Looks good to me. Good catch!
Reviewed-by: Sunny Wang <sunny.w...@arm.com>

By the way, just FYI, I still run into the same problem (line-ending problem) 
with Windows Outlook and EDK2 email archive 
 Moreover, Gmail works well, so I used it to review this patch.

Best Regards,
Sunny Wang

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcin Wojtas <m...@semihalf.com>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 11:55 AM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io
Cc: michael.d.kin...@intel.com; l...@nuviainc.com; ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org; 
Samer El-Haj-Mahmoud <samer.el-haj-mahm...@arm.com>; Sunny Wang 
<sunny.w...@arm.com>; g...@semihalf.com; upstr...@semihalf.com; Marcin Wojtas 
Subject: [PATCH] EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe: Improve GetWakeupTime

GetWakeupTime should return full time information, including the 
daylight/timezone. Make use of the existing non-volatile variables for that 
purpose. Moreover add an error checking of possibly invalid parameters.
This partially fixes FWTS and SCT Set/GetWakeupTime tests on Marvell platforms.

Signed-off-by: Marcin Wojtas <m...@semihalf.com>
 EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/RealTimeClock.c | 11 +++++++++++
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)

diff --git a/EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/RealTimeClock.c 
index e59036badc..85650a6ede 100644
--- a/EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/RealTimeClock.c
+++ b/EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/RealTimeClock.c
@@ -143,6 +143,17 @@ GetWakeupTime (
   OUT EFI_TIME    *Time   ) {+  if (Time == NULL || Enabled == NULL || Pending 
== NULL) {+    return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;+  }++  //+  // Set these first so 
the RealTimeClockLib implementation+  // can override them based on its own 
settings.+  //+  Time->TimeZone = mTimeSettings.TimeZone;+  Time->Daylight = 
mTimeSettings.Daylight;+   return LibGetWakeupTime (Enabled, Pending, Time); } 

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