Hi all,
Can you please help to review this patch? Thanks a lot.

-----Original Message-----
From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of duntan
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 2:43 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io; Tan, Dun <dun....@intel.com>
Cc: Sean Brogan <sean.bro...@microsoft.com>; Bret Barkelew 
<bret.barke...@microsoft.com>; Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>; 
Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>; Ni, Ray <ray...@intel.com>
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH] .azurepipelines: Enable CI for 
WhiskeylakeOpenBoard in Edk2platforms

Hi all,

Since I don't have the administrator access of Tiano edk2 CI, I can't create a 
new pipeline based on my .yml file to test my script. So I have to copy the 
content in edk2-platforms.yml to Windows-VS2019.yml and  change file in the 
included path in .yml file to trigger the PR CI and verify whether the 
edk2platforms CI test can pass. Here is the PR link and the azure pipeline CI 

-----Original Message-----
From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of duntan
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 2:38 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io
Cc: Sean Brogan <sean.bro...@microsoft.com>; Bret Barkelew 
<bret.barke...@microsoft.com>; Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>; 
Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>; Ni, Ray <ray...@intel.com>
Subject: [edk2-devel] [PATCH] .azurepipelines: Enable CI for 
WhiskeylakeOpenBoard in Edk2platforms

The edk2-platforms.yml contains the necessary github repo that will be checked 
out, the platform name to build and the folders in edk2 which will trigger the 
CI. The edk2platforms-run-steps.yml contains the main steps to build 

Cc: Sean Brogan <sean.bro...@microsoft.com>
Cc: Bret Barkelew <bret.barke...@microsoft.com>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
Cc: Ray Ni <ray...@intel.com>

Signed-off-by: Dun Tan <dun....@intel.com>
 .azurepipelines/edk2-platforms.yml          | 71 
 .azurepipelines/edk2platforms-run-steps.yml | 72 
 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.azurepipelines/edk2-platforms.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d47e213ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.azurepipelines/edk2-platforms.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+## @file
+# Azure Pipeline build file for WhiskeylakeOpenBoard in Edk2platforms 
+on windows and ubuntu # # Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All 
+rights reserved.<BR> # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent ##
+  - master
+  - stable/*
+  branches:
+    include:
+    - master
+    - stable/*
+  paths:
+    include:
+    - BaseTools
+    - CryptoPkg
+    - FatPkg
+    - IntelFsp2WrapperPkg
+    - MdeModulePkg
+    - MdePkg
+    - NetworkPkg
+    - PcAtChipsetPkg
+    - SecurityPkg
+    - ShellPkg
+    - UefiCpuPkg
+  repositories:
+  - repository: edk2-platforms
+    type: github
+    endpoint: tianocore
+    name: tianocore/edk2-platforms
+  - repository: edk2-non-osi
+    type: github
+    endpoint: tianocore
+    name: tianocore/edk2-non-osi
+  - repository: FSP
+    type: github
+    endpoint: tianocore
+    name: intel/FSP
+  - job: Edk2Platforms_CI_Windows
+    pool:
+      vmImage: 'windows-latest'
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        WhiskeylakeOpenBoard_WhiskeylakeURvp:
+          Board.Name: "WhiskeylakeURvp"
+        WhiskeylakeOpenBoard_UpXtreme:
+          Board.Name: "UpXtreme"
+    steps:
+    - template: edk2platforms-run-steps.yml
+      parameters:
+        board_name: $(Board.Name)
+        pool_name: 'windows-latest'
+  - job: Edk2Platforms_CI_Linux
+    pool:
+      vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+          WhiskeylakeOpenBoard_WhiskeylakeURvp:
+            Board.Name: "WhiskeylakeURvp"
+    steps:
+    - template: edk2platforms-run-steps.yml
+      parameters:
+        board_name: $(Board.Name)
+        pool_name: 'ubuntu-latest'
diff --git a/.azurepipelines/edk2platforms-run-steps.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04b5d40fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.azurepipelines/edk2platforms-run-steps.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+## @file
+# File templates/edk2platforms-run-steps.yml
+# template file containing the steps to build # # Copyright (c) 2021, 
+Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # SPDX-License-Identifier:
+BSD-2-Clause-Patent ##
+- name: board_name
+  type: string
+  default: ''
+- name: pool_name
+  type: string
+  default: ''
+- checkout: self
+  submodules: true
+- checkout: edk2-non-osi
+- checkout: FSP
+- checkout: edk2-platforms
+- task: UsePythonVersion@0
+  inputs:
+    versionSpec: "3.8.x"
+    architecture: "x64"
+- ${{ if contains(parameters.pool_name, 'ubuntu') }}:
+  - bash: |
+      sudo apt-get update
+      sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make uuid-dev nasm iasl
+    displayName: Update apt and Install required tools
+  - script: |
+      source edksetup.sh
+      echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PATH;]$PATH"
+    displayName: Set env Path
+    workingDirectory: edk2/
+- ${{ if contains(parameters.pool_name, 'windows') }}:
+  - powershell: |
+      choco install iasl -y --version=2017.11.10
+      echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=IASL_PREFIX;]C:\tools\ASL\"
+      choco install nasm -y
+      echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=NASM_PREFIX;]C:\Program 
+    displayName: Windows EDK II Prerequisites
+# Build WhiskeylakeOpenBoard in edk2platforms
+- script: python build_bios.py --platform ${{ parameters.board_name}}
+  displayName: Build platform ${{ parameters.board_name}}
+  workingDirectory: edk2-platforms/Platform/Intel
+# Copy the build logs to the artifact staging directory
+- task: CopyFiles@2
+  displayName: "Copy build logs"
+  inputs:
+    targetFolder: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
+    SourceFolder:
+    contents: |
+      Build.log
+      BuildReport.log
+    flattenFolders: true
+  condition: succeededOrFailed()
+# Publish build artifacts to Azure Artifacts/TFS or a file share
+- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+  continueOnError: true
+  displayName: "Publish build logs"
+  inputs:
+    pathtoPublish: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
+    artifactName: "Build Logs $(System.JobName)"
+  condition: succeededOrFailed()

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