Hi Liming,

On 02/26/21 07:27, gaoliming wrote:
> Hi, Stewards and All:
>  So far, there are still three patch sets to be requested to catch this
> stable tag. They are bug fixes, and pass code review in soft feature freeze
> phase. Have you any comments for them?
> 1.      Fix two issue in ArmGicLib
> (https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/72175)
> 2.      Fix CET shadow stack token busy bit clear issue
> (https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/71864)
> [Liming] this version uses DB for the instruction. BZ
> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3227 is create for future
> enhancement. 
> 3.      Use XADD to avoid lock acquire/release
> (https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/71516)

I agree that the first two patch sets are bugfixes, but I'm not entirely
convinced the third one is a bugfix as well -- it is a performance
optimization, to my understanding. Without that patch set, there is no
misbehavior, things are just slower.

The bugfixes can be merged of course; I wouldn't merge the 3rd series

... I can see Ray pushed the first patch of the third series:

I disagree with that. Here's an excerpt from the commit message:

  With this patch, OVMF when running in a 255 threads QEMU spends about
  one second to wakeup all APs. Original implementation needs more than
  10 seconds.

I wouldn't call the pre-patch behavior a bug.

And the review for "[PATCH v3 1/4] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Use XADD to
avoid lock acquire/release" only arrived (from Mike) after the SFF, so I
don't think it should have been pushed.

On the other hand, I also won't ask for a revert.


> Thanks
> Liming
> 发件人: bounce+27952+71922+4905953+8761...@groups.io
> <bounce+27952+71922+4905953+8761...@groups.io> 代表 gaoliming
> 发送时间: 2021年2月22日 16:23
> 收件人: devel@edk2.groups.io; annou...@edk2.groups.io
> 抄送: 'Andrew Fish' <af...@apple.com>; 'Laszlo Ersek' <ler...@redhat.com>;
> l...@nuviainc.com; 'Michael D Kinney' <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>; 'Soumya
> Guptha' <soumya.k.gup...@intel.com>
> 主题: [edk2-devel] Soft Feature Freeze starts now for edk2-stable202102
> Hi, all
> We will enter into Soft Feature Freeze phase. In this phase, the feature
> under review will not be allowed to be merged. The feature passed review can
> still be merged. 
> The patch review can continue without break in edk2 community. If the patch
> is sent before Soft Feature Freeze, and plans to catch this stable tag, the
> patch contributor need reply to his patch and notify edk2 community. If the
> patch is sent after Soft Feature Freeze, and plans to catch this stable tag,
> please add edk2-stable202102 key words in the patch title and BZ, so the
> community know this patch target and give the feedback.
> Below is edk2-stable202102 tag planning
> https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/EDK-II-Release-Plannin
> g Proposed Schedule
> Date (00:00:00 UTC-8) Description
> 2020-11-27  Beginning of development
> 2021-02-15  Feature Planning Freeze
> 2021-02-22  Soft Feature Freeze
> 2021-03-01  Hard Feature Freeze
> 2021-03-05  Release
> Thanks
> Liming

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