"dbt" and "dbx" are swapped in the comments? Look for groups of 3 underscores ("___") below...
+ ## GUID used to specify section with default ___dbt___ content + gDefault___dbx___FileGuid = { 0x5740766a, 0x718e, 0x4dc0, { 0x99, 0x35, 0xc3, 0x6f, 0x7d, 0x3f, 0x88, 0x4f } } + + ## GUID used to specify section with default ___dbx___ content + gDefault___dbt___FileGuid = { 0x36c513ee, 0xa338, 0x4976, { 0xa0, 0xfb, 0x6d, 0xdb, 0xa3, 0xda, 0xfe, 0x87 } } -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#76558): https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/76558 Mute This Topic: https://groups.io/mt/83526321/21656 Group Owner: devel+ow...@edk2.groups.io Unsubscribe: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/unsub [arch...@mail-archive.com] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-