On 05/04/21 21:07, Brijesh Singh wrote:
> On 5/4/21 8:58 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:

>> (4) The order of parameters listed in this comment block differs from
>> the actual parameter list.
>> The ECC plugin of the edk2 CI will catch this issue anyway. So,
>> before submitting the patch set to the list, please submit a personal
>> PR on github.com against the main repo, just to run CI on your
>> patches.
> Interestingly I did ran the series with edk2 CI and everything passed
> before I submitted for the review. But, I will go ahead and fix the
> order.

Thank you for being careful up-front -- and then I don't understand this
result. The "EccCheck" plugin is not disabled in
"MdePkg/MdePkg.ci.yaml", and I distinctly remember ECC being incredibly
pedantic about any function leading comment matching the function's

Anyway, thanks for updating this, in the next version.

>> Return EFI_UNSUPPORTED (0x8000_0003), or even EFI_NO_MAPPING
>> (0x8000_0017), for value 6 (FAIL_SIZEMISMATCH).
> I am not sure if we really want to do this. You will see later in the
> patches that in some cases the PVALIDATE will return a failure and we
> will need to know the failure code to determine the next steps.
> Especially this particular error code is used later. This error
> happens when the page size of the backing pages does not match with
> the pvalidated size. In those cases we need to retry the PVALIDATE
> with lower page size so that a validation succeed. One such a example
> is:
> - Guest ask hypervisor to add the page as 2M in RMP table.
> - Hypervisor added the page as 512 4K pages - because it was not able
> to find a large backing pages.
> - Guest attempts to pvalidate the page as a 2M. The pvalidate will
> return a failure saying its a size mismatch between the requested
> pvalidated and RMP table. The recommendation is that guest should try
> with a smaller page size.
> I would prefer to pass the pvalidate error as-is to caller so that it
> can make the correct decision.

My intent is certainly not to mask, or collapse, distinct outputs from

The EFI_STATUS codes that I suggested for AsmPvalidate() keep the
distinct PVALIDATE results distinct. The AMD APM (vol3) describes three
result codes (SUCCESS, FAIL_INPUT, FAIL_SIZEMISMATCH), and I suggested a
*bijective* EFI_STATUS mapping for those -- EFI_SUCCESS,

EFI_NO_MAPPING was only an alternative for EFI_UNSUPPORTED -- in case
you preferred EFI_NO_MAPPING to EFI_UNSUPPORTED, for representing

Each one of the EFI_STATUS codes I suggest corresponds uniquely to a
direct PVALIDATE result code (injectivity), and each direct PVALIDATE
result code is covered (surjectivity). So it's a bijection.

CF is only meaningful on output if PVALIDATE succeeds, according to the

    If the instruction completed successfully, the rFLAGS bit CF
    indicates if the contents of the RMP entry were changed or not.

Therefore CF should only be checked (and it *can* be checked, via the
BOOLEAN "RmpEntryUpdated" output parameter that I also recommended) if
EFI_SUCCESS is returned by AsmPvalidate().

Furthermore, I *did* check the (sole) AsmPvalidate() call site in the
series, before posting my earlier comment. It goes like this, in patch
#21 ("OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: Add support to validate system RAM"):

>   Ret = AsmPvalidate (RmpPageSize, Validate, Address, &EFlags);
>   //
>   // Check the rFlags.CF to verify that PVALIDATE updated the RMP entry.
>   // If there was a no change in the RMP entry then we are either double
>   // validating or invalidating the memory. This can lead to a security 
> compromise.
>   //
>   if (EFlags.Bits.CF) {
>     DEBUG ((
>       DEBUG_ERROR, "%a:%a: Double %a detected for address 0x%Lx\n",
>       gEfiCallerBaseName,
>       __FUNCTION__,
>       Validate ? "Validate" : "Invalidate",
>       Address
>       ));
>     SnpPageStateFailureTerminate ();
>   }
>   return Ret;

This logic is incorrect, in my opinion. CF should not be checked before
ensuring that Ret equal SUCCESS.

The correct logic for IssuePvalidate() would be:

  Status = AsmPvalidate (RmpPageSize, Validate, Address, &RmpEntryUpdated);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;
  if (!RmpEntryUpdated) {
    SnpPageStateFailureTerminate ();

And then the caller of IssuePvalidate() -- PvalidateRange() -- can rely
on the status codes, returned by IssuePvalidate(), with the following

- EFI_SUCCESS: PVALIDATE completed *and* it successfully updated the RMP

  meaningless on output)

  with FAIL_SIZEMISMATCH (and CF was meaningless on output); PVALIDATE
  should be retried with the small (4K) page size.

I entirely agree with your high-level goal here. My point is that the
mapping that I'm proposing loses *no* information, it is more idiomatic
for edk2, and it's not difficult to implement in assembly.

If you absolutely insist on returning status codes 0, 1, and 6, from
AsmPvalidate(), I can live with that too (although I do think it's a lot
less idiomatic for edk2); in that case however, please make the return
type of AsmPvalidate() UINT32.

(And to repeat: my other point is that the CF checking logic in
IssuePvalidate() is currently wrong, as it relies on a value (CF) which
may be indeterminate in some cases.)


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