+ Mike

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 1:56 AM EDK <edk....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> For our products, we have UEFI Driver and HII Driver as two separate
> images (this is a requirement for our product because we want to keep UEFI
> Driver as thin as possible).
>    - Main role of UEFI Driver is providing boot services,
>    reporting/solving health issues, posting messages in message list, EXT SPT
>    etc.
> FYI: UEFI Driver will install HII Config access protocol (*CAP*) and
> driver health formset on the controller handle if the controller has health
> issue; at this time, HII image won't be in picture (HII image come into
> play ONLY when controller is healthy); if UEFI Driver detects controller is
> healthy then it will not install HII Config access protocol (if it had
> installed, it would uninstall before loading HII image from controller
> flash to host)
> Note: We have our own API to load the HII Image from controller flash to
> host
>    - Role of HII is, installing HII config access protocol and Management
>    formset on the controller handle and allowing the user to view
>    controller/PD/VD/other hardware properties, perform various
>    controller/PD/VD level operations etc.
> Requirement (need to see whether this is feasible or not): There are cases
> where our controller is healthy but we would like to post certain
> informational messages in messageList.
> How do I achieve this? That is I want UEFI Driver to have the capability
> to post the message in messageList and our HII Image also to be
> loaded/present.
> Can UEFI Driver and HII driver install HII Config access protocol on the
> same handle? AFAIK, the answer is “no”.
> I experimented just adding the driver health formset to the package via
> the HiiAddPackages() on the controller handle (that is from UEFI Driver I
> was not installing HII CAP but just installed the formset on controller
> handle) and it is not working. In this case HII image is also loaded (this
> means HII image would have installed HII CAP and its own formset on the
> same controller handle).
> Appreciate your input.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> Backup:
> *Excerpt from UEFI Spec: *
> *MessageList      *A pointer to an array of warning or error messages asso
> ciated with
> the controller specified by *ControllerHandle *and *ChildHandle*.
> This is an optional parameter that may be *NULL*. *M**essageList *is
> allocated by this function with the EFI Boot Service
> *AllocatePool()*, and it is the caller’s responsibility to free
> *MessageList *with the EFI Boot Service *F**reePool()*. Each
> message is specified by tuple of an *EFI_HII_HANDLE *and an
> *EFI_STRING_ID*. The array of messages is terminated by tuple
> containing a *EFI_HII_HANDLE *with a value of *NULL*. The
> *EFI_HII_STRING_PROTOCOL.GetString() *function can be used
> to retrieve the warning or error message as a Null-terminated string
> in a specific language. Messages may be returned for any of the
> *HealthStatus *values except
> *EfiDriverHealthStatusReconnectRequired *and
> *EfiDriverHealthStatusRebootRequired*.
> *FormHiiHandle    *A pointer to the HII handle containing the HII form
> used when configuration is required. The HII handle is associated with the
> controller specified by *ControllerHandle *and
> *C**hildHandle*. If this is *N**ULL*, then no HII form is available. An
> HII handle will only be returned with a *HealthStatus *value of
> *E**fiDriverHealthStatusConfigurationRequired*.
> …
> If *MessageList *is not *NULL*, and *HealthStatu**s *is 
> *EfiDriverHealthStatusReconnectRequired
> *or *EfiDriverHealthStatusRebootRequired *then no messages are returned
> and **MessageList *must be set to *NULL*.
> If *MessageList *is not *NULL*, and there are no warning or error
> messages associated with the controller specified by *ControllerHandle *and
> *ChildHandle*, then **MessageList *must be set to *NULL*.
> If *MessageList *is not *NULL*, and there are one or more warning or
> error messages associated with the controller specified by *ControllerHandle
> *and *ChildHandle*, then **MessageList *must point to a buffer allocated
> with the EFI Boot Service *AllocatePool()*. The number of 
> *structures allocated in the buffer must be one more than the total
> number of warning or error messages, and the *HiiHandle *field of the
> last *EFI_DRIVER_HEALTH_HII_MESSAGE *structure must be set to *NULL *to
> terminate the list of messages. It is the caller’s responsibility to free
> the buffer returned in **MessageList *using the EFI Boot Service
> *FreePool()*. Each message is specified by an *EFI_HII_HANDLE *and an
> *EFI_STRING_ID*. The caller may use the *EFI_HII_STRING_PROTOCOL.GetString()
> *function to convert each message into a Null-terminated string that can
> may be displayed on a console device.
> If *FormHiiHandle *is *NULL*, then no forms are returned from this
> function.
> If *FormHiiHandle *is not *NULL*, and *HealthStatus *is not
> *EfiDriverHealthStatusConfigurationRequired*, then no forms are returned
> and **FormHiiHandle *must be set to *NULL*.
> If *FormHiiHandle *is not *NULL*, and *FormSetGuid *is not *NULL*, and 
> *HealthStatus
> *is *EfiDriverHealthStatusConfigurationRequired*, then *FormHiiHandle *is
> assigned to the HII handle which contains the HII form required to perform
> the configuration operation.
> …
> *//********************************************************
> *//********************************************************
> *typedef struct { EFI_HII_HANDLE **H**iiHandle**; **EF**I_STRING_ID  **S*
> *tringId**; **UI**NT64     **MessageCode;*
> *HiiHandle        *The *EFI_HII_HANDLE *that was returned by 
> *when the string pack containing StringId was registered with the HII Data
> base.
> *StringId         *The identifier for a single string token in the string
> pack associated with *HiiHandle.*
> *MessageCode      *64-bit numeric value of the warning/error specified by
> this message.
> A value of *0x0000000000000000 *is used to indicate that
> *MessageCode *is not specified.
> The values *0**x0000000000000001 *to *0x0fffffffffffffff *are reserved for
> allocation by the UEFI Specification.
> The values *0**x1000000000000000 *to *0x1fffffffffffffff *are reserved for
> IHV-developed drivers.
> The values *0**x8000000000000000 *to *0x8fffffffffffffff *is reserved for
> platform/OEM drivers.
> All other values are reserved and should not be used.

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