edk2-platforms/Features/Ext4Pkg sounds good to me too.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 17:38:17 +0000, Michael D Kinney wrote:
> Hi Pedro,
> After thinking about this, I think I would prefer Option (4).
> The proposed landing zone would be a new Ext4Pkg in the edk2-platforms 
> repository in the Features directory.
> edk2-platforms/Features/Intel/Ext4Pkg
> All the features in that directory and not specific to Intel.  There are 
> other email discussions about moving some of that content up a level, so an 
> alternative path would be:
>               edk2-platforms/Features/Ext4Pkg
> Best regards,
> Mike
> From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of Pedro Falcato
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 12:27 PM
> To: devel@edk2.groups.io
> Subject: [edk2-devel] GSOC 2021 EXT4 driver Project
> Hi everyone,
> Me and my project have been selected for GSoC this year, under Michael Kinney 
> and bret. Thank you for the opportunity to collaborate with you and improve 
> Tianocore!
> If anyone has any questions, please fire away :)
> How do I get started? I'd like to find some easier tasks as to start trying 
> out patch submission and generally programming in a firmware environment.
> Also, I've been talking with my mentors and a relevant question to ask the 
> mailing list is: Where should we put the EXT4 driver?
> Michael said there are other filesystems in MdeModulePkg, but it might be 
> getting too big and proposed the following options:
> 1) EXT4 in new package in edk2 repo as a peer to FatPkg.
> 2) EXT4 in edk2 repo in MdeModulePkg
> 3) EXT4 in edk2-platforms advanced feature package.
> 4) EXT4 in edk2 advanced feature package
> As someone that's still learning how to navigate the project's tree(s), this 
> is a bit over my head and so I'd like your opinion on the matter.
> Also, I would love if someone could point me to some good reading material 
> and/or examples of the package/build system, as I couldn't find documentation 
> on those
> and my previous experiment with Tianocore involved looking at FatPkg and 
> mindlessly copying what it was doing.
> Thanks,
> Pedro

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