Based on INF Spec, maybe FeatureFlagExpress is a choice. When present, the feature flag expression determines whether the entry line is valid. If the feature flag expression evaluates to FALSE, this entry will be ignored by the EDK II build tools.
For below example, is MSFT/GCC FeatureFlag ? [Sources.Ia32] Ia32/DisableCache.c | MSFT Ia32/GccInline.c | GCC Thanks -----邮件原件----- 发件人: Tiger Liu(BJ-RD) 发送时间: 2019年11月13日 16:49 收件人: 主题: [edk2-devel] [edk2] INF file : use conditional sentence Dear All: I have a question about INF file written syntax. Could I use conditional sentence in INF file? For example: [Defines] ...... [Sources] !ifdef ABC a.c !else b.c !endif ...... Thanks 保密声明: 本邮件含有保密或专有信息,仅供指定收件人使用。严禁对本邮件或其内容做任何未经授权的查阅、使用、复制或转发。 CONFIDENTIAL NOTE: This email contains confidential or legally privileged information and is for the sole use of its intended recipient. Any unauthorized review, use, copying or forwarding of this email or the content of this email is strictly prohibited. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#50583): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-