
I am checking with the customer on the real use case. 

I understand the customer is trying to run reboot test for 1000 times with 
Network Enabled and I am waiting to know why the network chain loading is 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rabeda, Maciej [] 
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 11:56 PM
To:;; Sivaraman Nainar
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] reg: iPxe Boot in NetworkPkg


Just as Michael mentioned - the log you have provided suggests that you are 
recurse-booting iPXE.
Next server:
Filename: ipxe.efi
tftp:// ok

May I ask why?


On 05-Feb-21 11:10, Michael Brown wrote:
> On 05/02/2021 08:28, Sivaraman Nainar wrote:
>> Hello Maciej:
>> I met an issue when tried to do the PXE boot with keeping the 
>> ipxe.efi as boot file.
>> When iPXE.efi is set as boot file once it downloaded it again starts, 
>> it does the download and start of iPXE continuously and at some point 
>> it asserts in MNP Driver.
> Do you mean that you have set up an infinite loop in which UEFI loads 
> ipxe.efi which loads ipxe.efi which loads ipxe.efi which loads 
> ipxe.efi etc....?
> If so, then my guess is that you are simply running out of stack 
> space. As far as I can tell, there is no memory protection around the 
> stack in EDK2: once you have set up any kind of infinite recursion 
> scenario then you are guaranteed to eventually underrun the stack and 
> start overwriting random areas of memory.
> Michael

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