Adds the following header files:
  * SystemAgent/Include

Cc: Sai Chaganty <>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <>
Signed-off-by: Heng Luo <>
       | 123 
         | 114 
      |  34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       |  24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 | 104 
           |  48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
           | 264 
           |  61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 772 insertions(+)

diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..451e295b49
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+/** @file
+  Memory DXE Policy definitions
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+  Retrieves the OEM custom string for the SMBIOS Type 17 Table DeviceLocator 
+  Implementation of this function is optional, if this function pointer is 
NULL then
+  the reference implementation of DeviceLocator will be used.
+  @param[in]  This                          A pointer to this instance of 
+  @param[in]  Controller                    Desired Controller to get a 
DeviceLocator string for.
+  @param[in]  Dimm                          Desired DIMM to get a 
DeviceLocator string for.
+  @param[in]  MdSocket                      0 = Memory Down, 1 = Socketed.
+  @retval                                   The DeviceLocator string
+  @retval     NULL                          If the return value is NULL, the 
default value will be used.
+  IN          UINT8               Controller,
+  IN          UINT8               Dimm,
+  IN          UINT8               MdSocket
+  );
+  Retrieves the OEM custom string for the SMBIOS Type 17 Table BankLocator 
+  Implementation of this function is optional, if this function pointer is 
NULL then
+  the reference implementation of DeviceLocator will be used.
+  @param[in]  This                          A pointer to this instance of 
+  @param[in]  Controller                    Desired Controller to get a 
BankLocator string for.
+  @param[in]  Dimm                          Desired DIMM to get a BankLocator 
string for.
+  @param[in]  MdSocket                      0 = Memory Down, 1 = Socketed.
+  @retval                                   The BankLocator string
+  @retval     NULL                          If the return value is NULL, the 
default value will be used.
+  IN          UINT8               Controller,
+  IN          UINT8               Dimm,
+  IN          UINT8               MdSocket
+  );
+  The Memory Configuration includes DIMM SPD address Map and DIMM Slot 
Mechanical present bit map.
+  The data elements should be initialized by a Platform Module.\n
+  <b>Revision 1</b>:
+  - Initial version.
+  CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER   Header;                   ///< Offset 0-27: Config 
Block Header
+  Offset 28:
+  Dimm SPD address
+  Only Server support 2 channels * 3 slots per channel = 6 sockets totally
+  The Desktop and mobile only support 2 channels * 2 slots per channel = 4 
sockets totally
+  So there is mapping rule here for Desktop and mobile that there are no more 
4 DIMMS totally in a system:
+    Channel A/ Slot 0 --> Dimm 0 --> SpdAddressTable[0]
+    Channel A/ Slot 1 --> Dimm 1 --> SpdAddressTable[1]
+    Channel B/ Slot 0 --> Dimm 2 --> SpdAddressTable[2]
+    Channel B/ Slot 1 --> Dimm 3 --> SpdAddressTable[3]
+  Refer to SmbiosMemory.c for use
+  If change the mapping rule, please update the Revision number.
+  UINT8                                           *SpdAddressTable;
+  Offset 36:
+  Channel A DIMM Slot Mechanical present bit map, bit 0 -> DIMM 0, bit 1 -> 
DIMM1, ...
+  if the bit is 1, the related DIMM slot is present.
+  E.g. if channel A has 2 DIMMs,  ChannelASlotMap = 0x03;
+  E.g. if channel A has only 1 DIMMs,  ChannelASlotMap = 0x01;
+  Refer to SmbiosMemory.c
+  UINT8                                           ChannelASlotMap;
+  Offset 37:
+  Channel B DIMM Slot Mechanical present bit map, bit 0 -> DIMM 0, bit 1 -> 
DIMM1, ...
+  if the bit is 1, the related DIMM slot is present.
+  E.g. if channel B has 2 DIMMs,  ChannelBSlotMap = 0x03;
+  E.g. if channel B has only 1 DIMMs,  ChannelBSlotMap = 0x01;
+  Refer to SmbiosMemory.c
+  UINT8                                           ChannelBSlotMap;
+  Offset 38:
+  MRC execution time measurement: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
+  UINT8                                           MrcTimeMeasure;
+  Offset 39:
+  Fast boot: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
+  UINT8                                           MrcFastBoot;
+  Offset 40:
+  Retrieves the OEM custom string for the SMBIOS Type 17 Table DeviceLocator 
+  Offset 48:
+  Retrieves the OEM custom string for the SMBIOS Type 17 Table BankLocator 
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#endif // _MEMORY_DXE_CONFIG_H_
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..799121f1ab
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/** @file
+  PCIE DXE policy definitions
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _PCIE_DXE_CONFIG_H_
+#define _PCIE_DXE_CONFIG_H_
+#include "CpuPcieInfo.h"
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+typedef struct {
+  UINT16  VendorId; ///< Offset 0 PCI Config space offset 0
+  UINT16  DeviceId; ///< Offset 2 PCI Config space offset 2
+  Offset 4:
+  SnoopLatency bit definition
+  Note: All Reserved bits must be set to 0
+  BIT[15]     - When set to 1b, indicates that the values in bits 9:0 are valid
+                When clear values in bits 9:0 will be ignored
+  BIT[14]     - Should be set to 0b
+  BIT[13]     - Reserved
+  BITS[12:10] - Value in bits 9:0 will be multiplied with the scale in these 
+                000b - 1 ns
+                001b - 32 ns
+                010b - 1024 ns
+                011b - 32,768 ns
+                100b - 1,048,576 ns
+                101b - 33,554,432 ns
+                110b - Reserved
+                111b - Reserved
+  BITS[9:0]   - Snoop Latency Value. The value in these bits will be 
multiplied with
+                the scale in bits 12:10
+  UINT16  SnoopLatency;
+  Offset 6:
+  NonSnoopLatency bit definition
+  Note: All Reserved bits must be set to 0
+  BIT[15]     - When set to 1b, indicates that the values in bits 9:0 are valid
+                When clear values in bits 9:0 will be ignored
+  BIT[14]     - Should be set to 0b
+  BIT[13]     - Reserved
+  BITS[12:10] - Value in bits 9:0 will be multiplied with the scale in these 
+                000b - 1 ns
+                001b - 32 ns
+                010b - 1024 ns
+                011b - 32,768 ns
+                100b - 1,048,576 ns
+                101b - 33,554,432 ns
+                110b - Reserved
+                111b - Reserved
+  BITS[9:0]   - Non Snoop Latency Value. The value in these bits will be 
multiplied with
+                the scale in bits 12:10
+  UINT16  NonSnoopLatency;
+  UINT8   RevId;    ///<   Offset 8 PCI Config space offset 8; 0xFF means all 
+  UINT8   Rsvd0[3]; ///<   Offset 9
+/// PCIE Power Optimizer config
+typedef struct {
+  UINT16  LtrMaxSnoopLatency;   ///< Offset 0 LTR Maximum Snoop Latency: 
+  UINT16  LtrMaxNoSnoopLatency; ///< Offset 2 LTR Maximum Non-Snoop Latency: 
+  UINT8   ObffEnable;           ///< Offset 4 LTR enable/disable: 0=Disable, 
+  UINT8   LtrEnable;            ///< Offset 5 LTR enable/disable: 0=Disable, 
+  UINT8   Rsvd0[2];             ///< Offset 6 Reserved
+  The PCI Express Configuration info includes PCI Resources Range Base and 
Limits and the control
+  for PEG ASPM.
+  The data elements should be initialized by a Platform Module.\n
+  @note <b>Optional.</b> These policies will be ignored if there is no PEG 
port present on board.
+  <b>Revision 1</b>:
+  - Initial version.
+  <b>Revision 2</b>:
+  -  Adding PEG RTD3 Support Setup Variable
+  <b>Revision 3</b>:
+  -  Adding CPU PCIE RTD3 Support Setup Variable
+  -  Deprecating PEG RTD3 Support Setup Variable
+  <b>Revision 4</b>:
+  -  Deprecating CPU PCIE RTD3 Support Setup Variable
+typedef struct {
+  CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER      Header;                         ///< Offset 0-27 
Config Block Header
+  Offset 28: This field is used to describe the ASPM control for PEG Ports\n
+  0=ASPM Disabled, 1=ASPM L0s Enabled, 2=ASPM L1 Enabled, 3=ASPM L0sL1 
Enabled, <b>4=ASPM AUTO</b>
+  UINT8                    PegAspm[SA_PEG_MAX_FUN];
+  Offset 32: PCIe Hot Plug Enable/Disable. It has 2 policies.
+   - <b>Disabled (0x0)</b>     : No hotplug.
+   - Enabled (0x1)      : Bios assist hotplug.
+  UINT8                    PegRootPortHPE[SA_PEG_MAX_FUN];
+  CPU_PCIE_PWR_OPT          PegPwrOpt[SA_PEG_MAX_FUN];     ///< Offset 36: 
This field is used to describe the PCIe LTR/OBFF relevant settings
+  UINT32                   PegRtd3;                       ///  Deprecated 
+  UINT8                    CpuPcieRtd3;                   ///< Enable/Disable 
RTD3 Support for CPU PCIE. 0=Disable and 1=Enable (default)  // Deprecated 
+  UINT8                    Rsvd3[3];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#endif // _PCIE_DXE_CONFIG_H_
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8947e80b22
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/** @file
+  Policy definition for Persisted Ram (Pram) Config Block
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+ Defines Pram configuration parameters.\n
+  <b>Revision 1</b>:
+  - Initial version.
+typedef struct {
+  CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER  Header;    ///< Offset 0-27 Config Block Header
+  /**
+  Offset 28:
+  Size of Pram
+  If disabled, or if PcdSaOcEnable is disabled, all other policies in this 
config block are ignored.
+  <b>0=Disable</b>,
+  1=4MB,
+  2=16MB,
+  3=64MB
+  **/
+  UINT8   Pram;
+  UINT8   Rsvd[3];                ///< Offset 29 Reserved for DWORD alignment
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#endif // _PRAM_CONFIG_H_
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..203d894df9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/** @file
+  Policy details for miscellaneous configuration in System Agent
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+  This configuration block is to configure SA Miscellaneous variables during 
PEI Post-Mem.\n
+  <b>Revision 1</b>:
+  - Initial version.
+typedef struct {
+  CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER  Header;               ///< Offset 0-27 Config Block 
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#endif // _SA_MISC_PEI_CONFIG_H_
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c660b31a9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/** @file
+  Policy details for miscellaneous configuration in System Agent
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+  This configuration block is to configure SA Miscellaneous variables during 
PEI Pre-Mem phase like programming
+  different System Agent BARs, TsegSize, MmioSize required etc.
+  <b>Revision 1</b>:
+  - Initial version.
+  <b>Revision 2</b>:
+  - Deprecate IedSize.
+typedef struct {
+  CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER  Header;               ///< Offset 0-27 Config Block 
+  /**
+    Offset 28 Memory DIMMs' SPD address for reading SPD data.
+    TGL Mapping
+      0 - Controller 0 Channel 0 Dimm 0 - DDR4 - DDR5 - LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+      1 - Controller 0 Channel 0 Dimm 1 - DDR4
+      2 - Controller 0 Channel 1 Dimm 0 -------- DDR5 - LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+      3 - Controller 0 Channel 1 Dimm 1 -------- DDR5 2DPC
+      4 - Controller 0 Channel 2 Dimm 0 --------------- LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+      6 - Controller 0 Channel 3 Dimm 0 --------------- LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+      8 - Controller 1 Channel 0 Dimm 0 - DDR4 - DDR5 - LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+      9 - Controller 1 Channel 0 Dimm 1 - DDR4
+     10 - Controller 1 Channel 1 Dimm 0 -------- DDR5 - LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+     11 - Controller 1 Channel 1 Dimm 1 -------- DDR5 2DPC
+     12 - Controller 1 Channel 2 Dimm 0 --------------- LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+     14 - Controller 1 Channel 3 Dimm 0 --------------- LPDDR4 - LPDDR5
+  **/
+  UINT8   SpdAddressTable[MEM_CFG_MAX_SOCKETS];
+  VOID    *S3DataPtr;                        ///< Offset 44 Memory data save 
pointer for S3 resume. The memory space should be allocated and filled with 
proper S3 resume data on a resume path
+  UINT32  SmbusBar;                          ///< Offset 48 Address of System 
Agent SMBUS BAR: <b>0xEFA0</b>
+  /**
+    Offset 52 Size of TSEG in bytes. (Must be power of 2)
+    <b>0x400000</b>: 4MB for Release build (When IED enabled, it will be 8MB)
+    0x1000000      : 16MB for Debug build (Regardless IED enabled or disabled)
+  **/
+  UINT32  TsegSize;
+  /**
+    Offset 56
+    <b>(Test)</b> Size of IED region in bytes.
+    <b>0</b> : IED Disabled (no memory occupied)
+    0x400000 : 4MB SMM memory occupied by IED (Part of TSEG)
+    <b>Note: Enabling IED may also enlarge TsegSize together.</b>
+    @deprecated
+  **/
+  UINT32  IedSize;
+  UINT32  SkipExtGfxScan:1;                  ///< <b>(Test)</b> OFfset 60:0 
:1=Skip External Gfx Device Scan; <b>0=Scan for external graphics devices</b>. 
Set this policy to skip External Graphics card scanning if the platform uses 
Internal Graphics only.
+  UINT32  BdatEnable:1;                      ///< Offset 60:1 :This field 
enables the generation of the BIOS DATA ACPI Tables: <b>0=FALSE</b>, 1=TRUE.
+  UINT32  TxtImplemented:1;                  ///< OFfset 60:2 :This field 
currently is used to tell MRC if it should run after TXT initializatoin 
completed: <b>0=Run without waiting for TXT</b>, 1=Run after TXT initialization 
by callback
+  /**
+   Offset 60:3 :
+   <b>(Test)</b> Scan External Discrete Graphics Devices for Legacy Only VGA 
+   When enabled, if the primary graphics device is an external discrete 
graphics device, Si will scan the
+   graphics device for legacy only VGA OpROMs.
+   This is intended to ease the implementation of a BIOS feature to 
automatically enable CSM if the Primary Gfx device
+   only supports Legacy VBIOS (No UEFI GOP Present).  Otherwise disabling CSM 
won't result in no video being displayed.
+   This is useful for platforms that implement PCIe slots that allow the end 
user to install an arbitrary Gfx device.
+   This setting will only take effect if SkipExtGfxScan == 0.  It is ignored 
+  - Disabled (0x0)         : Don't Scan for Legacy Only VGA OpROMs (Default)
+  - <b>Enabled</b>  (0x1)  : Scan External Gfx for Legacy Only VGA OpROM
+  **/
+  UINT32  ScanExtGfxForLegacyOpRom:1;
+  UINT32  RsvdBits0  :28;                    ///< Offset 60:4 :Reserved for 
future use
+  UINT8   UserBd;                            ///< Offset 64 <b>0=Mobile/Mobile 
Halo</b>, 1=Desktop/DT Halo, 5=ULT/ULX/Mobile Halo, 7=UP Server
+  UINT8   LockPTMregs;                       ///< <b>(Test)</b> Offset 65 Lock 
PCU Thermal Management registers: 0=FALSE, <b>1=TRUE</b>
+  UINT8   BdatTestType;                      ///< Offset 66 When BdatEnable is 
set to TRUE, this option selects the type of data which will be populated in 
the BIOS Data ACPI Tables: <b>0=RMT</b>, 1=RMT Per Bit, 2=Margin 2D.
+  UINT8   CridEnable;                        ///< Offset 67 For Platforms 
supporting Intel(R) SIPP, this policy is use control enable/disable 
Compatibility Revision ID (CRID) feature: <b>0=FALSE</b>, 1=TRUE
+  UINT32  AcpiReservedMemorySize;            ///< Offset 68 The Size of a 
Reserved memory buffer allocated in previous boot for S3 resume used. 
Originally it is retrieved from AcpiVariableCompatibility variable.
+  UINT32  OpRomScanTempMmioBar;              ///< <b>(Test)</b> Offset 72 
Temporary address to MMIO map OpROMs during VGA scanning.  Used for 
ScanExtGfxForLegacyOpRom feature.  MUST BE 16MB ALIGNED!
+  UINT32  OpRomScanTempMmioLimit;            ///< <b>(Test)</b> Offset 76 
Limit address for OpROM MMIO range.  Used for ScanExtGfxForLegacyOpRom feature. 
(OpROMScanTempMmioLimit - OpRomScanTempMmioBar) MUST BE >= 16MB!
+  UINT64  AcpiReservedMemoryBase;            ///< Offset 80 The Base address 
of a Reserved memory buffer allocated in previous boot for S3 resume used. 
Originally it is retrieved from AcpiVariableCompatibility variable.
+  UINT64  SystemMemoryLength;                ///< Offset 88 Total system 
memory length from previous boot, this is required for S3 resume. Originally it 
is retrieved from AcpiVariableCompatibility variable.
+  UINT8   WrcFeatureEnable;                   ///< Offset 96: Enable/Disable 
WRC (Write Cache) feature of IOP. When enabled, supports IO devices allocating 
onto the ring and into LLC.
+  UINT8   Reserved1[3];                       ///< Reserved for config block 
+  // Since the biggest element is UINT64, this structure should be aligned 
with 64 bits.
+  UINT8   Rsvd[4];                           ///< Reserved for config block 
+#pragma pack(pop)
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daf3746605
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/** @file
+  Header file for SaPlatformLib.
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _SA_PLATFORM_LIB_H_
+#define _SA_PLATFORM_LIB_H_
+  Checks if SKU is Mobile
+  @retval FALSE  SKU is not Mobile
+  @retval TRUE   SKU is Mobile
+IsMobileSku (
+  );
+  Checks if SKU is Desktop
+  @retval FALSE  SKU is not Desktop
+  @retval TRUE   SKU is Desktop
+IsDesktopSku (
+  );
+  Checks if SKU is Server
+  @retval FALSE  SKU is not Server
+  @retval TRUE   SKU is Server
+IsServerSku (
+  );
diff --git a/Silicon/Intel/TigerlakeSiliconPkg/SystemAgent/Include/MemInfoHob.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b50d7e5188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Silicon/Intel/TigerlakeSiliconPkg/SystemAgent/Include/MemInfoHob.h
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+/** @file
+  This file contains definitions required for creation of
+  Memory S3 Save data, Memory Info data and Memory Platform
+  data hobs.
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _MEM_INFO_HOB_H_
+#define _MEM_INFO_HOB_H_
+#pragma pack (push, 1)
+extern EFI_GUID gSiMemoryS3DataGuid;
+extern EFI_GUID gSiMemoryInfoDataGuid;
+extern EFI_GUID gSiMemoryPlatformDataGuid;
+#define MAX_NODE        2
+#define MAX_CH          4
+#define MAX_DIMM        2
+/// Host reset states from MRC.
+#define  WARM_BOOT        2
+#define   B_RANK0_PRS           BIT0
+#define   B_RANK1_PRS           BIT1
+#define   B_RANK2_PRS           BIT4
+#define   B_RANK3_PRS           BIT5
+// @todo remove and use the MdePkg\Include\Pi\PiHob.h
+#if !defined(_PEI_HOB_H_) && !defined(__PI_HOB_H__)
+#ifndef __HOB__H__
+typedef struct _EFI_HOB_GENERIC_HEADER {
+  UINT16  HobType;
+  UINT16  HobLength;
+  UINT32  Reserved;
+typedef struct _EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE {
+  EFI_GUID                Name;
+  ///
+  /// Guid specific data goes here
+  ///
+/// Defines taken from MRC so avoid having to include MrcInterface.h
+// Matches MAX_SPD_SAVE define in MRC
+#ifndef MAX_SPD_SAVE
+#define MAX_SPD_SAVE 29
+// MRC version description.
+typedef struct {
+  UINT8  Major;     ///< Major version number
+  UINT8  Minor;     ///< Minor version number
+  UINT8  Rev;       ///< Revision number
+  UINT8  Build;     ///< Build number
+} SiMrcVersion;
+// Matches MrcDimmSts enum in MRC
+#define DIMM_ENABLED     0  // DIMM/rank Pair is enabled, presence will be 
+#define DIMM_DISABLED    1  // DIMM/rank Pair is disabled, regardless of 
+#define DIMM_PRESENT     2  // There is a DIMM present in the slot/rank pair 
and it will be used.
+#define DIMM_NOT_PRESENT 3  // There is no DIMM present in the slot/rank pair.
+// Matches MrcBootMode enum in MRC
+#ifndef __MRC_BOOT_MODE__
+#define __MRC_BOOT_MODE__                 //The below values are originated 
from MrcCommonTypes.h
+  #ifndef INT32_MAX
+  #define INT32_MAX                       (0x7FFFFFFF)
+  #endif  //INT32_MAX
+typedef enum {
+  bmCold,                                 ///< Cold boot
+  bmWarm,                                 ///< Warm boot
+  bmS3,                                   ///< S3 resume
+  bmFast,                                 ///< Fast boot
+  MrcBootModeMax,                         ///< MRC_BOOT_MODE enumeration 
maximum value.
+  MrcBootModeDelim = INT32_MAX            ///< This value ensures the enum 
size is consistent on both sides of the PPI.
+#endif  //__MRC_BOOT_MODE__
+// Matches MrcDdrType enum in MRC
+#ifndef MRC_DDR_TYPE_DDR4
+#define MRC_DDR_TYPE_DDR4     0
+#ifndef MRC_DDR_TYPE_DDR3
+#define MRC_DDR_TYPE_DDR3     1
+#define MRC_DDR_TYPE_LPDDR3   2
+#define MRC_DDR_TYPE_LPDDR4   3
+#ifndef MRC_DDR_TYPE_WIO2
+#define MRC_DDR_TYPE_WIO2     4
+#define MAX_PROFILE_NUM     4 // number of memory profiles supported
+#define MAX_XMP_PROFILE_NUM 2 // number of XMP profiles supported
+// DIMM timings
+typedef struct {
+  UINT32 tCK;       ///< Memory cycle time, in femtoseconds.
+  UINT16 NMode;     ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's command 
rate mode.
+  UINT16 tCL;       ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's CAS 
+  UINT16 tCWL;      ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
CAS write latency time.
+  UINT16 tFAW;      ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
four activate window delay time.
+  UINT16 tRAS;      ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
active to precharge delay time.
+  UINT16 tRCDtRP;   ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
RAS# to CAS# delay time and Row Precharge delay time.
+  UINT16 tREFI;     ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
Average Periodic Refresh Interval.
+  UINT16 tRFC;      ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
refresh recovery delay time.
+  UINT16 tRFCpb;    ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
per bank refresh recovery delay time.
+  UINT16 tRFC2;     ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
refresh recovery delay time.
+  UINT16 tRFC4;     ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
refresh recovery delay time.
+  UINT16 tRPab;     ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
row precharge delay time for all banks.
+  UINT16 tRRD;      ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
row active to row active delay time.
+  UINT16 tRRD_L;    ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
row active to row active delay time for same bank groups.
+  UINT16 tRRD_S;    ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
row active to row active delay time for different bank groups.
+  UINT16 tRTP;      ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
internal read to precharge command delay time.
+  UINT16 tWR;       ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
write recovery time.
+  UINT16 tWTR;      ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
internal write to read command delay time.
+  UINT16 tWTR_L;    ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
internal write to read command delay time for same bank groups.
+  UINT16 tWTR_S;    ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
internal write to read command delay time for different bank groups.
+  UINT16 tCCD_L;  ///< Number of tCK cycles for the channel DIMM's minimum 
CAS-to-CAS delay for same bank group.
+/// Memory SMBIOS & OC Memory Data Hob
+typedef struct {
+  UINT8            Status;                  ///< See MrcDimmStatus for the 
definition of this field.
+  UINT8            DimmId;
+  UINT32           DimmCapacity;            ///< DIMM size in MBytes.
+  UINT16           MfgId;
+  UINT8            ModulePartNum[20];       ///< Module part number for DDR3 
is 18 bytes however for DRR4 20 bytes as per JEDEC Spec, so reserving 20 bytes
+  UINT8            RankInDimm;              ///< The number of ranks in this 
+  UINT8            SpdDramDeviceType;       ///< Save SPD DramDeviceType 
information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
+  UINT8            SpdModuleType;           ///< Save SPD ModuleType 
information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
+  UINT8            SpdModuleMemoryBusWidth; ///< Save SPD ModuleMemoryBusWidth 
information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
+  UINT8            SpdSave[MAX_SPD_SAVE];   ///< Save SPD Manufacturing 
information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
+  UINT16           Speed;                   ///< The maximum capable speed of 
the device, in MHz
+  UINT8            MdSocket;                ///< MdSocket: 0 = Memory Down, 1 
= Socketed. Needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
+typedef struct {
+  UINT8            Status;                  ///< Indicates whether this 
channel should be used.
+  UINT8            ChannelId;
+  UINT8            DimmCount;               ///< Number of valid DIMMs that 
exist in the channel.
+  MRC_CH_TIMING    Timing[MAX_PROFILE_NUM]; ///< The channel timing values.
+  DIMM_INFO        DimmInfo[MAX_DIMM];      ///< Save the DIMM output 
+typedef struct {
+  UINT8            Status;                  ///< Indicates whether this 
controller should be used.
+  UINT16           DeviceId;                ///< The PCI device id of this 
memory controller.
+  UINT8            RevisionId;              ///< The PCI revision id of this 
memory controller.
+  UINT8            ChannelCount;            ///< Number of valid channels that 
exist on the controller.
+  CHANNEL_INFO     ChannelInfo[MAX_CH];     ///< The following are channel 
level definitions.
+typedef struct {
+  UINT64   BaseAddress;   ///< Trace Base Address
+  UINT64   TotalSize;     ///< Total Trace Region of Same Cache type
+  UINT8    CacheType;     ///< Trace Cache Type
+  UINT8    ErrorCode;     ///< Trace Region Allocation Fail Error code
+  UINT8    Rsvd[2];
+typedef struct {
+  UINT8             Revision;
+  UINT16            DataWidth;              ///< Data width, in bits, of this 
memory device
+  /** As defined in SMBIOS 3.0 spec
+    Section 7.18.2 and Table 75
+  **/
+  UINT8             MemoryType;             ///< DDR type: DDR3, DDR4, or 
+  UINT16            MaximumMemoryClockSpeed;///< The maximum capable speed of 
the device, in megahertz (MHz)
+  UINT16            ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed; ///< The configured clock 
speed to the memory device, in megahertz (MHz)
+  /** As defined in SMBIOS 3.0 spec
+    Section 7.17.3 and Table 72
+  **/
+  UINT8             ErrorCorrectionType;
+  SiMrcVersion      Version;
+  BOOLEAN           EccSupport;
+  UINT8             MemoryProfile;
+  UINT32            TotalPhysicalMemorySize;
+  UINT32            DefaultXmptCK[MAX_XMP_PROFILE_NUM];///< Stores the tCK 
value read from SPD XMP profiles if they exist.
+  UINT8             XmpProfileEnable;                  ///< If XMP capable 
DIMMs are detected, this will indicate which XMP Profiles are common among all 
+  UINT8             Ratio;
+  UINT8             RefClk;
+  UINT32            VddVoltage[MAX_PROFILE_NUM];
+  Memory Platform Data Hob
+  <b>Revision 1:</b>
+  - Initial version.
+  <b>Revision 2:</b>
+  - Added TsegBase, PrmrrSize, PrmrrBase, Gttbase, MmioSize, PciEBaseAddress 
+typedef struct {
+  UINT8             Revision;
+  UINT8             Reserved[3];
+  UINT32            BootMode;
+  UINT32            TsegSize;
+  UINT32            TsegBase;
+  UINT32            PrmrrSize;
+  UINT64            PrmrrBase;
+  UINT32            PramSize;
+  UINT64            PramBase;
+  UINT64            DismLimit;
+  UINT64            DismBase;
+  UINT32            GttBase;
+  UINT32            MmioSize;
+  UINT32            PciEBaseAddress;
+typedef struct {
+  EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE    EfiHobGuidType;
+  UINT8                *Buffer;
+#pragma pack (pop)
+#endif // _MEM_INFO_HOB_H_
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ff2578038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Silicon/Intel/TigerlakeSiliconPkg/SystemAgent/Include/Protocol/SaPolicy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/** @file
+  Interface definition details between System Agent and platform drivers 
during DXE phase.
+  Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _SA_POLICY_H_
+#define _SA_POLICY_H_
+#include <ConfigBlock.h>
+#include <Library/ConfigBlockLib.h>
+#include <GraphicsConfig.h>
+#include <ConfigBlock/MemoryDxeConfig.h>
+#include <ConfigBlock/PcieDxeConfig.h>
+#include <VtdConfig.h>
+/// Extern the GUID for protocol users.
+extern EFI_GUID gSaPolicyProtocolGuid;
+extern EFI_GUID gGraphicsDxeConfigGuid;
+extern EFI_GUID gPcieDxeConfigGuid;
+extern EFI_GUID gMemoryDxeConfigGuid;
+extern EFI_GUID gVtdDxeConfigGuid;
+  Don't change the original SA_POLICY_PROTOCOL_REVISION macro, external
+  modules maybe have consumed this macro in their source code.  Directly
+  update the SA_POLICY_PROTOCOL_REVISION version number may cause those
+  external modules to auto mark themselves wrong version info.
+  Always create new version macro for new Policy protocol interface.
+#define CPU_PCIE_DEV_END_OF_TABLE                0xFFFF
+#define LTR_MAX_SNOOP_LATENCY_VALUE             0x0846    ///< Intel 
recommended maximum value for Snoop Latency
+#define LTR_MAX_NON_SNOOP_LATENCY_VALUE         0x0846    ///< Intel 
recommended maximum value for Non-Snoop Latency
+  SA DXE Policy
+ The SA_POLICY_PROTOCOL producer drvier is recommended to
+ set all the SA_POLICY_PROTOCOL size buffer zero before init any member 
+ this clear step can make sure no random value for those unknow new version 
+ Make sure to update the Revision if any change to the protocol, including the 
+ internal structure definations.\n
+  Note: Here revision will be bumped up when adding/removing any config block 
under this structure.\n
+  <b>Revision 1</b>:
+  - Initial version.
+typedef struct {
+  CONFIG_BLOCK_TABLE_HEADER      TableHeader;    ///< Offset 0-31
+  Individual Config Block Structures are added here in memory as part of 

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