Hi Brijesh,

On 05/27/21 01:11, Brijesh Singh wrote:
> BZ: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3275
> The GHCB Version 2 introduces advertisement of features that are supported
> by the hypervisor. The features value is saved in the SevEs workarea. Save
> the value in the PCD for the later use.
> Cc: James Bottomley <j...@linux.ibm.com>
> Cc: Min Xu <min.m...@intel.com>
> Cc: Jiewen Yao <jiewen....@intel.com>
> Cc: Tom Lendacky <thomas.lenda...@amd.com>
> Cc: Jordan Justen <jordan.l.jus...@intel.com>
> Cc: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
> Cc: Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
> Cc: Erdem Aktas <erdemak...@google.com>
> Signed-off-by: Brijesh Singh <brijesh.si...@amd.com>
> ---
>  OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf        |   1 +
>  OvmfPkg/Include/Library/MemEncryptSevLib.h |   2 +
>  OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/AmdSev.c               |  26 +++++
>  OvmfPkg/ResetVector/Ia32/PageTables64.asm  | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++
>  OvmfPkg/ResetVector/ResetVector.nasmb      |   1 +
>  5 files changed, 152 insertions(+)

(1) Please split this patch: the PlatformPei changes should be in the second 

> diff --git a/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf 
> b/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf
> index bc1dcac48343..3256ccfe88d8 100644
> --- a/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf
> +++ b/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf
> @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ [Pcd]
>    gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuApStackSize
>    gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSevEsIsEnabled
>    gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSevSnpIsEnabled
> +  gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGhcbHypervisorFeatures
>  [FixedPcd]
>    gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciExpressBaseAddress
> diff --git a/OvmfPkg/Include/Library/MemEncryptSevLib.h 
> b/OvmfPkg/Include/Library/MemEncryptSevLib.h
> index 24507de55c5d..dd1c97d4a9a3 100644
> --- a/OvmfPkg/Include/Library/MemEncryptSevLib.h
> +++ b/OvmfPkg/Include/Library/MemEncryptSevLib.h
> @@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ typedef struct _SEC_SEV_ES_WORK_AREA {
>    UINT64   RandomData;
>    UINT64   EncryptionMask;
> +
> +  UINT64   HypervisorFeatures;
>  //
> diff --git a/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/AmdSev.c b/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/AmdSev.c
> index 67b78fd5fa36..81e40e0889aa 100644
> --- a/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/AmdSev.c
> +++ b/OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/AmdSev.c
> @@ -43,6 +43,27 @@ AmdSevSnpInitialize (
>  }
> +/**
> +
> +  Function to set the PcdHypervisorFeatures.
> +**/
> +AmdSevHypervisorFeatures (
> +  VOID
> +  )
> +{
> +  SEC_SEV_ES_WORK_AREA  *SevEsWorkArea;
> +  RETURN_STATUS         PcdStatus;
> +
> +  SevEsWorkArea = (SEC_SEV_ES_WORK_AREA *) FixedPcdGet32 
> (PcdSevEsWorkAreaBase);
> +
> +  PcdStatus = PcdSet64S (PcdGhcbHypervisorFeatures, 
> SevEsWorkArea->HypervisorFeatures);
> +
> +  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "GHCB Hypervisor Features=0x%Lx\n", 
> SevEsWorkArea->HypervisorFeatures));

(2) Overlong line.

Please avoid basic mistakes like this, even in an RFC series.

> +}
> +
>  /**
>    Initialize SEV-ES support if running as an SEV-ES guest.
> @@ -73,6 +94,11 @@ AmdSevEsInitialize (
>    PcdStatus = PcdSetBoolS (PcdSevEsIsEnabled, TRUE);
> +  //
> +  // Set the hypervisor features PCD.
> +  //
> +  AmdSevHypervisorFeatures ();
> +
>    //
>    // Allocate GHCB and per-CPU variable pages.
>    //   Since the pages must survive across the UEFI to OS transition
> diff --git a/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/Ia32/PageTables64.asm 
> b/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/Ia32/PageTables64.asm
> index 6838cdeec9c3..75e63d2a0561 100644
> --- a/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/Ia32/PageTables64.asm
> +++ b/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/Ia32/PageTables64.asm
> @@ -62,6 +62,16 @@ BITS    32
>  %define CPUID_INSN_LEN              2
> +; GHCB SEV Information MSR protocol

(3) These macro names do not match the ones in 
"MdePkg/Include/Register/Amd/Fam17Msr.h" (GHCB_INFO_SEV_INFO_GET, 
GHCB_INFO_SEV_INFO, respectively).

They don't *have* to match, technically speaking, but one goal of using macros 
for magic numbers is so we can grep the source for them. The macros just below 
(for values 128 and 129) do match the header file.

> +
> +; GHCB Hypervisor features MSR protocol
> +
> +; GHCB request to terminate protocol values

(4) Not only does this macro name not match the one in the header file (which 
is GHCB_INFO_TERMINATE_REQUEST), even the value is wrong. The header file has

#define GHCB_INFO_TERMINATE_REQUEST                 256

and I checked the GHCBv2 spec too; there is no operation defined with opcode 

>  ; Check if Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) features are enabled.
>  ;
> @@ -86,6 +96,13 @@ CheckSevFeatures:
>      ; will set it to 1.
>      mov       byte[SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_SNP], 0
> +    ; Set the Hypervisor features field in the workarea to zero to 
> communicate
> +    ; to the hypervisor features to the SEC phase. The hypervisor feature is
> +    ; filled during the call to CheckHypervisorFeatures.
> +    mov     eax, 0
> +    mov     dword[SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES], eax
> +    mov     dword[SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES + 4], eax
> +
>      ;
>      ; Set up exception handlers to check for SEV-ES
>      ;   Load temporary RAM stack based on PCDs (see SevEsIdtVmmComm for
> @@ -225,6 +242,106 @@ IsSevEsEnabled:
>  SevEsDisabled:
>      OneTimeCallRet IsSevEsEnabled
> +; The version 2 of GHCB specification added the support to query the 
> hypervisor features.
> +; If the GHCB version is >=2 then read the hypervisor features.
> +;
> +; Modified:  EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX
> +;
> +CheckHypervisorFeatures:

(5) Arguably this label name should contain "Sev".

> +    ; Get the SEV Information
> +    ; Setup GHCB MSR
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[11:0]  = SEV information request
> +    ;
> +    mov     edx, 0
> +    mov     ecx, 0xc0010130
> +    wrmsr
> +
> +    ;
> +    ; Issue VMGEXIT - NASM doesn't support the vmmcall instruction in 32-bit
> +    ; mode, so work around this by temporarily switching to 64-bit mode.
> +    ;
> +BITS    64
> +    rep     vmmcall
> +BITS    32
> +
> +    ;
> +    ; SEV Information Response GHCB MSR
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[63:48] = Maximum protocol version
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[47:32] = Minimum protocol version
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[11:0]  = SEV information response
> +    ;
> +    mov     ecx, 0xc0010130
> +    rdmsr
> +    and     eax, 0xfff
> +    jnz     TerminateSevGuestLaunch

(6) Before modifying the ResetVector module like this, please insert a 
refactoring patch as follows:

- A new SEV-specific assembly include file should be introduced. The majority 
of the "OvmfPkg/ResetVector/Ia32/PageTables64.asm" file now deals with SEV 
aspects, but the file-top comment still says "Sets the CR3 register for 64-bit 
paging". It's high time that we move SEV stuff to a file with a name that 
references SEV.

- We now have five (5) invocations of the GHCB MSR protocol in this file, and 
every one of them open-codes the same setup, the same 0xc0010130 MSR constant, 
the same retval check logic with possible guest termination, the same "rep 
vmmcall" workaround for the 32-bit limitation of NASM, and so on. this file is 
now borderline unreadable. At the minimum, please introduce a function-like 
NASM macro with two arguments (= the request & response opcodes), and extract 
as much as possible.

> +    shr     edx, 16
> +    cmp     edx, 2
> +    jl      CheckHypervisorFeaturesDone
> +
> +    ; Get the hypervisor features
> +    ; Setup GHCB MSR
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[11:0]  = Hypervisor features request
> +    ;
> +    mov     edx, 0
> +    mov     ecx, 0xc0010130
> +    wrmsr
> +
> +    ;
> +    ; Issue VMGEXIT - NASM doesn't support the vmmcall instruction in 32-bit
> +    ; mode, so work around this by temporarily switching to 64-bit mode.
> +    ;
> +BITS    64
> +    rep     vmmcall
> +BITS    32
> +
> +    ;
> +    ; Hypervisor features reponse
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[63:12] = Features bitmap
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[11:0]  = Hypervisor features response
> +    ;
> +    mov     ecx, 0xc0010130
> +    rdmsr
> +    mov     ebx, eax
> +    and     eax, 0xfff
> +    jnz     TerminateSevGuestLaunch
> +
> +    shr     ebx, 12
> +    mov     dword[SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES], ebx
> +    mov     dword[SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES + 4], edx

(7) According to the spec, the FEATURES bitmap is a contiguous bitmap of 52 
bits. The way the EDX:EAX qword is shifted right by 12 bits above is incorrect. 
The EAX half is shifted OK (through EBX), but the EDX half is not shifted down 
by 12 bits at all, it is simply stored to the most significant dword of the 
"HypervisorFeatures" field. This basically inserts a 12 bit wide gap in the 
FEATURES bitmap.

> +
> +    jmp     CheckHypervisorFeaturesDone
> +TerminateSevGuestLaunch:
> +    ;
> +    ; Setup GHCB MSR
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[23:16] = 0
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[15:12] = 0
> +    ;   GHCB_MSR[11:0]  = Terminate Request
> +    ;
> +    mov     edx, 0

(8) The "MdePkg/Include/Register/Amd/Fam17Msr.h" header file introduces 
Can we use some of those here (with a separate, but matching, NASM macro of 
course)? See SevEsProtocolFailure() in "OvmfPkg/Sec/SecMain.c".

> +    mov     ecx, 0xc0010130
> +    wrmsr
> +
> +    ;
> +    ; Issue VMGEXIT - NASM doesn't support the vmmcall instruction in 32-bit
> +    ; mode, so work around this by temporarily switching to 64-bit mode.
> +    ;
> +BITS    64
> +    rep     vmmcall
> +BITS    32
> +
> +TerminateSevGuestLaunchHlt:
> +    cli
> +    hlt
> +    jmp     TerminateSevGuestLaunchHlt
> +
> +CheckHypervisorFeaturesDone:
> +    OneTimeCallRet CheckHypervisorFeatures
> +
>  ;
>  ; Modified:  EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX
>  ;
> @@ -328,6 +445,11 @@ clearGhcbMemoryLoop:
>      mov     dword[ecx * 4 + GHCB_BASE - 4], eax
>      loop    clearGhcbMemoryLoop
> +    ;
> +    ; It is SEV-ES guest, query the Hypervisor features
> +    ;
> +    OneTimeCall   CheckHypervisorFeatures
> +
>  SetCr3:
>      ;
>      ; Set CR3 now that the paging structures are available
> diff --git a/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/ResetVector.nasmb 
> b/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/ResetVector.nasmb
> index 1971557b1c00..5beba3ecb290 100644
> --- a/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/ResetVector.nasmb
> +++ b/OvmfPkg/ResetVector/ResetVector.nasmb
> @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
>    %define SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_SNP (FixedPcdGet32 (PcdSevEsWorkAreaBase) + 1)
>    %define SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_RDRAND (FixedPcdGet32 (PcdSevEsWorkAreaBase) + 8)
>    %define SEV_ES_WORK_AREA_ENC_MASK (FixedPcdGet32 (PcdSevEsWorkAreaBase) + 
> 16)
> (PcdSevEsWorkAreaBase) + 24)
>    %define SEV_ES_VC_TOP_OF_STACK (FixedPcdGet32 (PcdOvmfSecPeiTempRamBase) + 
> FixedPcdGet32 (PcdOvmfSecPeiTempRamSize))
>  %include "Ia32/Flat32ToFlat64.asm"
>  %include "Ia32/PageTables64.asm"

(9) And, I'm arriving at the following assertion only now unfortunately, after 
spending about 4 hours on reviewing this patch, and the history of 

I assert that the "SEC_SEV_ES_WORK_AREA.HypervisorFeatures" field should not 
exist. The only read site is here, in "OvmfPkg/PlatformPei".

Instead, we should have a new MemEncryptSevLib function that outputs the 
FEATURES bitmask. It should be similar to MemEncryptSevGetEncryptionMask(), but 
it should return a RETURN_STATUS, and produce the FEATURES bitmask through an 
output parameter.

The SEC instance of the function should return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED.

The PEI instance should use the GHCB MSR protocol, with the help of the 
AsmCpuId(), AsmWriteMsr64(), AsmReadMsr64() and AsmVmgExit() BaseLib functions.

The DXE instance should read back the PCD.

And so the OvmfPkg/ResetVector hunks should be dropped from this patch.


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