> On Jul 21, 2021, at 6:20 PM, gaoliming <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn> wrote:
>> -----邮件原件-----
>> 发件人: r...@edk2.groups.io <mailto:r...@edk2.groups.io> <r...@edk2.groups.io 
>> <mailto:r...@edk2.groups.io>> 代表 Pedro Falcato
>> 发送时间: 2021年7月22日 7:12
>> 收件人: devel@edk2.groups.io <mailto:devel@edk2.groups.io>
>> 抄送: r...@edk2.groups.io <mailto:r...@edk2.groups.io>
>> 主题: [edk2-rfc] RFC: EXT4 filesystem driver
>> EXT4 (fourth extended filesystem) is a filesystem developed for Linux
>> that has been in wide use (desktops, servers, smartphones) since 2008.
>> The Ext4Pkg implements the Simple File System Protocol for a partition
>> that is formatted with the EXT4 file system. This allows UEFI Drivers,
>> UEFI Applications, UEFI OS Loaders, and the UEFI Shell to access files
>> on an EXT4 partition and supports booting a UEFI OS Loader from an
>> EXT4 partition.
>> This project is one of the TianoCore Google Summer of Code projects.
>> Right now, Ext4Pkg only contains a single member, Ext4Dxe, which is a
>> UEFI driver that consumes Block I/O, Disk I/O and (optionally) Disk
>> I/O 2 Protocols, and produces the Simple File System protocol. It
>> allows mounting ext4 filesystems exclusively.
>> Brief overhead of EXT4:
>> Layout of an EXT2/3/4 filesystem:
>> (note: this driver has been developed using
>> https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/filesystems/ext4/index.html as
>> documentation).
>> An ext2/3/4 filesystem (here on out referred to as simply an ext4 filesystem,
>> due to the similarities) is composed of various concepts:
>> 1) Superblock
>> The superblock is the structure near (1024 bytes offset from the start)
>> the start of the partition, and describes the filesystem in general.
>> Here, we get to know the size of the filesystem's blocks, which features
>> it supports or not, whether it's been cleanly unmounted, how many blocks
>> we have, etc.
>> 2) Block groups
>> EXT4 filesystems are divided into block groups, and each block group covers
>> s_blocks_per_group(8 * Block Size) blocks. Each block group has an
>> associated block group descriptor; these are present directly after the
>> superblock. Each block group descriptor contains the location of the
>> inode table, and the inode and block bitmaps (note these bitmaps are only
>> a block long, which gets us the 8 * Block Size formula covered previously).
>> 3) Blocks
>> The ext4 filesystem is divided into blocks, of size s_log_block_size ^ 1024.
>> Blocks can be allocated using individual block groups's bitmaps. Note
>> that block 0 is invalid and its presence on extents/block tables means
>> it's part of a file hole, and that particular location must be read as
>> a block full of zeros.
>> 4) Inodes
>> The ext4 filesystem divides files/directories into inodes (originally
>> index nodes). Each file/socket/symlink/directory/etc (here on out referred
>> to as a file, since there is no distinction under the ext4 filesystem) is
>> stored as a /nameless/ inode, that is stored in some block group's inode
>> table. Each inode has s_inode_size size (or GOOD_OLD_INODE_SIZE if it's
>> an old filesystem), and holds various metadata about the file. Since the
>> largest inode structure right now is ~160 bytes, the rest of the inode
>> contains inline extended attributes. Inodes' data is stored using either
>> data blocks (under ext2/3) or extents (under ext4).
>> 5) Extents
>> Ext4 inodes store data in extents. These let N contiguous logical blocks
>> that are represented by N contiguous physical blocks be represented by a
>> single extent structure, which minimizes filesystem metadata bloat and
>> speeds up block mapping (particularly due to the fact that high-quality
>> ext4 implementations like linux's try /really/ hard to make the file
>> contiguous, so it's common to have files with almost 0 fragmentation).
>> Inodes that use extents store them in a tree, and the top of the tree
>> is stored on i_data. The tree's leaves always start with an
>> EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER and contain EXT4_EXTENT_INDEX on eh_depth != 0
>> and
>> EXT4_EXTENT on eh_depth = 0; these entries are always sorted by logical
>> block.
>> 6) Directories
>> Ext4 directories are files that store name -> inode mappings for the
>> logical directory; this is where files get their names, which means ext4
>> inodes do not themselves have names, since they can be linked (present)
>> multiple times with different names. Directories can store entries in two
>> different ways:
>> 1) Classical linear directories: They store entries as a mostly-linked
>> mostly-list of EXT4_DIR_ENTRY.
>> 2) Hash tree directories: These are used for larger directories, with
>> hundreds of entries, and are designed in a backwards-compatible way.
>> These are not yet implemented in the Ext4Dxe driver.
>> 7) Journal
>> Ext3/4 filesystems have a journal to help protect the filesystem against
>> system crashes. This is not yet implemented in Ext4Dxe but is described
>> in detail in the Linux kernel's documentation.
>> The EDK2 implementation of ext4 is based only on the public documentation
>> available at
>> https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/filesystems/ext4/index.html
>> and
>> the FreeBSD ext2fs driver (available at
>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-src/tree/main/sys/fs/ext2fs,
>> BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD licensed). It is licensed as
>> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent.
>> After a brief discussion with the community, the proposed package
>> location is edk2-platform/Features/Ext4Pkg
>> (relevant discussion: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/topic/83060185).
>> I was the main contributor and I would like to maintain the package in
>> the future, if possible.
>> Current limitations:
>> 1) The Ext4Dxe driver is, at the moment, read-only.
>> 2) The Ext4Dxe driver at the moment cannot mount older (ext2/3)
>> filesystems. Ensuring compatibility with
>> those may not be a bad idea.
>> I intend to test the package using the UEFI SCTs present in edk2-test,
>> and implement any other needed unit tests myself using the already
>> available unit test framework. I also intend to (privately) fuzz the
>> UEFI driver with bad/unusual disk images, to improve the security and
>> reliability of the driver.
>> In the future, ext4 write support should be added so edk2 has a
>> fully-featured RW ext4 driver. There could also be a focus on
>> supporting the older ext4-like filesystems, as I mentioned in the
>> limitations, but that is open for discussion.
>> The driver's handling of unclean unmounting through forced shutdown is
>> unclear.
>> Is there a position in edk2 on how to handle such cases? I don't think
>> FAT32 has a "this filesystem is/was dirty" and even though it seems to
>> me that stopping a system from booting/opening the partition because
>> "we may find some tiny irregularities" is not the best course of
>> action, I can't find a clear answer.
>> The driver also had to add implementations of CRC32C and CRC16, and
>> after talking with my mentor we quickly reached the conclusion that
>> these may be good candidates for inclusion in MdePkg. We also
>> discussed moving the Ucs2 <-> Utf8 conversion library in RedfishPkg
>> (BaseUcs2Utf8Lib) into MdePkg as well. Any comments?
> Current MdePkg BaseLib has CalculateCrc32(). So, CRC32C and CRC16 can be 
> added into BaseLib. 
> If more modules need to consume Ucs2 <-> Utf8 conversion library, 
> BaseUcs2Utf8Lib is generic enough
> to be placed in MdePkg. 

I think the Terminal driver may have some similar logic to convert UTF-8 
terminals to/from the UEFI UCS-2?



Andrew Fish

> Thanks
> Liming
>> Feel free to ask any questions you may find relevant.
>> Best Regards,
>> Pedro Falcato

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