please reply here, fixed Mike's email address, sorry...

On 5/20/20 6:03 PM, Daniel Schaefer wrote:
On 5/20/20 1:43 PM, Leif Lindholm wrote:
On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 15:39:34 +0200, Daniel Schaefer wrote:
Previously we had two packages just for RISC-V on our edk2 branch:
   RiscVPkg and RiscVPlatformPkg
They are now under
   Platform/RISC-V/PlatformPkg and Silicon/RISC-V/ProcessorPkg
in edk2-platforms.

Understood. I took my eye off the ball there for a while, but I'm a
bit confused as to why RiscVPkg isn't going into EDK2. That is very
counterintuitive. And clearly it will need revisiting if we are to add
first-class CI checks like those we do with OvmfPkg/ArmVirtPkg.

Yes, I understand your concern. Personally I'd like it also to be in EDK2 straight away, however Mike, Bret and Sean have raised valid concerns:

1. RISC-V is very new and potentially unstable - it's quicker to make changes in edk2-platforms.

2. If we define new interfaces and libraries in edk2, we can't remove them easily because it would be a backwards-incompatible change. edk2-platforms isn't quite as strict.

3. Long-term, I think many agree, we should aim to move much of the RISC-V code into UefiCpuPkg and OvmfPkg. Mike mentioned that would need coordination with ARM maintainers because it might make sense to move their code there as well.

Maybe Mike, Bret or Sean would like to provide some more comments?

I *did* have some outstanding comments specifically with regards to
large amounts of code duplication between the SMBIOS implementation of
some closely related RISC-V platforms. That now needs to be revisited.

The SMBIOS code hasn't changed. It has moved to
You're referring to this library, right?

They build the SMBIOS entries for a particular processor. Yes, the values do have a lot of overlap but these files are like configuration files. They don't do much, they only set the values of the properties.

Currently it is not possible to let the UEFI firmware get this information from the hardware at runtime, especially now, since we're running in S-Mode. To allow that, we created a RISC-V working group to be able to retrieve all of this information dynamically from the processor (among other goals). Then the vendor will not have to modify these files and hardcode the values anymore. Which enables us to create a single library for all processors.

I hope I described everything properly, please correct me otherwise, Abner.

In the previous version of this patchseries I forgot to attach the biggest new commit, which adds RiscVEdk2SbiLib. It wraps the ecall interface for calling SBI in a C API and lets PEI and DXE call SBI interfaces. Because we need more M-Mode capabilities in PEI and DXE than SBI gives us, we register another SBI
extension, that gives us access to the mscratch register.

Without looking at it yet, it sounds like that may resolve the only
remaining major issue I had with RiscVPkg.

I hope now it makes more sense.

It is more clear, as per above I am not sure it makes more sense :)

Your concerns are very valid, however due to the mentioned trade-offs it might not make sense to address them.

- Daniel

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