Add the interface OpalStartTransaction.
Add the interface OpalEndTransaction.
Add the interface TcgCreateStartTransaction.
Add the interface TcgCreateEndTransaction.

Change-Id: I9cfa43ce005d65ba65cc6c1ffc8a6b754266189b
Signed-off-by: chenxia1 <>
 SecurityPkg/Include/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib.h            |  48 
 SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib/TcgStorageUtil.c     |  72 
 SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageOpalLib/TcgStorageOpalCore.c | 114 
 3 files changed, 234 insertions(+)

diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Include/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib.h 
index 01a44c667c..451084a01d 100644
--- a/SecurityPkg/Include/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib.h
+++ b/SecurityPkg/Include/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib.h
@@ -1303,6 +1303,54 @@ TcgIsLocked(
   const TCG_LEVEL0_DISCOVERY_HEADER      *Discovery
+  Creates ComPacket with StartTransaction.
+  @param  [in/out]    CreateStruct        Structure used to add Endsession
+  @param  [in/out]    Size                Describes the size of the entire 
ComPacket (header and payload). Filled out by function.
+  @param  [in]        ComId               ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        ComIdExtension      Extended ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        HostSessionId         Host Session ID for the Packet
+  @param  [in]        TpSessionId         Tper Session ID for the Packet
+  TCG_CREATE_STRUCT   *CreateStruct,
+  UINT32              *Size,
+  UINT16              ComId,
+  UINT16              ComIdExtension,
+  UINT32              HostSessionId,
+  UINT32              TpSessionId
+  );
+  Creates ComPacket with EndTransaction.
+  @param  [in/out]    CreateStruct        Structure used to add Endsession
+  @param  [in/out]    Size                Describes the size of the entire 
ComPacket (header and payload). Filled out by function.
+  @param  [in]        ComId               ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        ComIdExtension      Extended ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        HostSessionId         Host Session ID for the Packet
+  @param  [in]        TpSessionId         Tper Session ID for the Packet
+  @param  [in]        Status              Status for the commit or abort action
+  TCG_CREATE_STRUCT   *CreateStruct,
+  UINT32              *Size,
+  UINT16              ComId,
+  UINT16              ComIdExtension,
+  UINT32              HostSessionId,
+  UINT32              TpSessionId,
+  UINT8               Status
+  );
 #pragma pack()
diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib/TcgStorageUtil.c 
index ff331bfc8a..50eeee3b47 100644
--- a/SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib/TcgStorageUtil.c
+++ b/SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageCoreLib/TcgStorageUtil.c
@@ -899,3 +899,75 @@ TcgIsLocked(
   return FALSE;
+  Creates ComPacket with StartTransaction.
+  @param  [in/out]    CreateStruct        Structure used to add Endsession
+  @param  [in/out]    Size                Describes the size of the entire 
ComPacket (header and payload). Filled out by function.
+  @param  [in]        ComId               ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        ComIdExtension      Extended ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        HostSessionId         Host Session ID for the Packet
+  @param  [in]        TpSessionId         Tper Session ID for the Packet
+  TCG_CREATE_STRUCT   *CreateStruct,
+  UINT32              *Size,
+  UINT16              ComId,
+  UINT16              ComIdExtension,
+  UINT32              HostSessionId,
+  UINT32              TpSessionId
+  )
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgStartComPacket(CreateStruct, ComId, ComIdExtension));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgStartPacket(CreateStruct, TpSessionId, HostSessionId, 0x0, 
0x0, 0x0));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgStartSubPacket(CreateStruct, 0x0));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgAddStartTransaction(CreateStruct));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgAddUINT8(CreateStruct, 0x00)); // "Status"
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgEndSubPacket(CreateStruct));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgEndPacket(CreateStruct));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgEndComPacket(CreateStruct, Size));
+  return TcgResultSuccess;
+  Creates ComPacket with EndTransaction.
+  @param  [in/out]    CreateStruct        Structure used to add Endsession
+  @param  [in/out]    Size                Describes the size of the entire 
ComPacket (header and payload). Filled out by function.
+  @param  [in]        ComId               ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        ComIdExtension      Extended ComID for the ComPacket
+  @param  [in]        HostSessionId         Host Session ID for the Packet
+  @param  [in]        TpSessionId         Tper Session ID for the Packet
+  @param  [in]        Status              Status for the commit or abort action
+  TCG_CREATE_STRUCT   *CreateStruct,
+  UINT32              *Size,
+  UINT16              ComId,
+  UINT16              ComIdExtension,
+  UINT32              HostSessionId,
+  UINT32              TpSessionId,
+  UINT8               Status
+  )
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgStartComPacket(CreateStruct, ComId, ComIdExtension));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgStartPacket(CreateStruct, TpSessionId, HostSessionId, 0x0, 
0x0, 0x0));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgStartSubPacket(CreateStruct, 0x0));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgAddEndTransaction(CreateStruct));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgAddUINT8(CreateStruct, Status)); // "Status"
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgEndSubPacket(CreateStruct));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgEndPacket(CreateStruct));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgEndComPacket(CreateStruct, Size));
+  return TcgResultSuccess;
diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageOpalLib/TcgStorageOpalCore.c 
index b58597e61f..c3e6e9d3ad 100644
--- a/SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageOpalLib/TcgStorageOpalCore.c
+++ b/SecurityPkg/Library/TcgStorageOpalLib/TcgStorageOpalCore.c
@@ -1987,3 +1987,117 @@ OpalDeviceLocked(
   return LockingFeature->Locked;
+  Start Transaction.
+  @param[in/out]  Session     OPAL_SESSION to start transaction.
+  OPAL_SESSION     *Session
+  )
+  UINT8             Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
+  TCG_CREATE_STRUCT CreateStruct;
+  UINT32            Size;
+  TCG_PARSE_STRUCT  ParseStruct;
+  NULL_CHECK(Session);
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgInitTcgCreateStruct(&CreateStruct, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgCreateStartTransaction(
+                  &CreateStruct,
+                  &Size,
+                  Session->OpalBaseComId,
+                  Session->ComIdExtension,
+                  Session->HostSessionId,
+                  Session->TperSessionId
+                ));
+  ERROR_CHECK(OpalTrustedSend(
+                  Session->Sscp,
+                  Session->MediaId,
+                  TCG_OPAL_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_1,
+                  Session->OpalBaseComId,
+                  Size,
+                  Buffer,
+                  sizeof(Buffer)
+              ));
+  ERROR_CHECK(OpalTrustedRecv(
+                  Session->Sscp,
+                  Session->MediaId,
+                  TCG_OPAL_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_1,
+                  Session->OpalBaseComId,
+                  Buffer,
+                  sizeof(Buffer),
+                  0
+              ));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgInitTcgParseStruct(&ParseStruct, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgCheckComIds(&ParseStruct, Session->OpalBaseComId, 
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgGetNextStartTransaction(&ParseStruct));
+  return TcgResultSuccess;
+  End Transaction.
+  @param[in/out]  Session     OPAL_SESSION to end transaction.
+  @param[in/out]  Status      0x00 for commit and 0x01 for abort.  If action 
succeeded, it should be TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS.
+  OPAL_SESSION     *Session,
+  UINT8            Status
+  )
+  UINT8             Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
+  TCG_CREATE_STRUCT CreateStruct;
+  UINT32            Size;
+  TCG_PARSE_STRUCT  ParseStruct;
+  NULL_CHECK(Session);
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgInitTcgCreateStruct(&CreateStruct, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgCreateEndTransaction(
+                  &CreateStruct,
+                  &Size,
+                  Session->OpalBaseComId,
+                  Session->ComIdExtension,
+                  Session->HostSessionId,
+                  Session->TperSessionId,
+                  Status
+                ));
+  ERROR_CHECK(OpalTrustedSend(
+                  Session->Sscp,
+                  Session->MediaId,
+                  TCG_OPAL_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_1,
+                  Session->OpalBaseComId,
+                  Size,
+                  Buffer,
+                  sizeof(Buffer)
+              ));
+  ERROR_CHECK(OpalTrustedRecv(
+                  Session->Sscp,
+                  Session->MediaId,
+                  TCG_OPAL_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_1,
+                  Session->OpalBaseComId,
+                  Buffer,
+                  sizeof(Buffer),
+                  0
+              ));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgInitTcgParseStruct(&ParseStruct, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)));
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgCheckComIds(&ParseStruct, Session->OpalBaseComId, 
+  ERROR_CHECK(TcgGetNextEndTransaction(&ParseStruct));
+  return TcgResultSuccess;

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