- There are many OpRegion fields obsoleted in MBOX1
- MBOX2 is re-purposed for Backlight related fields for dual LFP.
- Backlight related fields moved to MBOX2 from MBOX3
and some fields are obsoleted in MBOX3.

Signed-off-by: Digant H Solanki <>
Cc: Ray Ni <>
Cc: Rangasai V Chaganty <>
Cc: Ashraf Ali S <>
 Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/Include/IndustryStandard/IgdOpRegion30.h | 101 
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+)

diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9948ab55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/Include/IndustryStandard/IgdOpRegion30.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/** @file
+  IGD OpRegion definition from Intel Integrated Graphics Device OpRegion
+  Specification based on version 3.0.
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _IGD_OPREGION_3_0_H_
+#define _IGD_OPREGION_3_0_H_
+#include "IgdOpRegion.h"
+#pragma pack(1)
+/// OpRegion Mailbox 1 - Public ACPI Methods
+/// Offset 0x100, Size 0x100
+typedef struct {
+  UINT32 DRDY;          ///< Offset 0x100 Driver Readiness
+  UINT32 CSTS;          ///< Offset 0x104 Status
+  UINT32 CEVT;          ///< Offset 0x108 Current Event
+  UINT8  RM11[0x14];    ///< Offset 0x10C Reserved Must be Zero
+  UINT32 DIDL[8];       ///< Offset 0x120 Supported Display Devices ID List
+  UINT32 CPDL[8];       ///< Offset 0x140 obsolete
+  UINT32 CADL[8];       ///< Offset 0x160 obsolete
+  UINT32 NADL[8];       ///< Offset 0x180 obsolete
+  UINT32 ASLP;          ///< Offset 0x1A0 ASL Sleep Time Out
+  UINT32 TIDX;          ///< Offset 0x1A4 obsolete
+  UINT32 CHPD;          ///< Offset 0x1A8 obsolete
+  UINT32 CLID;          ///< Offset 0x1AC Current Lid State Indicator
+  UINT32 CDCK;          ///< Offset 0x1B0 Current Docking State Indicator
+  UINT32 SXSW;          ///< Offset 0x1B4 obsolete
+  UINT32 EVTS;          ///< Offset 0x1B8 obsolete
+  UINT32 CNOT;          ///< Offset 0x1BC obsolete
+  UINT32 NRDY;          ///< Offset 0x1C0 Driver Status
+  UINT8  DID2[0x1C];    ///< Offset 0x1C4 Extended Supported Devices ID List 
+  UINT8  CPD2[0x1C];    ///< Offset 0x1E0 obsolete
+  UINT8  RM12[4];       ///< Offset 0x1FC - 0x1FF Reserved Must be zero
+/// OpRegion Mailbox 2 - Backlight communication
+/// Offset 0x200, Size 0x100
+typedef struct {
+  UINT32 BCL1;          ///< Offset 0x200 Backlight Brightness for LFP1
+  UINT32 BCL2;          ///< Offset 0x204 Backlight Brightness for LFP2
+  UINT32 CBL1;          ///< Offset 0x208 Current User Brightness Level for 
+  UINT32 CBL2;          ///< Offset 0x20C Current User Brightness Level for 
+  UINT32 BCM1[0x1E];    ///< Offset 0x210 Backlight Brightness Levels Duty 
Cycle Mapping Table for LFP1
+  UINT32 BCM2[0x1E];    ///< Offset 0x288 Backlight Brightness Levels Duty 
Cycle Mapping Table for LFP2
+/// OpRegion Mailbox 3 - BIOS/Driver Notification - ASLE Support
+/// Offset 0x300, Size 0x100
+typedef struct {
+  UINT32 ARDY;          ///< Offset 0x300 obsolete
+  UINT32 ASLC;          ///< Offset 0x304 obsolete
+  UINT32 TCHE;          ///< Offset 0x308 obsolete
+  UINT32 ALSI;          ///< Offset 0x30C obsolete
+  UINT32 BCLP;          ///< Offset 0x310 obsoleted in ver 3.0, moved to 
Mailbox 2.
+  UINT32 PFIT;          ///< Offset 0x314 obsolete
+  UINT32 CBLV;          ///< Offset 0x318 obsoleted in ver 3.0, moved to 
Mailbox 2.
+  UINT16 BCLM[0x14];    ///< Offset 0x31C obsoleted in ver 3.0, moved to 
Mailbox 2.
+  UINT32 CPFM;          ///< Offset 0x344 obsolete
+  UINT32 EPFM;          ///< Offset 0x348 obsolete
+  UINT8  PLUT[0x4A];    ///< Offset 0x34C obsolete
+  UINT32 PFMB;          ///< Offset 0x396 obsolete
+  UINT32 CCDV;          ///< Offset 0x39A obsolete
+  UINT32 PCFT;          ///< Offset 0x39E obsolete
+  UINT32 SROT;          ///< Offset 0x3A2 obsolete
+  UINT32 IUER;          ///< Offset 0x3A6 obsolete
+  UINT64 FDSS;          ///< Offset 0x3AA obsolete
+  UINT32 FDSP;          ///< Offset 0x3B2 obsolete
+  UINT32 STAT;          ///< Offset 0x3B6 obsolete
+  UINT64 RVDA;          ///< Offset 0x3BA Physical address of Raw VBT data. 
Added from Spec Version 0.90 to support VBT greater than 6KB.
+  UINT32 RVDS;          ///< Offset 0x3C2 Size of Raw VBT data. Added from 
Spec Version 0.90 to support VBT greater than 6KB.
+  UINT8  VRSR;          ///< Offset 0x3C6 Video RAM Self Refresh
+  UINT64 DLHP;          ///< Offset 0x3C7 Dual LFP Hinge Alignment Parameters
+  UINT8  RM32[0x31];    ///< Offset 0x3CF - 0x3FF  Reserved Must be zero.
+/// IGD OpRegion Structure
+typedef struct {
+  IGD_OPREGION_HEADER         Header; ///< OpRegion header (Offset 0x0, Size 
+  IGD_OPREGION_MBOX1_VER_3_0  MBox1;  ///< Mailbox 1: Public ACPI Methods 
(Offset 0x100, Size 0x100)
+  IGD_OPREGION_MBOX2_VER_3_0  MBox2;  ///< Mailbox 2: Backlight communication 
(Offset 0x200, Size 0x100)
+  IGD_OPREGION_MBOX3_VER_3_0  MBox3;  ///< Mailbox 3: BIOS to Driver 
Notification (Offset 0x300, Size 0x100)
+  IGD_OPREGION_MBOX4          MBox4;  ///< Mailbox 4: Video BIOS Table (VBT) 
(Offset 0x400, Size 0x1800)
+  IGD_OPREGION_MBOX5          MBox5;  ///< Mailbox 5: BIOS to Driver 
Notification Extension (Offset 0x1C00, Size 0x400)
+#pragma pack()

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