On 6/5/20 5:19 PM, Marcin Wojtas via groups.io wrote:

I'd like to ask for comments before I develop the actual code - currently we have 2 workarounds done specifically for Linux:
a. ECAM shift in PCIE
b. SPCR address space definition

What does this mean?

Both above are not needed e.g. in FreeBSD and I was requested to add their optional disabling.

Disabling ECAM shift is just a matter of exposing the iATU controls to the OS, right? Why do you need to disable it?

The idea is to add dedicated variables that would optionally allow to disable the quirks, accessible via BootManager. Questions:

- Would above be acceptable or is there a better way to handle such cases?
- In case it's fine, is there a dedicated place in the BootManager menu to add custom switches?

Typically in a 'platform' submenu under the Device Manager

- Are you aware of good examples for adding custom options?

You could look at SynQuacer or Raspberry Pi for inspiration on how to create HII pages in the UiApp menu system.

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