Hi Sean,

On Sun, Mar 08, 2020 at 23:08:54 -0700, Sean via Groups.Io wrote:
> Ard/Lazlo,
> I find your position on OvmfPkg, ArmVirtPkg,and edk2-platforms in
> edk2 to be detrimental to the overall success of the edk2 project.
> The majority of edk2 consumers already have to deal with their
> platform not being part of the edk2 git repo and the fact that
> changes to edk2 may not work or cause conflict on their platforms.

The community took the decision to include virtual platforms in edk2
in order to make it possible for anyone to build and test complete
platform ports against the core tree.

Referring to this as the position of Ard and Laszlo is out of line.
I think you owe them both an apology.

If you want to change that decision, I suggest you join in, become
part of the community and try to change things from within rather than
continuing to stand on the sidelines shouting "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG".


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