Has there been any progress on this "code-first process" proposal? Any timeline 
on when we should expect it to be launched?


-----Original Message-----
From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of Felix Polyudov 
via Groups.Io
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 10:30 AM
To: r...@edk2.groups.io; 'l...@nuviainc.com' <l...@nuviainc.com>; 
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [edk2-rfc] [RFC] code-first process for UEFI-forum 


>The process does not in fact change the UEFI bylaws - the change is
>that the development (of both specification and code) happens in the
>open. The resulting specification update is then submitted to the
>appropriate working goup as an Engineering Change Request (ECR), and
>voted on. For the UEFI Forum, this is a change in workflow, not a change in 

I think it would be good to add more details regarding the interaction between 
edk2 and UEFI forum.
Here is what I suggest:
Each specification update Bugzilla ticket must have a sponsor. A sponsor is a 
person or a company that will be presenting change request to the UEFI forum.
A sponsor has to be identified early in the process. Preferably along with 
Buzilla ticket creation.
It is sponsor's responsibility to officially submit ECR to the UEFI forum by 
creating a mantis ticket with a Bugzilla link.
There are two reasons to create mantis ticket early in the process:
 - Creation of the ticket exposes the effort to the UEFI forum thus enabling 
early feedback from the members(via Bugzilla), which may reduce number of 
iterations in the
    implement --> get feedback --> re-implement cycle.
- edk2 effort will be taken into consideration while scheduling future 
specification releases

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