We have combined all review comments recieved till now.
Major changes are:
- Using Watchdog driver from MdeModulePkg

Following patches will add support of LS1043 SoC in edk2-platforms.

We will send patches to support LS2088 and LS1046 SoC after LS1043 gets merged.

Our directory structure will be:

|-- Platform
|   |-- NXP
|   |   |-- FVRules.fdf.inc
|   |   |-- LS1043aRdbPkg
|   |   |   |-- Drivers
|   |   |   |   `-- PlatformDxe
|   |   |   |       |-- PlatformDxe.c
|   |   |   |       `-- PlatformDxe.inf
|   |   |   |-- Library
|   |   |   |   `-- PlatformLib
|   |   |   |       |-- ArmPlatformLib.c
|   |   |   |       |-- ArmPlatformLib.inf
|   |   |   |       |-- NxpQoriqLsHelper.S
|   |   |   |       `-- NxpQoriqLsMem.c
|   |   |   |-- LS1043aRdbPkg.dec
|   |   |   |-- LS1043aRdbPkg.dsc
|   |   |   `-- LS1043aRdbPkg.fdf
|   |   |-- NxpQoriqLs.dsc.inc
|   |   `-- Readme.md
|-- Silicon
|   |-- Maxim
|   |   `-- Library
|   |       `-- Ds1307RtcLib
|   |           |-- Ds1307Rtc.h
|   |           |-- Ds1307RtcLib.c
|   |           |-- Ds1307RtcLib.dec
|   |           `-- Ds1307RtcLib.inf
|   |-- NXP
|   |   |-- Drivers
|   |   |   |-- I2cDxe
|   |   |   |   |-- ComponentName.c
|   |   |   |   |-- DriverBinding.c
|   |   |   |   |-- I2cDxe.c
|   |   |   |   |-- I2cDxe.h
|   |   |   |   `-- I2cDxe.inf
|   |   |-- Include
|   |   |   |-- Chassis2
|   |   |   |   |-- LsSerDes.h
|   |   |   |   `-- NxpSoc.h
|   |   |   |-- DramInfo.h
|   |   |   `-- Library
|   |   |       `-- IoAccessLib.h
|   |   |-- Library
|   |   |   |-- DUartPortLib
|   |   |   |   |-- DUart.h
|   |   |   |   |-- DUartPortLib.c
|   |   |   |   `-- DUartPortLib.inf
|   |   |   |-- IoAccessLib
|   |   |   |   |-- IoAccessLib.c
|   |   |   |   `-- IoAccessLib.inf
|   |   |   |-- MemoryInitPei
|   |   |   |   |-- MemoryInitPeiLib.c
|   |   |   |   `-- MemoryInitPeiLib.inf
|   |   |   |-- Pcf8563RealTimeClockLib
|   |   |   |   |-- Pcf8563RealTimeClockLib.c
|   |   |   |   |-- Pcf8563RealTimeClockLib.dec
|   |   |   |   `-- Pcf8563RealTimeClockLib.inf
|   |   |   `-- SocLib
|   |   |       |-- Chassis2
|   |   |       |   `-- Soc.c
|   |   |       |-- Chassis.c
|   |   |       |-- LS1043aSocLib.inf
|   |   |       |-- NxpChassis.h
|   |   |       `-- SerDes.c
|   |   |-- LS1043A
|   |   |   |-- Include
|   |   |   |   `-- SocSerDes.h
|   |   |   |-- LS1043A.dec
|   |   |   `-- LS1043A.dsc.inc
|   |   `-- NxpQoriqLs.dec

In Silicon/NXP, we are keeping our SoC specific information and all Drivers and 
Library which are used by SoCs.

Platform/NXP/ will host our board packages and build script.

Board specific libraries and header files will reside inside board package.

Looking forward for your kind support in upstreaming our boards in 

Meenakshi Aggarwal (11):
  Silicon/NXP: Add Library to provide Mmio APIs with swapped data.
  Silicon/NXP: Add function to return swapped Mmio APIs pointer
  SocLib : Add support for initialization of peripherals
  Silicon/NXP : Add support for DUART library
  Silicon/NXP: Add support for I2c driver
  Silicon/Maxim : Add support for DS1307 RTC library
  Silicon/NXP : Add MemoryInitPei Library
  Platform/NXP: Add support for ArmPlatformLib
  Platform/NXP: Add Platform driver for LS1043 RDB board
  Compilation : Add the fdf, dsc and dec files.
  Readme : Add Readme.md file.

 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/LS1043aRdbPkg.dec                      |  23 +
 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307RtcLib.dec               |  23 +
 Silicon/NXP/LS1043A/LS1043A.dec                                   |  16 +
 Silicon/NXP/NxpQoriqLs.dec                                        | 103 +++
 Platform/NXP/NxpQoriqLs.dsc.inc                                   | 368 
 Silicon/NXP/LS1043A/LS1043A.dsc.inc                               |  61 ++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/LS1043aRdbPkg.dsc                      |  77 +++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/LS1043aRdbPkg.fdf                      | 167 +++++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/Drivers/PlatformDxe/PlatformDxe.inf    |  52 ++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/Library/PlatformLib/ArmPlatformLib.inf |  55 ++
 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307RtcLib.inf               |  40 ++
 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/I2cDxe.inf                             |  58 ++
 Silicon/NXP/Library/DUartPortLib/DUartPortLib.inf                 |  34 +
 Silicon/NXP/Library/IoAccessLib/IoAccessLib.inf                   |  26 +
 Silicon/NXP/Library/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeiLib.inf            |  48 ++
 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/LS1043aSocLib.inf                      |  45 ++
 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307Rtc.h                    |  48 ++
 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/I2cDxe.h                               | 100 +++
 Silicon/NXP/Include/Chassis2/LsSerDes.h                           |  62 ++
 Silicon/NXP/Include/Chassis2/NxpSoc.h                             | 361 
 Silicon/NXP/Include/DramInfo.h                                    |  38 ++
 Silicon/NXP/Include/Library/IoAccessLib.h                         | 326 
 Silicon/NXP/LS1043A/Include/SocSerDes.h                           |  51 ++
 Silicon/NXP/Library/DUartPortLib/DUart.h                          | 122 ++++
 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/NxpChassis.h                           | 136 ++++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/Drivers/PlatformDxe/PlatformDxe.c      | 114 ++++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/Library/PlatformLib/ArmPlatformLib.c   |  98 +++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/Library/PlatformLib/NxpQoriqLsMem.c    | 144 ++++
 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307RtcLib.c                 | 372 
 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/ComponentName.c                        | 179 +++++
 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/DriverBinding.c                        | 235 +++++++
 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/I2cDxe.c                               | 690 
 Silicon/NXP/Library/DUartPortLib/DUartPortLib.c                   | 364 
 Silicon/NXP/Library/IoAccessLib/IoAccessLib.c                     | 404 
 Silicon/NXP/Library/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeiLib.c              | 139 ++++
 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/Chassis.c                              | 498 
 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/Chassis2/Soc.c                         | 162 +++++
 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/SerDes.c                               | 268 
 Platform/NXP/FVRules.fdf.inc                                      |  93 +++
 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/Library/PlatformLib/NxpQoriqLsHelper.S |  31 +
 Platform/NXP/Readme.md                                            |   5 +
 Readme.md                                                         |   3 +
 42 files changed, 6239 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/LS1043aRdbPkg.dec
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307RtcLib.dec
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/LS1043A/LS1043A.dec
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/NxpQoriqLs.dec
 create mode 100644 Platform/NXP/NxpQoriqLs.dsc.inc
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/LS1043A/LS1043A.dsc.inc
 create mode 100644 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/LS1043aRdbPkg.dsc
 create mode 100644 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/LS1043aRdbPkg.fdf
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307RtcLib.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/I2cDxe.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/DUartPortLib/DUartPortLib.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/IoAccessLib/IoAccessLib.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeiLib.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/LS1043aSocLib.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307Rtc.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/I2cDxe.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Include/Chassis2/LsSerDes.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Include/Chassis2/NxpSoc.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Include/DramInfo.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Include/Library/IoAccessLib.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/LS1043A/Include/SocSerDes.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/DUartPortLib/DUart.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/NxpChassis.h
 create mode 100644 Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg/Drivers/PlatformDxe/PlatformDxe.c
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Maxim/Library/Ds1307RtcLib/Ds1307RtcLib.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/ComponentName.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/DriverBinding.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Drivers/I2cDxe/I2cDxe.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/DUartPortLib/DUartPortLib.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/IoAccessLib/IoAccessLib.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeiLib.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/Chassis.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/Chassis2/Soc.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/NXP/Library/SocLib/SerDes.c
 create mode 100644 Platform/NXP/FVRules.fdf.inc
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 Platform/NXP/Readme.md


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