On 06/02/20 16:20, Leif Lindholm wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 02, 2020 at 15:29:55 +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>> I have not been aware of the header name collision scenario (nor that
>> the [Packages] ordering was supposed to work around such issues).
> Nor had I...
>> I work strictly with edk2 proper, where a name collision like this can
>> be detected, and so should be prevented. (Insert yet another argument
>> why keeping platform code outside of edk2 is a bad idea.) In particular,
>> a collision between MdePkg and MdeModulePkg would be super bad.
>> Which now seems to turn out consistent with my general review point that
>> the [Packages] section, like (almost) all other INF file sections,
>> should be sorted lexicographically.
>> How about replacing
>> """
>> Packages must be listed in the order that may be required for specifying
>> include path statements for a compiler. For example, the MdePkg/MdePkg.dec_
>> file must be listed before the `MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec` file.
>> """
>> with
>> """
>> The order in which packages are listed may be relevant. Said order
>> specifies in what order include path statements are generated for a
>> compiler. Normally, header file name collisions are not expected between
>> packages -- they are forbidden in edk2 proper --, but with a module INF
>> consuming both edk2-native and out-of-edk2 packages, header file names
>> may collide. For setting specific include path priorities, the packages
>> may be listed in matching order in the INF file. Listing a package
>> earlier will cause a compiler to consider include paths from that
>> package earlier.
>> """
> Could I suggest striking:
> " -- they are forbidden in edk2 proper --, but with a module INF
> consuming both edk2-native and out-of-edk2 packages, header file
> names may collide"?

I'm sad; that's the part I like the most! ;) That describes the actual
use case (I'm a fan of use case details in commit messages too).

Anyway, I don't insist...

> This document specifies a file format, not automatically edk2-related.

I disagree with this specific statement; the INF spec says "edk2" in the
*name*. It's called "edk2 INF specification".


"This page contains the released versions of the EDK II Specifications
published using Gitbook."


"This document describes the EDK II build information (INF) file format."

The following link doesn't seem to load at the moment:


but checking the source in the git repo
<https://github.com/tianocore-docs/edk2-InfSpecification>, the actual
text seems to say "EDK II Module Information (INF) File Specification".

The whole feature is related to out-of-tree INF files (where header file
name collisions cannot be easily detected).

> I think we're reaching a point where a major documentation overhaul is
> necessary. I had already been reflecting on how the coding style
> document encompasses more than coding style (at one point it explains
> how while() loops are different from do{}while() loops). And we
> recently had that conversation around struct assignments which some
> maintainers claim are banned, but which is not mentioned in that
> document.
> Not trying to resolve that issue *now*, just reflecting on how some
> things have been added to these documents historically to deal with a
> specific issue, and ended up confusing things as improved development
> practices have made the original problem go away.
> So with the edk2 refences removed, I like your new wording.

OK -- I won't let "perfect" get in the way of "good" :)


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