Hi Bret, On 08/17/20 20:14, Bret Barkelew wrote: > I would like Variable Policy to be considered for this feature freeze. I have > a couple of documentation things to respond to, but no serious functionality > questions (that I know of).
Has review completed on the series (before entering the soft feature freeze)? https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/SoftFeatureFreeze (Please note that I don't insist on this particular definition of the SFF; it's what we have modeled on the QEMU soft feature freeze definition. It's not carved in stone. It's just what we have for now.) Thanks Laszlo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#64334): https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/64334 Mute This Topic: https://groups.io/mt/76184214/21656 Group Owner: devel+ow...@edk2.groups.io Unsubscribe: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/unsub [arch...@mail-archive.com] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-