And done for RPi in



On 2020.07.31 16:56, Marcin Wojtas wrote:
Hi Ard,

pt., 31 lip 2020 o 10:27 Ard Biesheuvel <> napisał(a):

The reason PcdSet## was deprecated in the first place was because it cannot 
signal failure, whereas PcdSet##S can.

So please fix the affected platforms by capturing the returned status value, 
and at the very least, use ASSERT_EFI_ERROR() on it so we can spot any failures 
in DEBUG builds. Just swapping out one for the other kind of defeats the 


Best regards,

From: Pete Batard <>
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 09:53
To: <>; 
<>; <>; Leif Lindholm 
Cc: Zhang, Shenglei <>; Ard Biesheuvel <>; 
Kinney, Michael D <>; Ming Huang <>
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH] MdePkg: Remove code wrapped by 


Fix for Raspberry Pi platforms submitted at:



On 2020.07.31 02:55, Liming Gao wrote:
Thanks Marcin.

    Is there the way to get the fix plan from the platform owner? If so, I can 
work the plan to merge this change.

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Marcin Wojtas
Sent: 2020年7月31日 0:09
To: Leif Lindholm <>
Cc: Gao, Liming <>;; Zhang, Shenglei 
<>; Ard Biesheuvel <>; Kinney, Michael D 
<>; Ming Huang <>; Pete Batard <>
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH] MdePkg: Remove code wrapped by 

Hi Leif,

śr., 29 lip 2020 o 15:35 Leif Lindholm <> napisał(a):

Right, so the following platforms break once this patch is merged:

- AMD Overdrive, Overdrive 1000, Cello
- Hisilicon D03, D05, D06 (some of these due to binary drivers in
- Marvell Armada 78x0/80x0, MacchiatoBIN

Fix for Marvell platforms submitted:

Best regards,

- Raspberry Pi 3/4

I think this provides enough argument to push this patch at least
until after August stable tag.

As far as I can tell, all of these are due to the PcdSet And
UnicodeStrToAsciiStr functions/macros disappearing. Presumably these
should be replaced with their S-suffixed counterparts.

Maintainers/reviewers on cc. I'd appreciate if you could update and
sanity check your platforms and send out patches.

Best Regards,


On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 13:24:15 +0100, Leif Lindholm wrote:
Thanks Liming,

Yes, this does affect several ARM platforms. Currently running a build
test to determine just how many. My preference would be for a change
of this magnitude to go in just after a stable tag - what, if any, are
the plans for this patch?

Best Regards,


On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 07:55:09 +0000, Gao, Liming wrote:
Include Leif and Ard. This change may impact ARM platform.

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Liming Gao
Sent: 2020年6月9日 21:08
To: Zhang, Shenglei <>;
Cc: Kinney, Michael D <>
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH] MdePkg: Remove code wrapped by 

    Please also remove the deprecated code in MdeModulePkg.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhang, Shenglei <>
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 4:13 PM
Cc: Kinney, Michael D <>; Gao, Liming 
Subject: [PATCH] MdePkg: Remove code wrapped by 

Code wrapped by DISABLE_NEW_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES is deprecated.
So remove it.

Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Signed-off-by: Shenglei Zhang <>
   MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/String.c        | 626 -------------------------
   MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/PcdLib.c | 361 --------------
   MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLib.c | 118 -----
   MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.c   | 399 ----------------
   MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.c   | 397 ----------------
   MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.c       |  92 ----
   MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseLib.h       | 409 ----------------
   MdePkg/Include/Library/PcdLib.h        | 520 --------------------
   MdePkg/Include/Library/PrintLib.h      | 110 -----
   MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiLib.h       |  53 ---
   MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc                      |   1 -
   11 files changed, 3086 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/String.c b/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/String.c
index 45198373f25c..f4854f357e3a 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/String.c
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/String.c
@@ -8,135 +8,6 @@

   #include "BaseLibInternals.h"

-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies one Null-terminated Unicode string to another Null-terminated Unicode
-  string and returns the new Unicode string.
-  This function copies the contents of the Unicode string Source to the Unicode
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. If Source and Destination
-  overlap, then the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source
-  )
-  CHAR16                            *ReturnValue;
-  //
-  // Destination cannot be NULL
-  //
-  ASSERT (Destination != NULL);
-  ASSERT (((UINTN) Destination & BIT0) == 0);
-  //
-  // Destination and source cannot overlap
-  //
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Destination - Source) > StrLen (Source));
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Source - Destination) > StrLen (Source));
-  ReturnValue = Destination;
-  while (*Source != 0) {
-    *(Destination++) = *(Source++);
-  }
-  *Destination = 0;
-  return ReturnValue;
-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies up to a specified length from one Null-terminated Unicode string  to
-  another Null-terminated Unicode string and returns the new Unicode string.
-  This function copies the contents of the Unicode string Source to the Unicode
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. At most, Length Unicode
-  characters are copied from Source to Destination. If Length is 0, then
-  Destination is returned unmodified. If Length is greater that the number of
-  Unicode characters in Source, then Destination is padded with Null Unicode
-  characters. If Source and Destination overlap, then the results are
-  undefined.
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then 
-  If Length > 0 and Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of Unicode characters to copy.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrnCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  )
-  CHAR16                            *ReturnValue;
-  if (Length == 0) {
-    return Destination;
-  }
-  //
-  // Destination cannot be NULL if Length is not zero
-  //
-  ASSERT (Destination != NULL);
-  ASSERT (((UINTN) Destination & BIT0) == 0);
-  //
-  // Destination and source cannot overlap
-  //
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Destination - Source) > StrLen (Source));
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Source - Destination) >= Length);
-  if (PcdGet32 (PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength) != 0) {
-    ASSERT (Length <= PcdGet32 (PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength));
-  }
-  ReturnValue = Destination;
-  while ((*Source != L'\0') && (Length > 0)) {
-    *(Destination++) = *(Source++);
-    Length--;
-  }
-  ZeroMem (Destination, Length * sizeof (*Destination));
-  return ReturnValue;

     Returns the length of a Null-terminated Unicode string.
@@ -320,121 +191,6 @@ StrnCmp (
     return *FirstString - *SecondString;

-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates one Null-terminated Unicode string to another Null-terminated
-  Unicode string, and returns the concatenated Unicode string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated Unicode strings. The contents
-  of Null-terminated Unicode string Source are concatenated to the end of
-  Null-terminated Unicode string Destination. The Null-terminated concatenated
-  Unicode String is returned. If Source and Destination overlap, then the
-  results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Destination contains more
-  than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and concatenating Destination
-  and Source results in a Unicode string with more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrCat (
-  IN OUT  CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source
-  )
-  StrCpy (Destination + StrLen (Destination), Source);
-  //
-  // Size of the resulting string should never be zero.
-  // PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is tested inside StrLen().
-  //
-  ASSERT (StrSize (Destination) != 0);
-  return Destination;
-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates up to a specified length one Null-terminated Unicode to the end
-  of another Null-terminated Unicode string, and returns the concatenated
-  Unicode string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated Unicode strings. The contents
-  of Null-terminated Unicode string Source are concatenated to the end of
-  Null-terminated Unicode string Destination, and Destination is returned. At
-  most, Length Unicode characters are concatenated from Source to the end of
-  Destination, and Destination is always Null-terminated. If Length is 0, then
-  Destination is returned unmodified. If Source and Destination overlap, then
-  the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then 
-  If Length > 0 and Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Destination contains more
-  than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and concatenating Destination
-  and Source results in a Unicode string with more than 
-  Unicode characters, not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of Unicode characters to concatenate 
-                      Source.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrnCat (
-  IN OUT  CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  )
-  UINTN   DestinationLen;
-  DestinationLen = StrLen (Destination);
-  StrnCpy (Destination + DestinationLen, Source, Length);
-  Destination[DestinationLen + Length] = L'\0';
-  //
-  // Size of the resulting string should never be zero.
-  // PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is tested inside StrLen().
-  //
-  ASSERT (StrSize (Destination) != 0);
-  return Destination;

     Returns the first occurrence of a Null-terminated Unicode sub-string
@@ -845,208 +601,6 @@ InternalAsciiIsHexaDecimalDigitCharacter (
       (Char >= 'a' && Char <= 'f'));

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Convert a Null-terminated Unicode string to a Null-terminated
-  ASCII string and returns the ASCII string.
-  This function converts the content of the Unicode string Source
-  to the ASCII string Destination by copying the lower 8 bits of
-  each Unicode character. It returns Destination.
-  The caller is responsible to make sure Destination points to a buffer with 
-  equal or greater than ((StrLen (Source) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR8)) in bytes.
-  If any Unicode characters in Source contain non-zero value in
-  the upper 8 bits, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains
-  more than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including
-  the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more
-  than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Source        A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Destination   A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR8 *
-UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source,
-  OUT     CHAR8                     *Destination
-  )
-  CHAR8                               *ReturnValue;
-  ASSERT (Destination != NULL);
-  //
-  // ASSERT if Source is long than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength.
-  // Length tests are performed inside StrLen().
-  //
-  ASSERT (StrSize (Source) != 0);
-  //
-  // Source and Destination should not overlap
-  //
-  ASSERT ((UINTN) (Destination - (CHAR8 *) Source) >= StrSize (Source));
-  ASSERT ((UINTN) ((CHAR8 *) Source - Destination) > StrLen (Source));
-  ReturnValue = Destination;
-  while (*Source != '\0') {
-    //
-    // If any Unicode characters in Source contain
-    // non-zero value in the upper 8 bits, then ASSERT().
-    //
-    ASSERT (*Source < 0x100);
-    *(Destination++) = (CHAR8) *(Source++);
-  }
-  *Destination = '\0';
-  //
-  // ASSERT Original Destination is less long than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength.
-  // Length tests are performed inside AsciiStrLen().
-  //
-  ASSERT (AsciiStrSize (ReturnValue) != 0);
-  return ReturnValue;
-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies one Null-terminated ASCII string to another Null-terminated ASCII
-  string and returns the new ASCII string.
-  This function copies the contents of the ASCII string Source to the ASCII
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. If Source and Destination
-  overlap, then the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR8                     *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source
-  )
-  CHAR8                             *ReturnValue;
-  //
-  // Destination cannot be NULL
-  //
-  ASSERT (Destination != NULL);
-  //
-  // Destination and source cannot overlap
-  //
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Destination - Source) > AsciiStrLen (Source));
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Source - Destination) > AsciiStrLen (Source));
-  ReturnValue = Destination;
-  while (*Source != 0) {
-    *(Destination++) = *(Source++);
-  }
-  *Destination = 0;
-  return ReturnValue;
-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies up to a specified length one Null-terminated ASCII string to another
-  Null-terminated ASCII string and returns the new ASCII string.
-  This function copies the contents of the ASCII string Source to the ASCII
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. At most, Length ASCII characters
-  are copied from Source to Destination. If Length is 0, then Destination is
-  returned unmodified. If Length is greater that the number of ASCII characters
-  in Source, then Destination is padded with Null ASCII characters. If Source
-  and Destination overlap, then the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of ASCII characters to copy.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrnCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR8                     *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  )
-  CHAR8                             *ReturnValue;
-  if (Length == 0) {
-    return Destination;
-  }
-  //
-  // Destination cannot be NULL
-  //
-  ASSERT (Destination != NULL);
-  //
-  // Destination and source cannot overlap
-  //
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Destination - Source) > AsciiStrLen (Source));
-  ASSERT ((UINTN)(Source - Destination) >= Length);
-  if (PcdGet32 (PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength) != 0) {
-    ASSERT (Length <= PcdGet32 (PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength));
-  }
-  ReturnValue = Destination;
-  while (*Source != 0 && Length > 0) {
-    *(Destination++) = *(Source++);
-    Length--;
-  }
-  ZeroMem (Destination, Length * sizeof (*Destination));
-  return ReturnValue;

     Returns the length of a Null-terminated ASCII string.
@@ -1329,114 +883,6 @@ AsciiStrnCmp (
     return *FirstString - *SecondString;

-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates one Null-terminated ASCII string to another Null-terminated
-  ASCII string, and returns the concatenated ASCII string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated ASCII strings. The contents of
-  Null-terminated ASCII string Source are concatenated to the end of Null-
-  terminated ASCII string Destination. The Null-terminated concatenated ASCII
-  String is returned.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and Destination contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and concatenating Destination and
-  Source results in a ASCII string with more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength
-  ASCII characters, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrCat (
-  IN OUT CHAR8    *Destination,
-  IN CONST CHAR8  *Source
-  )
-  AsciiStrCpy (Destination + AsciiStrLen (Destination), Source);
-  //
-  // Size of the resulting string should never be zero.
-  // PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is tested inside StrLen().
-  //
-  ASSERT (AsciiStrSize (Destination) != 0);
-  return Destination;
-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates up to a specified length one Null-terminated ASCII string to
-  the end of another Null-terminated ASCII string, and returns the
-  concatenated ASCII string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated ASCII strings. The contents
-  of Null-terminated ASCII string Source are concatenated to the end of Null-
-  terminated ASCII string Destination, and Destination is returned. At most,
-  Length ASCII characters are concatenated from Source to the end of
-  Destination, and Destination is always Null-terminated. If Length is 0, then
-  Destination is returned unmodified. If Source and Destination overlap, then
-  the results are undefined.
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Destination contains more 
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and concatenating Destination and
-  Source results in a ASCII string with more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength
-  ASCII characters, not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of ASCII characters to concatenate 
-                      Source.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrnCat (
-  IN OUT  CHAR8                     *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  )
-  UINTN   DestinationLen;
-  DestinationLen = AsciiStrLen (Destination);
-  AsciiStrnCpy (Destination + DestinationLen, Source, Length);
-  Destination[DestinationLen + Length] = '\0';
-  //
-  // Size of the resulting string should never be zero.
-  // PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is tested inside StrLen().
-  //
-  ASSERT (AsciiStrSize (Destination) != 0);
-  return Destination;

     Returns the first occurrence of a Null-terminated ASCII sub-string
@@ -1684,78 +1130,6 @@ AsciiStrHexToUint64 (
     return Result;

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Convert one Null-terminated ASCII string to a Null-terminated
-  Unicode string and returns the Unicode string.
-  This function converts the contents of the ASCII string Source to the Unicode
-  string Destination, and returns Destination.  The function terminates the
-  Unicode string Destination by appending a Null-terminator character at the 
-  The caller is responsible to make sure Destination points to a buffer with 
-  equal or greater than ((AsciiStrLen (Source) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)) in 
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength ASCII characters not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Source        A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Destination   A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source,
-  OUT     CHAR16                    *Destination
-  )
-  CHAR16                            *ReturnValue;
-  ASSERT (Destination != NULL);
-  //
-  // ASSERT Source is less long than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength
-  //
-  ASSERT (AsciiStrSize (Source) != 0);
-  //
-  // Source and Destination should not overlap
-  //
-  ASSERT ((UINTN) ((CHAR8 *) Destination - Source) > AsciiStrLen (Source));
-  ASSERT ((UINTN) (Source - (CHAR8 *) Destination) >= (AsciiStrSize (Source) * 
sizeof (CHAR16)));
-  ReturnValue = Destination;
-  while (*Source != '\0') {
-    *(Destination++) = (CHAR16)(UINT8) *(Source++);
-  }
-  //
-  // End the Destination with a NULL.
-  //
-  *Destination = '\0';
-  //
-  // ASSERT Original Destination is less long than 
-  //
-  ASSERT (StrSize (ReturnValue) != 0);
-  return ReturnValue;

diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/PcdLib.c 
index 49447880ae8b..265fae5d7368 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/PcdLib.c
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/PcdLib.c
@@ -386,367 +386,6 @@ LibPcdGetExSize (

-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet8 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet16 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet32 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet64 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value
-  specified by Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is greater than the maximum size support by TokenNumber,
-  then set SizeOfBuffer to the maximum size supported by TokenNumber and
-  return NULL to indicate that the set operation was not actually performed.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is set to MAX_ADDRESS, then SizeOfBuffer must be set to the
-  maximum size supported by TokenName and NULL must be returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]      TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]      Buffer        A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer for the buffer been set.
-LibPcdSetPtr (
-  IN        UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT    UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN CONST  VOID              *Buffer
-  )
-  return NULL;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetBool (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  )
-  return FALSE;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx8 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx16 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx32 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx64 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  )
-  return 0;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value specified 
-  Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.  If SizeOfBuffer is greater 
-  the maximum size support by TokenNumber, then set SizeOfBuffer to the 
maximum size
-  supported by TokenNumber and return NULL to indicate that the set operation
-  was not actually performed.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid              The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                                designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber       The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]  Buffer            A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pinter to the buffer been set.
-LibPcdSetExPtr (
-  IN      CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN      UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT  UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN      VOID              *Buffer
-  )
-  return NULL;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The Boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetExBool (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  )
-  return FALSE;
     This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD 

diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLib.c 
index af771652e4b0..8bfbab05f58c 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLib.c
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLib.c
@@ -343,65 +343,6 @@ UnicodeSPrintAsciiFormat (
     return NumberOfPrinted;

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  Converts the decimal number specified by Value to a Null-terminated Unicode
-  string specified by Buffer containing at most Width characters. No padding 
of spaces
-  is ever performed. If Width is 0 then a width of MAXIMUM_VALUE_CHARACTERS is 
-  The number of Unicode characters in Buffer is returned not including the 
-  If the conversion contains more than Width characters, then only the first
-  Width characters are returned, and the total number of characters
-  required to perform the conversion is returned.
-  Additional conversion parameters are specified in Flags.
-  The Flags bit LEFT_JUSTIFY is always ignored.
-  All conversions are left justified in Buffer.
-  If Width is 0, PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags.
-  If COMMA_TYPE is set in Flags, then PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags, and 
-  are inserted every 3rd digit starting from the right.
-  If RADIX_HEX is set in Flags, then the output buffer will be
-  formatted in hexadecimal format.
-  If Value is < 0 and RADIX_HEX is not set in Flags, then the fist character 
in Buffer is a '-'.
-  If PREFIX_ZERO is set in Flags and PREFIX_ZERO is not being ignored,
-  then Buffer is padded with '0' characters so the combination of the optional 
-  sign character, '0' characters, digit characters for Value, and the 
-  add up to Width characters.
-  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Buffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If unsupported bits are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Buffer  The pointer to the output buffer for the produced 
-                  Unicode string.
-  @param  Flags   The bitmask of flags that specify left justification, zero 
pad, and commas.
-  @param  Value   The 64-bit signed value to convert to a string.
-  @param  Width   The maximum number of Unicode characters to place in Buffer, 
not including
-                  the Null-terminator.
-  @return The number of Unicode characters in Buffer not including the 
-UnicodeValueToString (
-  IN OUT CHAR16  *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN       Flags,
-  IN INT64       Value,
-  IN UINTN       Width
-  )
-  return BasePrintLibConvertValueToString ((CHAR8 *)Buffer, Flags, Value, 
Width, 2);

     Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
@@ -780,65 +721,6 @@ AsciiSPrintUnicodeFormat (
     return NumberOfPrinted;

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  Converts the decimal number specified by Value to a Null-terminated ASCII 
-  specified by Buffer containing at most Width characters. No padding of spaces
-  is ever performed.
-  If Width is 0 then a width of  MAXIMUM_VALUE_CHARACTERS is assumed.
-  The number of ASCII characters in Buffer is returned not including the 
-  If the conversion contains more than Width characters, then only the first 
-  characters are returned, and the total number of characters required to 
-  the conversion is returned.
-  Additional conversion parameters are specified in Flags.
-  The Flags bit LEFT_JUSTIFY is always ignored.
-  All conversions are left justified in Buffer.
-  If Width is 0, PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags.
-  If COMMA_TYPE is set in Flags, then PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags, and 
-  are inserted every 3rd digit starting from the right.
-  If RADIX_HEX is set in Flags, then the output buffer will be
-  formatted in hexadecimal format.
-  If Value is < 0 and RADIX_HEX is not set in Flags, then the fist character 
in Buffer is a '-'.
-  If PREFIX_ZERO is set in Flags and PREFIX_ZERO is not being ignored,
-  then Buffer is padded with '0' characters so the combination of the optional 
-  sign character, '0' characters, digit characters for Value, and the 
-  add up to Width characters.
-  If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If unsupported bits are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Buffer  The pointer to the output buffer for the produced 
-                  ASCII string.
-  @param  Flags   The bitmask of flags that specify left justification, zero 
pad, and commas.
-  @param  Value   The 64-bit signed value to convert to a string.
-  @param  Width   The maximum number of ASCII characters to place in Buffer, 
not including
-                  the Null-terminator.
-  @return The number of ASCII characters in Buffer not including the 
-AsciiValueToString (
-  OUT CHAR8      *Buffer,
-  IN  UINTN      Flags,
-  IN  INT64      Value,
-  IN  UINTN      Width
-  )
-  return BasePrintLibConvertValueToString (Buffer, Flags, Value, Width, 1);
     Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Ascii string.

diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.c 
index 6e3e4e70697f..2accaeda2cd6 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.c
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.c
@@ -474,405 +474,6 @@ LibPcdGetExSize (

-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet8 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  )
-  GetPcdProtocol()->Set8 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet16 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  )
-  GetPcdProtocol()->Set16 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet32 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  )
-  GetPcdProtocol()->Set32 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet64 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  )
-  GetPcdProtocol()->Set64 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value
-  specified by Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is greater than the maximum size support by TokenNumber,
-  then set SizeOfBuffer to the maximum size supported by TokenNumber and
-  return NULL to indicate that the set operation was not actually performed.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is set to MAX_ADDRESS, then SizeOfBuffer must be set to the
-  maximum size supported by TokenName and NULL must be returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]      TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]      Buffer        A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer for the buffer been set.
-LibPcdSetPtr (
-  IN        UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT    UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN CONST  VOID              *Buffer
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS Status;
-  UINTN      InputSizeOfBuffer;
-  ASSERT (SizeOfBuffer != NULL);
-  if (*SizeOfBuffer > 0) {
-    ASSERT (Buffer != NULL);
-  }
-  InputSizeOfBuffer = *SizeOfBuffer;
-  Status = GetPcdProtocol()->SetPtr (TokenNumber, SizeOfBuffer, (VOID *) 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (*SizeOfBuffer < InputSizeOfBuffer)) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return (VOID *)Buffer;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetBool (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  )
-  GetPcdProtocol()->SetBool (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx8 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  GetPiPcdProtocol()->Set8 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx16 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  GetPiPcdProtocol()->Set16 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx32 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  GetPiPcdProtocol()->Set32 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx64 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  GetPiPcdProtocol()->Set64 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value specified 
-  Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.  If SizeOfBuffer is greater 
-  the maximum size support by TokenNumber, then set SizeOfBuffer to the 
maximum size
-  supported by TokenNumber and return NULL to indicate that the set operation
-  was not actually performed.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid              The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                                designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber       The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]  Buffer            A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer to the buffer been set.
-LibPcdSetExPtr (
-  IN      CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN      UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT  UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN      VOID              *Buffer
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  UINTN       InputSizeOfBuffer;
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  ASSERT (SizeOfBuffer != NULL);
-  if (*SizeOfBuffer > 0) {
-    ASSERT (Buffer != NULL);
-  }
-  InputSizeOfBuffer = *SizeOfBuffer;
-  Status = GetPiPcdProtocol()->SetPtr (Guid, TokenNumber, SizeOfBuffer, 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (*SizeOfBuffer < InputSizeOfBuffer)) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return Buffer;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The Boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetExBool (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  GetPiPcdProtocol()->SetBool (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
     This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD 

diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.c 
index 916a2c0844eb..d979b28cc8dd 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.c
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.c
@@ -474,403 +474,6 @@ LibPcdGetExSize (

-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet8 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  )
-  (GetPcdPpiPointer ())->Set8 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet16 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  )
-  (GetPcdPpiPointer ())->Set16 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet32 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  )
-  (GetPcdPpiPointer ())->Set32 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSet64 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  )
-  (GetPcdPpiPointer ())->Set64 (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value
-  specified by Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is greater than the maximum size support by TokenNumber,
-  then set SizeOfBuffer to the maximum size supported by TokenNumber and
-  return NULL to indicate that the set operation was not actually performed.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is set to MAX_ADDRESS, then SizeOfBuffer must be set to the
-  maximum size supported by TokenName and NULL must be returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]      TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]      Buffer        A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer for the buffer been set.
-LibPcdSetPtr (
-  IN        UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT    UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN CONST  VOID              *Buffer
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS Status;
-  UINTN      InputSizeOfBuffer;
-  ASSERT (SizeOfBuffer != NULL);
-  if (*SizeOfBuffer > 0) {
-    ASSERT (Buffer != NULL);
-  }
-  InputSizeOfBuffer = *SizeOfBuffer;
-  Status = (GetPcdPpiPointer ())->SetPtr (TokenNumber, SizeOfBuffer, (VOID *) 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (*SizeOfBuffer < InputSizeOfBuffer)) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return (VOID *) Buffer;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetBool (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  )
-  (GetPcdPpiPointer ())->SetBool (TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx8 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  (GetPiPcdPpiPointer ())->Set8 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx16 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  (GetPiPcdPpiPointer ())->Set16 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx32 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  (GetPiPcdPpiPointer ())->Set32 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx64 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  (GetPiPcdPpiPointer ())->Set64 (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value specified 
-  Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.  If SizeOfBuffer is greater 
-  the maximum size support by TokenNumber, then set SizeOfBuffer to the 
maximum size
-  supported by TokenNumber and return NULL to indicate that the set operation
-  was not actually performed.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid              The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                                designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber       The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]  Buffer            A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pinter to the buffer been set.
-LibPcdSetExPtr (
-  IN      CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN      UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT  UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN      VOID              *Buffer
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS      Status;
-  UINTN           InputSizeOfBuffer;
-  ASSERT (SizeOfBuffer != NULL);
-  if (*SizeOfBuffer > 0) {
-    ASSERT (Buffer != NULL);
-  }
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  InputSizeOfBuffer = *SizeOfBuffer;
-  Status = (GetPiPcdPpiPointer ())->SetPtr (Guid, TokenNumber, SizeOfBuffer, 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (*SizeOfBuffer < InputSizeOfBuffer)) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return Buffer;
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          The pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The Boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the value that was set.
-LibPcdSetExBool (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  )
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  (GetPiPcdPpiPointer ())->SetBool (Guid, TokenNumber, Value);
-  return Value;
     This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD 

diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.c b/MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.c
index 07c45d1e91ff..835218f9824f 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.c
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.c
@@ -1285,98 +1285,6 @@ FreeUnicodeStringTable (
     return EFI_SUCCESS;

-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Returns a pointer to an allocated buffer that contains the contents of a
-  variable retrieved through the UEFI Runtime Service GetVariable().  The
-  returned buffer is allocated using AllocatePool().  The caller is responsible
-  for freeing this buffer with FreePool().
-  If Name is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Name  The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param[in]  Guid  The pointer to an EFI_GUID structure
-  @retval NULL   The variable could not be retrieved.
-  @retval NULL   There are not enough resources available for the variable 
-  @retval Other  A pointer to allocated buffer containing the variable 
-GetVariable (
-  IN CONST CHAR16    *Name,
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  UINTN       Size;
-  VOID        *Value;
-  ASSERT (Name != NULL);
-  ASSERT (Guid != NULL);
-  //
-  // Try to get the variable size.
-  //
-  Value = NULL;
-  Size = 0;
-  Status = gRT->GetVariable ((CHAR16 *) Name, (EFI_GUID *) Guid, NULL, &Size, 
-  if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  //
-  // Allocate buffer to get the variable.
-  //
-  Value = AllocatePool (Size);
-  if (Value == NULL) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  //
-  // Get the variable data.
-  //
-  Status = gRT->GetVariable ((CHAR16 *) Name, (EFI_GUID *) Guid, NULL, &Size, 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    FreePool(Value);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return Value;
-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Returns a pointer to an allocated buffer that contains the contents of a
-  variable retrieved through the UEFI Runtime Service GetVariable().  This
-  function always uses the EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE GUID to retrieve variables.
-  The returned buffer is allocated using AllocatePool().  The caller is
-  responsible for freeing this buffer with FreePool().
-  If Name is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Name  The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @retval NULL   The variable could not be retrieved.
-  @retval NULL   There are not enough resources available for the variable 
-  @retval Other  A pointer to allocated buffer containing the variable 
-GetEfiGlobalVariable (
-  IN CONST CHAR16  *Name
-  )
-  return GetVariable (Name, &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid);

     Returns the status whether get the variable success. The function retrieves
diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseLib.h b/MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseLib.h
index 8e7b87cbda4e..b92a1a3a4028 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseLib.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseLib.h
@@ -962,82 +962,6 @@ AsciiStrHexToUint64S (

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies one Null-terminated Unicode string to another Null-terminated Unicode
-  string and returns the new Unicode string.
-  This function copies the contents of the Unicode string Source to the Unicode
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. If Source and Destination
-  overlap, then the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source
-  );
-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies up to a specified length from one Null-terminated Unicode string to
-  another Null-terminated Unicode string and returns the new Unicode string.
-  This function copies the contents of the Unicode string Source to the Unicode
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. At most, Length Unicode
-  characters are copied from Source to Destination. If Length is 0, then
-  Destination is returned unmodified. If Length is greater that the number of
-  Unicode characters in Source, then Destination is padded with Null Unicode
-  characters. If Source and Destination overlap, then the results are
-  undefined.
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then 
-  If Length > 0 and Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of Unicode characters to copy.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrnCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  );
     Returns the length of a Null-terminated Unicode string.

@@ -1164,99 +1088,6 @@ StrnCmp (

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates one Null-terminated Unicode string to another Null-terminated
-  Unicode string, and returns the concatenated Unicode string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated Unicode strings. The contents
-  of Null-terminated Unicode string Source are concatenated to the end of
-  Null-terminated Unicode string Destination. The Null-terminated concatenated
-  Unicode String is returned. If Source and Destination overlap, then the
-  results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Destination contains more
-  than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and concatenating Destination
-  and Source results in a Unicode string with more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrCat (
-  IN OUT  CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source
-  );
-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates up to a specified length one Null-terminated Unicode to the end
-  of another Null-terminated Unicode string, and returns the concatenated
-  Unicode string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated Unicode strings. The contents
-  of Null-terminated Unicode string Source are concatenated to the end of
-  Null-terminated Unicode string Destination, and Destination is returned. At
-  most, Length Unicode characters are concatenated from Source to the end of
-  Destination, and Destination is always Null-terminated. If Length is 0, then
-  Destination is returned unmodified. If Source and Destination overlap, then
-  the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then 
-  If Length > 0 and Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Destination contains more
-  than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters, not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and concatenating Destination
-  and Source results in a Unicode string with more than 
-  Unicode characters, not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of Unicode characters to concatenate 
-                      Source.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-StrnCat (
-  IN OUT  CHAR16                    *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  );
     Returns the first occurrence of a Null-terminated Unicode sub-string
     in a Null-terminated Unicode string.
@@ -1655,51 +1486,6 @@ StrHexToBytes (
     IN  UINTN              MaxBufferSize

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Convert a Null-terminated Unicode string to a Null-terminated
-  ASCII string and returns the ASCII string.
-  This function converts the content of the Unicode string Source
-  to the ASCII string Destination by copying the lower 8 bits of
-  each Unicode character. It returns Destination.
-  The caller is responsible to make sure Destination points to a buffer with 
-  equal or greater than ((StrLen (Source) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR8)) in bytes.
-  If any Unicode characters in Source contain non-zero value in
-  the upper 8 bits, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains
-  more than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including
-  the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more
-  than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength Unicode characters not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Source        The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param  Destination   The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR8 *
-UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (
-  IN      CONST CHAR16              *Source,
-  OUT     CHAR8                     *Destination
-  );

     Convert a Null-terminated Unicode string to a Null-terminated
@@ -1802,76 +1588,6 @@ UnicodeStrnToAsciiStrS (
     OUT     UINTN                     *DestinationLength

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies one Null-terminated ASCII string to another Null-terminated ASCII
-  string and returns the new ASCII string.
-  This function copies the contents of the ASCII string Source to the ASCII
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. If Source and Destination
-  overlap, then the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR8                     *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source
-  );
-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Copies up to a specified length one Null-terminated ASCII string to another
-  Null-terminated ASCII string and returns the new ASCII string.
-  This function copies the contents of the ASCII string Source to the ASCII
-  string Destination, and returns Destination. At most, Length ASCII characters
-  are copied from Source to Destination. If Length is 0, then Destination is
-  returned unmodified. If Length is greater that the number of ASCII characters
-  in Source, then Destination is padded with Null ASCII characters. If Source
-  and Destination overlap, then the results are undefined.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of ASCII characters to copy.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrnCpy (
-  OUT     CHAR8                     *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  );

     Returns the length of a Null-terminated ASCII string.
@@ -2031,92 +1747,6 @@ AsciiStrnCmp (

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates one Null-terminated ASCII string to another Null-terminated
-  ASCII string, and returns the concatenated ASCII string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated ASCII strings. The contents of
-  Null-terminated ASCII string Source are concatenated to the end of Null-
-  terminated ASCII string Destination. The Null-terminated concatenated ASCII
-  String is returned.
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and Destination contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero and concatenating Destination and
-  Source results in a ASCII string with more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength
-  ASCII characters, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrCat (
-  IN OUT CHAR8    *Destination,
-  IN CONST CHAR8  *Source
-  );
-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Concatenates up to a specified length one Null-terminated ASCII string to
-  the end of another Null-terminated ASCII string, and returns the
-  concatenated ASCII string.
-  This function concatenates two Null-terminated ASCII strings. The contents
-  of Null-terminated ASCII string Source are concatenated to the end of Null-
-  terminated ASCII string Destination, and Destination is returned. At most,
-  Length ASCII characters are concatenated from Source to the end of
-  Destination, and Destination is always Null-terminated. If Length is 0, then
-  Destination is returned unmodified. If Source and Destination overlap, then
-  the results are undefined.
-  If Length > 0 and Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Length > 0 and Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Length is greater than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Destination contains more 
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters, not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and concatenating Destination and
-  Source results in a ASCII string with more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength
-  ASCII characters, not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Destination The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Source      The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Length      The maximum number of ASCII characters to concatenate 
-                      Source.
-  @return Destination
-CHAR8 *
-AsciiStrnCat (
-  IN OUT  CHAR8                     *Destination,
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source,
-  IN      UINTN                     Length
-  );
     Returns the first occurrence of a Null-terminated ASCII sub-string
     in a Null-terminated ASCII string.
@@ -2496,45 +2126,6 @@ AsciiStrHexToBytes (
     IN  UINTN              MaxBufferSize

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Convert one Null-terminated ASCII string to a Null-terminated
-  Unicode string and returns the Unicode string.
-  This function converts the contents of the ASCII string Source to the Unicode
-  string Destination, and returns Destination.  The function terminates the
-  Unicode string Destination by appending a Null-terminator character at the 
-  The caller is responsible to make sure Destination points to a buffer with 
-  equal or greater than ((AsciiStrLen (Source) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)) in 
-  If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Destination is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If Source is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Source and Destination overlap, then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the 
-  then ASSERT().
-  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and Source contains more than
-  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength ASCII characters not including the
-  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Source        The pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  @param  Destination   The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @return Destination.
-CHAR16 *
-AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (
-  IN      CONST CHAR8               *Source,
-  OUT     CHAR16                    *Destination
-  );

     Convert one Null-terminated ASCII string to a Null-terminated
diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Library/PcdLib.h b/MdePkg/Include/Library/PcdLib.h
index f09053e3cb86..71738857ad19 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/Library/PcdLib.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Library/PcdLib.h
@@ -481,106 +481,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
   #define PcdGetExSize(Guid, TokenName) LibPcdGetExSize ((Guid), 

-  Sets an 8-bit PCD token value based on a token name.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenName. Value is returned.
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space, then the module will 
not build.
-  @param   TokenName  The name of the PCD token to retrieve a current value 
-  @param   Value      The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSet8(TokenName, Value)           _PCD_SET_MODE_8_##TokenName     
-  Sets a 16-bit PCD token value based on a token name.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenName. Value is 
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space, then the module will 
not build.
-  @param   TokenName  The name of the PCD token to retrieve a current value 
-  @param   Value      The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSet16(TokenName, Value)          _PCD_SET_MODE_16_##TokenName    
-  Sets a 32-bit PCD token value based on a token name.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenName. Value is 
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space, then the module will 
not build.
-  @param   TokenName  The name of the PCD token to retrieve a current value 
-  @param   Value      The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSet32(TokenName, Value)          _PCD_SET_MODE_32_##TokenName    
-  Sets a 64-bit PCD token value based on a token name.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenName. Value is 
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space, then the module will 
not build.
-  @param   TokenName  The name of the PCD token to retrieve a current value 
-  @param   Value      The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSet64(TokenName, Value)          _PCD_SET_MODE_64_##TokenName    
-  Sets a pointer to a PCD token buffer based on a token name.
-  Sets the buffer for the token specified by TokenName. Buffer is returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is greater than the maximum size supported by TokenName,
-  then set SizeOfBuffer to the maximum size supported by TokenName and return 
-  to indicate that the set operation was not actually performed.  If 
-  is set to MAX_ADDRESS, then SizeOfBuffer must be set to the maximum size 
-  by TokenName and NULL must be returned.
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space, then the module will 
not build.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param   TokenName      The name of the PCD token to set the current value 
-  @param   SizeOfBuffer   A pointer to the size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param   Buffer         A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer to the Buffer that was set.
-#define PcdSetPtr(TokenName, SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) \
-                                            _PCD_SET_MODE_PTR_##TokenName   
((SizeOfBuffer), (Buffer))
-  Sets a Boolean PCD token value based on a token name.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenName. Value is 
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space, then the module will 
not build.
-  @param   TokenName      The name of the PCD token to set the current value 
-  @param   Buffer         The Boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSetBool(TokenName, Value)        _PCD_SET_MODE_BOOL_##TokenName  
     Sets a 8-bit PCD token value based on a token name.

@@ -806,137 +706,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

-  Sets an 8-bit PCD token value based on a GUID and a token name.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by Guid and TokenName. Value is 
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space specified by Guid,
-  then the module will not build.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param   Guid        Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that designates
-                       which namespace to retrieve a value from.
-  @param   TokenName   The name of the PCD token to set the current value for.
-  @param   Value       The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSetEx8(Guid, TokenName, Value)   LibPcdSetEx8   ((Guid), 
PcdTokenEx(Guid,TokenName), (Value))
-  Sets a 16-bit PCD token value based on a GUID and a token name.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by Guid and TokenName. Value 
is returned.
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space specified by Guid,
-  then the module will not build.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param   Guid        Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that designates
-                       which namespace to retrieve a value from.
-  @param   TokenName   The name of the PCD token to set the current value for.
-  @param   Value       The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSetEx16(Guid, TokenName, Value)  LibPcdSetEx16  ((Guid), 
PcdTokenEx(Guid,TokenName), (Value))
-  Sets a 32-bit PCD token value based on a GUID and a token name.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by Guid and TokenName. Value 
is returned.
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space specified by Guid,
-  then the module will not build.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param   Guid        Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that designates
-                       which namespace to retrieve a value from.
-  @param   TokenName   The name of the PCD token to set the current value for.
-  @param   Value       The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSetEx32(Guid, TokenName, Value)  LibPcdSetEx32  ((Guid), 
PcdTokenEx(Guid,TokenName), (Value))
-  Sets a 64-bit PCD token value based on a GUID and a token name.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by Guid and TokenName. Value 
is returned.
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space specified by Guid,
-  then the module will not build.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param   Guid        Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that designates
-  which namespace to retrieve a value from.
-  @param   TokenName   The name of the PCD token to set the current value for.
-  @param   Value       The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSetEx64(Guid, TokenName, Value)  LibPcdSetEx64  ((Guid), 
PcdTokenEx(Guid,TokenName), (Value))
-  Sets a pointer to a PCD token buffer based on a GUID and a token name.
-  Sets the buffer for the token specified by Guid and TokenName. Buffer is 
-  If SizeOfBuffer is greater than the maximum size supported by Guid and 
-  then set SizeOfBuffer to the maximum size supported by Guid and TokenName 
and return
-  NULL to indicate that the set operation was not actually performed. If 
-  is set to MAX_ADDRESS, then SizeOfBuffer must be set to the maximum size 
supported by
-  Guid and TokenName and NULL must be returned.
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space specified by Guid,
-  then the module will not build.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param   Guid           Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that designates
-                          which namespace to retrieve a value from.
-  @param   TokenName      The name of the PCD token to set the current value 
-  @param   SizeOfBuffer   A pointer to the size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param   Buffer         Pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer to the Buffer that was set.
-#define PcdSetExPtr(Guid, TokenName, SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) \
-                                            LibPcdSetExPtr ((Guid), 
PcdTokenEx(Guid,TokenName), (SizeOfBuffer), (Buffer))
-  Sets a Boolean PCD token value based on a GUID and a token name.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by Guid and TokenName. Value 
is returned.
-  If TokenName is not a valid token in the token space specified by Guid,
-  then the module will not build.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param   Guid           Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that designates
-                          which namespace to retrieve a value from.
-  @param   TokenName      The name of the PCD token to set the current value 
-  @param   Value          The Boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-#define PcdSetExBool(Guid, TokenName, Value) \
-                                            LibPcdSetExBool((Guid), 
PcdTokenEx(Guid,TokenName), (Value))
     Sets an 8-bit PCD token value based on a GUID and a token name.

@@ -1348,295 +1117,6 @@ LibPcdGetExSize (

-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSet8 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSet16 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSet32 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSet64 (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value
-  specified by Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is greater than the maximum size support by TokenNumber,
-  then set SizeOfBuffer to the maximum size supported by TokenNumber and
-  return NULL to indicate that the set operation was not actually performed.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is set to MAX_ADDRESS, then SizeOfBuffer must be set to the
-  maximum size supported by TokenName and NULL must be returned.
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]      TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]      Buffer        A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer for the Buffer that was set.
-LibPcdSetPtr (
-  IN        UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT    UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN CONST  VOID              *Buffer
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber
-  to the value specified by Value.  Value is returned.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSetBool (
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 8-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 8-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx8 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT8             Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 16-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 16-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx16 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT16            Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 32-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 32-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx32 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT32            Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the 64-bit value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The 64-bit value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSetEx64 (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN UINT64            Value
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets a buffer for the token specified by TokenNumber to the value specified 
-  Buffer and SizeOfBuffer.  Buffer is returned.  If SizeOfBuffer is greater 
-  the maximum size support by TokenNumber, then set SizeOfBuffer to the 
maximum size
-  supported by TokenNumber and return NULL to indicate that the set operation
-  was not actually performed.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If SizeOfBuffer > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid              Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                                designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber       The PCD token number to set a current value 
-  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer  The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
-  @param[in]  Buffer            A pointer to the buffer to set.
-  @return Return the pointer to the Buffer that was set.
-LibPcdSetExPtr (
-  IN      CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN      UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN OUT  UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
-  IN      VOID              *Buffer
-  );
-  This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD token.
-  Sets the Boolean value for the token specified by TokenNumber and
-  Guid to the value specified by Value. Value is returned.
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Guid          Pointer to a 128-bit unique value that
-                            designates which namespace to set a value from.
-  @param[in]  TokenNumber   The PCD token number to set a current value for.
-  @param[in]  Value         The Boolean value to set.
-  @return Return the Value that was set.
-LibPcdSetExBool (
-  IN CONST GUID        *Guid,
-  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
-  IN BOOLEAN           Value
-  );
     This function provides a means by which to set a value for a given PCD 

diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Library/PrintLib.h 
index dfbcd1b340be..0b38da6084e1 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/Library/PrintLib.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Library/PrintLib.h
@@ -485,62 +485,6 @@ UnicodeSPrintAsciiFormat (

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  Converts the decimal number specified by Value to a Null-terminated Unicode
-  string specified by Buffer containing at most Width characters. No padding 
of spaces
-  is ever performed. If Width is 0 then a width of MAXIMUM_VALUE_CHARACTERS is 
-  The number of Unicode characters in Buffer is returned, not including the 
-  If the conversion contains more than Width characters, then only the first
-  Width characters are returned, and the total number of characters
-  required to perform the conversion is returned.
-  Additional conversion parameters are specified in Flags.
-  The Flags bit LEFT_JUSTIFY is always ignored.
-  All conversions are left justified in Buffer.
-  If Width is 0, PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags.
-  If COMMA_TYPE is set in Flags, then PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags, and 
-  are inserted every 3rd digit starting from the right.
-  If RADIX_HEX is set in Flags, then the output buffer will be
-  formatted in hexadecimal format.
-  If Value is < 0 and RADIX_HEX is not set in Flags, then the fist character 
in Buffer is a '-'.
-  If PREFIX_ZERO is set in Flags and PREFIX_ZERO is not being ignored,
-  then Buffer is padded with '0' characters so the combination of the optional 
-  sign character, '0' characters, digit characters for Value, and the 
-  add up to Width characters.
-  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Buffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
-  If unsupported bits are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Buffer  The pointer to the output buffer for the produced 
-                  Unicode string.
-  @param  Flags   The bitmask of flags that specify left justification, zero 
pad, and commas.
-  @param  Value   The 64-bit signed value to convert to a string.
-  @param  Width   The maximum number of Unicode characters to place in Buffer, 
not including
-                  the Null-terminator.
-  @return The number of Unicode characters in Buffer, not including the 
-UnicodeValueToString (
-  IN OUT CHAR16  *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN       Flags,
-  IN INT64       Value,
-  IN UINTN       Width
-  );
     Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Unicode string.

@@ -882,60 +826,6 @@ AsciiSPrintUnicodeFormat (

-  [ATTENTION] This function is deprecated for security reason.
-  Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
-  Converts the decimal number specified by Value to a Null-terminated ASCII 
-  specified by Buffer containing at most Width characters. No padding of spaces
-  is ever performed.
-  If Width is 0 then a width of  MAXIMUM_VALUE_CHARACTERS is assumed.
-  The number of ASCII characters in Buffer is returned, not including the 
-  If the conversion contains more than Width characters, then only the first 
-  characters are returned, and the total number of characters required to 
-  the conversion is returned.
-  Additional conversion parameters are specified in Flags.
-  The Flags bit LEFT_JUSTIFY is always ignored.
-  All conversions are left justified in Buffer.
-  If Width is 0, PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags.
-  If COMMA_TYPE is set in Flags, then PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags, and 
-  are inserted every 3rd digit starting from the right.
-  If RADIX_HEX is set in Flags, then the output buffer will be
-  formatted in hexadecimal format.
-  If Value is < 0 and RADIX_HEX is not set in Flags, then the fist character 
in Buffer is a '-'.
-  If PREFIX_ZERO is set in Flags and PREFIX_ZERO is not being ignored,
-  then Buffer is padded with '0' characters so the combination of the optional 
-  sign character, '0' characters, digit characters for Value, and the 
-  add up to Width characters.
-  If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If unsupported bits are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
-  @param  Buffer  A pointer to the output buffer for the produced 
-                  ASCII string.
-  @param  Flags   The bitmask of flags that specify left justification, zero 
pad, and commas.
-  @param  Value   The 64-bit signed value to convert to a string.
-  @param  Width   The maximum number of ASCII characters to place in Buffer, 
not including
-                  the Null-terminator.
-  @return The number of ASCII characters in Buffer, not including the 
-AsciiValueToString (
-  OUT CHAR8      *Buffer,
-  IN  UINTN      Flags,
-  IN  INT64      Value,
-  IN  UINTN      Width
-  );

     Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Ascii string.
diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiLib.h b/MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiLib.h
index 0abb40d6ecbd..f56ffde1230e 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiLib.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiLib.h
@@ -680,59 +680,6 @@ FreeUnicodeStringTable (
     IN EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE  *UnicodeStringTable

-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Returns a pointer to an allocated buffer that contains the contents of a
-  variable retrieved through the UEFI Runtime Service GetVariable().  The
-  returned buffer is allocated using AllocatePool().  The caller is responsible
-  for freeing this buffer with FreePool().
-  If Name is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Name  The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @param[in]  Guid  The pointer to an EFI_GUID structure.
-  @retval NULL   The variable could not be retrieved.
-  @retval NULL   There are not enough resources available for the variable 
-  @retval Other  A pointer to allocated buffer containing the variable 
-GetVariable (
-  IN CONST CHAR16    *Name,
-  );
-  [ATTENTION] This function will be deprecated for security reason.
-  Returns a pointer to an allocated buffer that contains the contents of a
-  variable retrieved through the UEFI Runtime Service GetVariable().  This
-  function always uses the EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE GUID to retrieve variables.
-  The returned buffer is allocated using AllocatePool().  The caller is
-  responsible for freeing this buffer with FreePool().
-  If Name is NULL, then ASSERT().
-  @param[in]  Name  The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
-  @retval NULL   The variable could not be retrieved.
-  @retval NULL   There are not enough resources available for the variable 
-  @retval Other  A pointer to allocated buffer containing the variable 
-GetEfiGlobalVariable (
-  IN CONST CHAR16  *Name
-  );

     Returns the status whether get the variable success. The function retrieves
diff --git a/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc b/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc
index 6cd38e7ec3c9..0477e0205188 100644
--- a/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc
+++ b/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc
@@ -172,4 +172,3 @@ [Components.ARM, Components.AARCH64]


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