Include/Library/ConfigBlockLib.h 
index 37a39681..77eff21b 100644
--- a/Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/Include/Library/ConfigBlockLib.h
+++ b/Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/Include/Library/ConfigBlockLib.h
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ AddConfigBlock (
   Retrieve a specific Config Block data by GUID.
+  If there is more than one Config Block with given GUID, return the first 
found with given GUID.
   @param[in]      ConfigBlockTableAddress      - A pointer to the beginning of 
Config Block Table Address
   @param[in]      ConfigBlockGuid              - A pointer to the GUID uses to 
search specific Config Block
@@ -61,4 +62,23 @@ GetConfigBlock (
   OUT    VOID      **ConfigBlockAddress
+  Search through ConfigBlockTable blocks to find following Config Block of the 
same GUID.
+  If there is no following Config Block found until the end of the table, 
+  @param[in]      ConfigBlockTableAddress   - A pointer to the beginning of 
Config Block Table
+  @param[in]      ConfigBlockAddress        - A pointer to the Config Block, 
in relation to which we start the search
+  @param[out]     NextConfigBlockAddress    - On return, points to a pointer 
to the found Config Block
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         - Could not find the following Config Block
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Config Block found and return
+GetNextConfigBlock (
+  IN     VOID      *ConfigBlockTableAddress,
+  IN     VOID      *ConfigBlockAddress,
+  OUT    VOID      **NextConfigBlockAddress
+  );
 #endif // _CONFIG_BLOCK_LIB_H_
diff --git 
index c89699ea..f026ac0b 100644
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ AddConfigBlock (
   Retrieve a specific Config Block data by GUID.
+  If there is more than one Config Block with given GUID, return the first 
found with given GUID.
   @param[in]      ConfigBlockTableAddress      - A pointer to the beginning of 
Config Block Table Address
   @param[in]      ConfigBlockGuid              - A pointer to the GUID uses to 
search specific Config Block
@@ -137,3 +138,52 @@ GetConfigBlock (
   return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  Search through ConfigBlockTable blocks to find following Config Block of the 
same GUID.
+  If there is no following Config Block found until the end of the table, 
+  @param[in]      ConfigBlockTableAddress   - A pointer to the beginning of 
Config Block Table
+  @param[in]      ConfigBlockAddress        - A pointer to the Config Block, 
in relation to which we start the search
+  @param[out]     NextConfigBlockAddress    - On return, points to a pointer 
to the found Config Block
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         - Could not find the following Config Block
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Config Block found and return
+GetNextConfigBlock (
+  IN     VOID      *ConfigBlockTableAddress,
+  IN     VOID      *ConfigBlockAddress,
+  OUT    VOID      **NextConfigBlockAddress
+  )
+  UINTN                         ConfigBlkTblEndAddr;
+  UINTN                         ConfigBlkOffset;
+  CONFIG_BLOCK                 *TempConfigBlk;
+  EFI_GUID                     *TargetGuid;
+  ConfigBlkTblHdrPtr = (CONFIG_BLOCK_TABLE_HEADER *) ConfigBlockTableAddress;
+  ConfigBlkTblEndAddr = (UINTN) ConfigBlockTableAddress + (UINTN) 
+  TempConfigBlk = (CONFIG_BLOCK *) ConfigBlockAddress;
+  TargetGuid = &(TempConfigBlk->Header.GuidHob.Name);
+  ConfigBlkOffset = (UINTN) ConfigBlockAddress + (UINTN) 
+  //
+  // Loop until exceeding ConfigBlockTable range
+  //
+  while (ConfigBlkOffset < ConfigBlkTblEndAddr) {
+    TempConfigBlk = (CONFIG_BLOCK *) ConfigBlkOffset;
+    if (CompareGuid (TargetGuid, &(TempConfigBlk->Header.GuidHob.Name))) {
+      *NextConfigBlockAddress = (VOID *) TempConfigBlk;
+      return EFI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    ConfigBlkOffset += (UINTN) TempConfigBlk->Header.GuidHob.Header.HobLength;
+  }
+  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
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