Thank you for your quick reply, comments inline.

On 08.06.21 05:10, Ni, Ray wrote:
Comments below.

+ProcessRelocation32 (
+  IN  Elf32_Rela            *Rela,
+  IN  UINT32                RelaSize,
+  IN  UINT32                RelaEntrySize,
+  IN  UINT32                RelaType,
+  IN  INTN                  Delta,
+  IN  BOOLEAN               DynamicLinking
+  )
+  UINTN                     Index;
+  UINT32                    *Ptr;
+  UINT32                    Type;
+  for ( Index = 0
+      ; RelaEntrySize * Index < RelaSize

Will change from:
   RelaEntrySize * Index < RelaSize
   Index < RelaSize / RelaEntrySize

imo add ASSERT for RelaEntrySize > 0 then.

+      ; Index++, Rela = ELF_NEXT_ENTRY (Elf32_Rela, Rela, RelaEntrySize)
+      ) {
+    //
+    // r_offset is the virtual address of the storage unit affected by the 
+    //
+    Ptr = (UINT32 *)(UINTN)(Rela->r_offset + Delta);

I don't understand. Can you explain a bit more?

Basically the alignment of any offset with which a pointer to non-trivially-aligned (i.e. requirement > 1 Byte) data can be forged must be checked.

Examples from our new PE loader: -> ->

The idea here is that the base pointer (i.e. image header) is "maximally aligned" (i.e. can hold data of any platform data alignment). For the 8 Bytes AllocatePool() guarantees (file data), this is sufficient for any primitive and composite data type. For the 4 KB AllocatePages() guarantees (destination), this is sufficient of that, and for advanced things like AVX (however not needed here). If the base is maximally aligned, Base + X is guaranteed aligned for A if X is aligned for A, i.e. X % _Alignof(A) = 0. Failing to verify this can cause exceptions on platforms which don't support or have disabled the capability to perform unaligned memory accesses.

+        if (DynamicLinking) {
+          //
+          // A: Represents the addend used to compute the value of the 
relocatable field.
+          // B: Represents the base address at which a shared object has been 
loaded into memory during execution.
+          //    Generally, a shared object is built with a 0 base virtual 
address, but the execution address will be different.
+          //
+          // B (Base Address) in ELF spec is slightly different:
+          //   An executable or shared object file's base address (on 
platforms that support the concept) is calculated during
+          //   execution from three values: the virtual memory load address, 
the maximum page size, and the lowest virtual
+          //   of a program's loadable segment. To compute the base address, 
one determines the memory address associated
with the
+          //   lowest p_vaddr value for a PT_LOAD segment. This address is 
truncated to the nearest multiple of the maximum
page size.
+          //   The corresponding p_vaddr value itself is also truncated to the 
nearest multiple of the maximum page size.
+          //
+          //   *** The base address is the difference between the truncated 
memory address and the truncated p_vaddr value.
+          //
+          // Delta in this function is B.
+          //
+          // Calculation: B + A
+          //
+          if (RelaType == SHT_RELA) {
+            ASSERT (*Ptr == 0);
+            *Ptr = (UINT32) Delta + Rela->r_addend;
+          } else {
+            //
+            // A is stored in the field of relocation for REL type.
+            //
+            *Ptr = (UINT32) Delta + *Ptr;
+          }
+        } else {
+          //
+          // non-Dynamic section doesn't contain entries of this type.
+          //
+          DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Unsupported relocation type %02X\n", Type));
+          ASSERT (FALSE);
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Unsupported relocation type %02X\n", Type));
+    }
+  }
Out of pure interest, if performance is a concern, have you profiled
this code vs one with two loops and "DynamicLinking" pulled out?

I don't think the performance is a concern here.

OK, tyvm.

+  //
+  // It's abnormal a DYN ELF doesn't contain a dynamic section.
+  //
+  ASSERT (DynShdr != NULL);
+  if (DynShdr == NULL) {
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  }
+  ASSERT (DynShdr->sh_type == SHT_DYNAMIC);
+  ASSERT (DynShdr->sh_entsize >= sizeof (*Dyn));
Abnormalities in unknown/untrusted data must be filtered with a runtime
check, not with an ASSERT.

Sure. I will add if-check below the assertion so assertion-enabled build can
report the errors earlier.

I have started this discussion under another patch, maybe I should write a broader-scope mail to the list for comments. Basically using ASSERTs for anything but *impossible* (*not* assuming the input data is well-formed) situations significantly reduces the efficacy of dynamic analysis. When doing fuzzing for example, you want to keep the ASSERTs enabled to be made aware of any internal invariant violations. But if ASSERTs happen on possible conditions, they will kill the fuzzing process for no good reason. Turning them off will not analyse your ASSERTs for possible code defects.

Maybe fuzzing would be a good idea for this library? :)

+  for ( Index = 0, Dyn = (Elf32_Dyn *) (ElfCt->FileBase + DynShdr->sh_offset)
+      ; Index < DynShdr->sh_size / DynShdr->sh_entsize
Is "sh_entsize" checked for 0?

No need. Because code above makes sure sh_entsize >= sizeof (*Dyn).

When you turn it into a runtime check as discussed above, yes.

+  ASSERT (RelShdr->sh_type == RelaType);
+  ASSERT (RelShdr->sh_entsize == RelaEntrySize);
See above.

Agree. Will add if-checks.

+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "DYN ELF: Relocate using dynamic sections...\n"));
+    Status = RelocateElf32Dynamic (ElfCt);
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
Why cannot this fail?

A DYN type ELF image should contain dynamic section. So only an abnormal ELF 
image can fail.

Same ASSERT point as above, "cannot" refers to both well-formed and ill-formed images.

+  return (Elf64_Phdr *)(ImageBase + Ehdr->e_phoff + Index * Ehdr->e_phentsize);
Alignment checks? Bounds checks?

For the alignment checks, do you suggest that I should make sure the segment 
should be placed
in the address that meets the alignment requirement?

It could be implemented, PE code does it, but I meant pointer alignment as discussed above somewhere. I don't think ELFs would likely request more than page alignment, but abort + DEBUG message sounds like a good idea.

ELF spec just requires below for Elf64_Phdr.p_align:
   loadable process segments must have congruent values for p_vaddr and 
p_offset, modulo the page size.

I can add such check in ParseElfImage().

+  ProcessRelocation64 (
+    (Elf64_Rela *) (ElfCt->FileBase + RelShdr->sh_offset),
Alignment? :) I know there is no real concept in EDK II yet, but it
really is needed.

Can you explain a bit more on the alignment?

Done above, sorry.

+  Check if the ELF image is valid.
+  @param[in]  ImageBase       Memory address of an image.
+  @retval     TRUE if valid.
+IsElfFormat (
+  IN  CONST UINT8             *ImageBase
You cannot safely inspect untrusted/unknown data without a size field,
also needs checks below.

Agree. Original idea was to add a ELF loader that can load the ELF assuming
the ELF image is well-formatted.

I get that idea, but the reality is that people will start using it for external images once it is needed. :)
Sorry for being pedantic.

But with your help, I am glad to enhance the logic a bit more to expand
the support of external ELF images.

Will add a "UINTN ImageSize" parameter.

+  )
+  Elf32_Ehdr                  *Elf32Hdr;
+  Elf64_Ehdr                  *Elf64Hdr;
+  ASSERT (ImageBase != NULL);
+  Elf32Hdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *)ImageBase;
+  //
+  // Start with correct signature "\7fELF"
+  //
+  if ((Elf32Hdr->e_ident[EI_MAG0] != ELFMAG0) ||
+      (Elf32Hdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1) ||
+      (Elf32Hdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1) ||
+      (Elf32Hdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2)
+     ) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  //
+  // Support little-endian only
+  //
+  if (Elf32Hdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  //
+  // Check 32/64-bit architecture
+  //
+  if (Elf32Hdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS64) {
+    Elf64Hdr = (Elf64_Ehdr *)Elf32Hdr;
+    Elf32Hdr = NULL;
+  } else if (Elf32Hdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS32) {
+    Elf64Hdr = NULL;
+  } else {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
Why are the branches above and below separated when they map basically 1:1?

Indeed. Thanks for catching this.
Will merge the separate "if" together.

+  if (Elf64Hdr != NULL) {
+    //
+    // Support intel architecture only for now
+    //
+    if (Elf64Hdr->e_machine != EM_X86_64) {
+      return FALSE;
+    }

+  // Use last section as end of file
+  Status = GetElfSectionPos (ElfCt, ElfCt->ShNum - 1, &Offset, &Size);
What if ShNum is 0?

Agree. The logic to calculate file size might not be needed.
Let me confirm and try to remove the entire function.

+  if (ElfCt->EiClass == ELFCLASS32) {
+    Elf32Hdr   = (Elf32_Ehdr *)ElfCt->FileBase;
+    FileSize2 = Elf32Hdr->e_shoff + Elf32Hdr->e_shentsize * Elf32Hdr->e_shnum;
+  } else if (ElfCt->EiClass == ELFCLASS64) {
+    Elf64Hdr   = (Elf64_Ehdr *)ElfCt->FileBase;
+    FileSize2 = (UINTN)(Elf64Hdr->e_shoff + Elf64Hdr->e_shentsize * 
+  }

Integer overflow?

Yes, sorry.

Will add integer overflow check if this file size calculation logic is still 

+  if (ElfCt == NULL) {
+  }
As this is function contract, I'd replace this with an ASSERT, or at
least have both.

I will put "ASSERT (ElfCt != NULL)" above the if.

+  ZeroMem (ElfCt, sizeof(ELF_IMAGE_CONTEXT));
+  if (ImageBase == NULL) {
+    return (ElfCt->ParseStatus = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER);
If I see it correctly, all instances that can assign ParseStatus also
return it. Why is the member needed at all?

I expect that caller needs to call ParseElfImage() to get the ParseStatus
properly assigned before calling LoadElfImage().

But it just throws back the error without doing anything as far as I can see. For the new PE loader, there are "PeCoffInitializeContext" (more or less "ParseElfImage") and "PeCoffLoadImage" (more or less "LoadElfImage"), and there is a precondition to not call latter when former error'd.
A minimal caller cal look like this:

  Status = PeCoffInitializeContext (&Context, FileBuffer, FileSize);
  if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // [ ... hash image, allocate destination, and so on ... ]

  PeCoffLoadImage (Context, Destination, DestinationSize);

The load function is never invoked if the init function fails. This gives an intuitive and easy-to-comprehend control flow. The old PE lib also has a status member in the context, and it was one of the first things I went away with. Callers should not read from the context, and callees have clear contracts.

The member ParseStatus is checked in LoadElfImage() later.
Today it's just PayloadLoaderPeim that calls the ElfLib functions.
But I expect that the ElfLib functions can be public lib APIs in future
if needs appear.

+      Name = (CHAR8 *)(ElfCt->FileBase + ElfCt->ShStrOff + Elf64Shdr->sh_name);
0-termination checks, or return size?

I will validate the string section in ParseElfImage(). The validation logic 
1. Verify that each section name is pointed from the e_shstrndx
2. Verify that section name strings don't occupy spaces outside of the string 

+    ZeroMem (&Context, sizeof (Context));
This is done by the callee already.

Indeed. Will remove this.

Rest looks good, thanks a lot!

If you have some time, please consider checking the rest for similar issues. I maybe could help with it if you would like that, but not right now, sorry. :)

Best regards,

+    Status = ParseElfImage (Elf, &Context);
+  } while (EFI_ERROR (Status));

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