On 8/31/20 6:27 PM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
On 08/31/20 18:18, Laszlo Ersek wrote:

Obviously the following form would be preferred:

   scl enable example -- less --version

Because this form would not require quoting, just prefixing.

I need to slow down when reading manual pages. Now that I've actually
*tried* the above, it works! And upon re-reading the manual, it's even
*documented*; just not in the examples section.

Where's my brown paper bag again...


Happy to hear that you managed, and that you are on board with deprecating GCC48.

Given our successful efforts to make the GCC5 profile work with all GCC versions since the 5.x series, I think we should consider dropping GCC48 *and* GCC49, as well as CLANG35 (which only supports ARM anyway, and is superseded by CLANG38 which should also support any Clang version released since)

To Liming's point, renaming the profiles may have additional impact which we are not prepared to deal with, so that could be a separate matter. But removing GCC48, GCC49 and CLANG35 reduces the CI effort, and allows us to focus our support on profiles that are actually in wide use.

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