Cc: Laszlo Ersek <>
Cc: Jiewen Yao <>
Cc: Jian J Wang <>
Cc: Xiaoyu Lu <>
Signed-off-by: Christopher J Zurcher <>
 CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc                                |   3 +
 CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h   |  10 ++
 CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h                    | 127 +++++++++++++++++
 CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c                              | 148 
 CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c | 140 ++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc b/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc
index 1af78468a1..af3fceb99f 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc
+++ b/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
+  gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.EvpMd.Family        
@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@
            | TRUE
            | TRUE
+  gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.EvpMd.Family        
@@ -203,6 +205,7 @@
                     | TRUE
                  | TRUE
                  | TRUE
+  gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.EvpMd.Family        
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h 
index 44fb0262f4..b79c98d679 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h
@@ -288,6 +288,16 @@ typedef struct {
     } Services;
     UINT32    Family;
   } TlsGet;
+  union {
+    struct {
+      UINT8  Init:1;
+      UINT8  Duplicate:1;
+      UINT8  Update:1;
+      UINT8  Final:1;
+      UINT8  HashAll:1;
+    } Services;
+    UINT32    Family;
+  } EvpMd;
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h 
index c399e0d67a..84f1bc3f50 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h
@@ -3434,6 +3434,127 @@ EFI_STATUS
   IN OUT UINTN                    *DataSize
+  Allocates and initializes one EVP_MD_CTX context for subsequent EVP_MD use.
+  If DigestName is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]    DigestName    Pointer to the digest name.
+  @return  Pointer to the EVP_MD_CTX context that has been allocated and 
+           If DigestName is invalid, returns NULL.
+           If the allocations fails, returns NULL.
+           If initialization fails, returns NULL.
+  IN  CONST CHAR8   *DigestName
+  );
+  Makes a copy of an existing EVP_MD context.
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If NewEvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]  EvpMdContext     Pointer to EVP_MD context being copied.
+  @param[out] NewEvpMdContext  Pointer to new EVP_MD context.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP_MD context copy succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP_MD context copy failed.
+  IN  CONST VOID    *EvpMdContext,
+  OUT VOID          *NewEvpMdContext
+  );
+  Digests the input data and updates EVP_MD context.
+  This function performs EVP digest on a data buffer of the specified size.
+  It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or 
discontinuous data streams.
+  EVP_MD context should be already correctly initialized by EvpMdInit(), and 
should not
+  be finalized by EvpMdFinal(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If Data is NULL and DataSize is not zero, return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  EvpMdContext       Pointer to the EVP_MD context.
+  @param[in]       Data               Pointer to the buffer containing the 
data to be digested.
+  @param[in]       DataSize           Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP data digest succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP data digest failed.
+  IN OUT  VOID        *EvpMdContext,
+  IN      CONST VOID  *Data,
+  IN      UINTN       DataSize
+  );
+  Completes computation of the EVP digest value.
+  Releases the specified EVP_MD_CTX context.
+  This function completes EVP hash computation and retrieves the digest value 
+  the specified memory. After this function has been called, the EVP context 
+  be used again.
+  EVP context should be already correctly initialized by EvpMdInit(), and 
+  not be finalized by EvpMdFinal(). Behavior with invalid EVP context is 
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If DigestValue is NULL, free the Context then return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  EvpMdContext   Pointer to the EVP context.
+  @param[out]      Digest         Pointer to a buffer that receives the EVP 
digest value.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP digest computation failed.
+  IN OUT  VOID   *EvpMdContext,
+  OUT     UINT8  *DigestValue
+  );
+  Computes the message digest of an input data buffer.
+  This function performs the message digest of a given data buffer, and places
+  the digest value into the specified memory.
+  If DigestName is NULL, return FALSE.
+  If Data is NULL and DataSize is not zero, return FALSE.
+  If HashValue is NULL, return FALSE.
+  @param[in]    DigestName    Pointer to the digest name.
+  @param[in]    Data          Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be 
+  @param[in]    DataSize      Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @param[out]   HashValue     Pointer to a buffer that receives the digest 
+  @retval TRUE   Digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  Digest computation failed.
+  IN  CONST CHAR8   *DigestName,
+  IN  CONST VOID    *Data,
+  IN  UINTN         DataSize,
+  OUT UINT8         *HashValue
+  );
 /// EDK II Crypto Protocol
@@ -3619,6 +3740,12 @@ struct _EDKII_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL {
   EDKII_CRYPTO_TLS_GET_HOST_PUBLIC_CERT           TlsGetHostPublicCert;
   EDKII_CRYPTO_TLS_GET_HOST_PRIVATE_KEY           TlsGetHostPrivateKey;
+  /// Digest Envelope (EVP MD)
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_EVPMD_INIT                         EvpMdInit;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_EVPMD_DUPLICATE                    EvpMdDuplicate;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_EVPMD_UPDATE                       EvpMdUpdate;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_EVPMD_FINAL                        EvpMdFinal;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_EVPMD_HASH_ALL                     EvpMdHashAll;
 extern GUID gEdkiiCryptoProtocolGuid;
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c b/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
index d9096ea603..a49af46e38 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
@@ -4463,6 +4463,146 @@ CryptoServiceTlsGetCertRevocationList (
   return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (TlsGet.Services.CertRevocationList, 
TlsGetCertRevocationList, (Data, DataSize), EFI_UNSUPPORTED);
+//    EVP (Envelope) Primitive
+  Allocates and initializes one EVP_MD_CTX context for subsequent EVP_MD use.
+  If DigestName is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]    DigestName    Pointer to the digest name.
+  @return  Pointer to the EVP_MD_CTX context that has been allocated and 
+           If DigestName is invalid, returns NULL.
+           If the allocations fails, returns NULL.
+           If initialization fails, returns NULL.
+CryptoServiceEvpMdInit (
+  IN  CONST CHAR8   *DigestName
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (EvpMd.Services.Init, EvpMdInit, (DigestName), 
+  Makes a copy of an existing EVP_MD context.
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If NewEvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]  EvpMdContext     Pointer to EVP_MD context being copied.
+  @param[out] NewEvpMdContext  Pointer to new EVP_MD context.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP_MD context copy succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP_MD context copy failed.
+CryptoServiceEvpMdDuplicate (
+  IN  CONST VOID    *EvpMdContext,
+  OUT VOID          *NewEvpMdContext
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (EvpMd.Services.Duplicate, EvpMdDuplicate, 
(EvpMdContext, NewEvpMdContext), FALSE);
+  Digests the input data and updates EVP_MD context.
+  This function performs EVP digest on a data buffer of the specified size.
+  It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or 
discontinuous data streams.
+  EVP_MD context should be already correctly initialized by EvpMdInit(), and 
should not
+  be finalized by EvpMdFinal(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If Data is NULL and DataSize is not zero, return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  EvpMdContext       Pointer to the EVP_MD context.
+  @param[in]       Data               Pointer to the buffer containing the 
data to be digested.
+  @param[in]       DataSize           Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP data digest succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP data digest failed.
+CryptoServiceEvpMdUpdate (
+  IN OUT  VOID        *EvpMdContext,
+  IN      CONST VOID  *Data,
+  IN      UINTN       DataSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (EvpMd.Services.Update, EvpMdUpdate, (EvpMdContext, 
Data, DataSize), FALSE);
+  Completes computation of the EVP digest value.
+  Releases the specified EVP_MD_CTX context.
+  This function completes EVP hash computation and retrieves the digest value 
+  the specified memory. After this function has been called, the EVP context 
+  be used again.
+  EVP context should be already correctly initialized by EvpMdInit(), and 
+  not be finalized by EvpMdFinal(). Behavior with invalid EVP context is 
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If DigestValue is NULL, free the Context then return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  EvpMdContext   Pointer to the EVP context.
+  @param[out]      Digest         Pointer to a buffer that receives the EVP 
digest value.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP digest computation failed.
+CryptoServiceEvpMdFinal (
+  IN OUT  VOID   *EvpMdContext,
+  OUT     UINT8  *DigestValue
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (EvpMd.Services.Final, EvpMdFinal, (EvpMdContext, 
DigestValue), FALSE);
+  Computes the message digest of an input data buffer.
+  This function performs the message digest of a given data buffer, and places
+  the digest value into the specified memory.
+  If DigestName is NULL, return FALSE.
+  If Data is NULL and DataSize is not zero, return FALSE.
+  If HashValue is NULL, return FALSE.
+  @param[in]    DigestName    Pointer to the digest name.
+  @param[in]    Data          Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be 
+  @param[in]    DataSize      Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @param[out]   HashValue     Pointer to a buffer that receives the digest 
+  @retval TRUE   Digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  Digest computation failed.
+CryptoServiceEvpMdHashAll (
+  IN  CONST CHAR8   *DigestName,
+  IN  CONST VOID    *Data,
+  IN  UINTN         DataSize,
+  OUT UINT8         *HashValue
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (EvpMd.Services.HashAll, EvpMdHashAll, (DigestName, 
Data, DataSize, HashValue), FALSE);
 const EDKII_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL mEdkiiCrypto = {
   /// Version
@@ -4663,5 +4803,11 @@ const EDKII_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL mEdkiiCrypto = {
-  CryptoServiceTlsGetCertRevocationList
+  CryptoServiceTlsGetCertRevocationList,
+  /// Digest Envelope (EVP MD)
+  CryptoServiceEvpMdInit,
+  CryptoServiceEvpMdDuplicate,
+  CryptoServiceEvpMdUpdate,
+  CryptoServiceEvpMdFinal,
+  CryptoServiceEvpMdHashAll
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c 
index 3f14c6d262..0d98bcb09c 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
@@ -3499,3 +3499,143 @@ TlsGetCertRevocationList (
   CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (TlsGetCertRevocationList, (Data, DataSize), 
+//    EVP (Envelope) Primitive
+  Allocates and initializes one EVP_MD_CTX context for subsequent EVP_MD use.
+  If DigestName is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]    DigestName    Pointer to the digest name.
+  @return  Pointer to the EVP_MD_CTX context that has been allocated and 
+           If DigestName is invalid, returns NULL.
+           If the allocations fails, returns NULL.
+           If initialization fails, returns NULL.
+EvpMdInit (
+  IN  CONST CHAR8   *DigestName
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (EvpMdInit, (DigestName), NULL);
+  Makes a copy of an existing EVP_MD context.
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If NewEvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]  EvpMdContext     Pointer to EVP_MD context being copied.
+  @param[out] NewEvpMdContext  Pointer to new EVP_MD context.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP_MD context copy succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP_MD context copy failed.
+EvpMdDuplicate (
+  IN  CONST VOID    *EvpMdContext,
+  OUT VOID          *NewEvpMdContext
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (EvpMdDuplicate, (EvpMdContext, NewEvpMdContext), FALSE);
+  Digests the input data and updates EVP_MD context.
+  This function performs EVP digest on a data buffer of the specified size.
+  It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or 
discontinuous data streams.
+  EVP_MD context should be already correctly initialized by EvpMdInit(), and 
should not
+  be finalized by EvpMdFinal(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If Data is NULL and DataSize is not zero, return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  EvpMdContext       Pointer to the EVP_MD context.
+  @param[in]       Data               Pointer to the buffer containing the 
data to be digested.
+  @param[in]       DataSize           Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP data digest succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP data digest failed.
+EvpMdUpdate (
+  IN OUT  VOID        *EvpMdContext,
+  IN      CONST VOID  *Data,
+  IN      UINTN       DataSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (EvpMdUpdate, (EvpMdContext, Data, DataSize), FALSE);
+  Completes computation of the EVP digest value.
+  Releases the specified EVP_MD_CTX context.
+  This function completes EVP hash computation and retrieves the digest value 
+  the specified memory. After this function has been called, the EVP context 
+  be used again.
+  EVP context should be already correctly initialized by EvpMdInit(), and 
+  not be finalized by EvpMdFinal(). Behavior with invalid EVP context is 
+  If EvpMdContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If DigestValue is NULL, free the Context then return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  EvpMdContext   Pointer to the EVP context.
+  @param[out]      Digest         Pointer to a buffer that receives the EVP 
digest value.
+  @retval TRUE   EVP digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  EVP digest computation failed.
+EvpMdFinal (
+  IN OUT  VOID   *EvpMdContext,
+  OUT     UINT8  *DigestValue
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (EvpMdFinal, (EvpMdContext, DigestValue), FALSE);
+  Computes the message digest of an input data buffer.
+  This function performs the message digest of a given data buffer, and places
+  the digest value into the specified memory.
+  If DigestName is NULL, return FALSE.
+  If Data is NULL and DataSize is not zero, return FALSE.
+  If HashValue is NULL, return FALSE.
+  @param[in]    DigestName    Pointer to the digest name.
+  @param[in]    Data          Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be 
+  @param[in]    DataSize      Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @param[out]   HashValue     Pointer to a buffer that receives the digest 
+  @retval TRUE   Digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  Digest computation failed.
+EvpMdHashAll (
+  IN  CONST CHAR8   *DigestName,
+  IN  CONST VOID    *Data,
+  IN  UINTN         DataSize,
+  OUT UINT8         *HashValue
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (EvpMdHashAll, (DigestName, Data, DataSize, HashValue), 

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