Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>

- Bret

From: <> on behalf of Zhang, Shenglei 
via <>
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 11:47:37 PM
To: <>
Cc: Bob Feng <>; Liming Gao <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [edk2-devel] [PATCH] BaseTools/ 
Update toolchain plugin

Allow WindowsVsToolChain Plugin to add libraries and headers
of user defined ARCH for VS2017 and VS2019.

Cc: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Signed-off-by: Shenglei Zhang <>
 .../WindowsVsToolChain/  | 73 ++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/BaseTools/Plugin/WindowsVsToolChain/ 
index c9279e1c75b5..0fba2c1b5325 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Plugin/WindowsVsToolChain/
+++ b/BaseTools/Plugin/WindowsVsToolChain/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import as locate_tools
 from import FindWithVsWhere
 from edk2toolext.environment import shell_environment
 from edk2toolext.environment import version_aggregator
+from edk2toollib.utility_functions import GetHostInfo

 class WindowsVsToolChain(IUefiBuildPlugin):
@@ -26,14 +27,41 @@ class WindowsVsToolChain(IUefiBuildPlugin):
                             "UCRTVersion", "WindowsLibPath", 
"WindowsSdkBinPath", "WindowsSdkDir", "WindowsSdkVerBinPath",
                             "WindowsSDKVersion", "VCToolsInstallDir", "Path"]

+        #
         # VS2017 - Follow VS2017 where there is potential for many versions of 
the tools.
         # If a specific version is required then the user must set both env 
         # VS150INSTALLPATH:  base install path on system to VC install dir.  
Here you will find the VC folder, etc
         # VS150TOOLVER:      version number for the VC compiler tools
         # VS2017_PREFIX:     path to MSVC compiler folder with trailing slash 
(can be used instead of two vars above)
+        # VS2017_HOST:       set the host architecture to use for host tools, 
and host libs, etc
         if thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2017":

+            # check to see if host is configured
+            # HostType for VS2017 should be (defined in tools_def):
+            # x86   == 32bit Intel
+            # x64   == 64bit Intel
+            # arm   == 32bit Arm
+            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
+            #
+            HostType = 
+            if HostType is not None:
+                HostType = HostType.lower()
+                    f"HOST TYPE defined by environment.  Host Type is 
+            else:
+                HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
+                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
+                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
+                        HostType = "x86"
+                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
+                        HostType = "x64"
+                else:
+                    raise NotImplementedError()
+            # VS2017_HOST options are not exactly the same as 
QueryVcVariables. This translates.
+            VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR = {
+                "x86": "x86", "x64": "AMD64", "arm": "not supported", "arm64": 
"not supported"}
             # check to see if full path already configured
shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2017_PREFIX") != None:
       "VS2017_PREFIX is already set.")
@@ -58,16 +86,14 @@ class WindowsVsToolChain(IUefiBuildPlugin):
                                       "Tools", "MSVC", vc_ver)
                 prefix = prefix + os.path.sep
shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2017_PREFIX", prefix)
shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2017_HOST", HostType)

                 shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                 # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the 
vars that interest us.
                 vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
-                    interesting_keys, "amd64", vs_version="vs2017")
+                    interesting_keys, VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR[HostType], 
                 for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
-                    if k.upper() == "PATH":
-                        shell_env.insert_path(v)
-                    else:
-                        shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)
+                    shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)

             # now confirm it exists
             if not 
@@ -80,8 +106,35 @@ class WindowsVsToolChain(IUefiBuildPlugin):
         # VS160INSTALLPATH:  base install path on system to VC install dir.  
Here you will find the VC folder, etc
         # VS160TOOLVER:      version number for the VC compiler tools
         # VS2019_PREFIX:     path to MSVC compiler folder with trailing slash 
(can be used instead of two vars above)
+        # VS2017_HOST:       set the host architecture to use for host tools, 
and host libs, etc
         elif thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2019":

+            # check to see if host is configured
+            # HostType for VS2019 should be (defined in tools_def):
+            # x86   == 32bit Intel
+            # x64   == 64bit Intel
+            # arm   == 32bit Arm
+            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
+            #
+            HostType = 
+            if HostType is not None:
+                HostType = HostType.lower()
+                    f"HOST TYPE defined by environment.  Host Type is 
+            else:
+                HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
+                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
+                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
+                        HostType = "x86"
+                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
+                        HostType = "x64"
+                else:
+                    raise NotImplementedError()
+            # VS2019_HOST options are not exactly the same as 
QueryVcVariables. This translates.
+            VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR = {
+                "x86": "x86", "x64": "AMD64", "arm": "not supported", "arm64": 
"not supported"}
             # check to see if full path already configured
shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2019_PREFIX") != None:
       "VS2019_PREFIX is already set.")
@@ -106,16 +159,14 @@ class WindowsVsToolChain(IUefiBuildPlugin):
                                       "Tools", "MSVC", vc_ver)
                 prefix = prefix + os.path.sep
shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2019_PREFIX", prefix)
shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2019_HOST", HostType)

                 shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                 # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the 
vars that interest us.
                 vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
-                    interesting_keys, "amd64", vs_version="vs2019")
+                    interesting_keys, VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR[HostType], 
                 for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
-                    if k.upper() == "PATH":
-                        shell_env.insert_path(v)
-                    else:
-                        shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)
+                    shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)

             # now confirm it exists
             if not 

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