On 06/25/20 15:51, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:
> On 6/24/20 3:34 PM, Sami Mujawar wrote:
>> The BaseSerialPortLib16550 library does not implement
>> a constructor. This prevents the correct constructor
>> invocation order for dependent libraries.
>> e.g. A PlatformHookLib (for the Serial Port) may have
>> a dependency on retrieving data from a Hob. A Hob
>> library implementation may configure its initial state
>> in the HobLib constructor. Since BaseSerialPortLib16550
>> does not implement a constructor, the Basetools do not
>> resolve the correct order for constructor invocation.
>> To fix this, add an empty constructor to the serial port
>> library BaseSerialPortLib16550.
>> Signed-off-by: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>
> Acked-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheu...@arm.com>
> Note to maintainers:
> this works around a long standing BaseTools bug where constructor
> dependencies do not propagate through a library that lacks a constructor.
> For instance, in the following case
>   LibA depends on LibB depends on LibC
> the constructors are *only* guaranteed to be invoked in the correct
> order (LibC, then LibB, then LibA) if LibB has a constructor in the
> first place, otherwise, the remaining constructors for LibA and LibC
> could be emitted in any order.

By now I've flipped my "mental default" to "use a constructor *unless*
counter-indicated by something"...

If we get a cycle due to always using constructors, the tools at least
complain (and we know something's fishy). With the opposite default, I
simply cannot guarantee that my new library instance LibB will *never*
break an eventual LibA -> LibB -> LibC constructor dependency chain.

In my new lib instance, I'm of course aware of the LibB -> LibC
dependency, but I can't tell anything about a future LibA -> LibB
dependency. :(

So I guess it's prudent to always add a constructor, even if it's empty.


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