Hi Leif,

On 2019.10.10 09:39, Leif Lindholm wrote:
On Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 01:38:37PM +0100, Pete Batard wrote:
This patch introduces the capability to also query the Model Name/
Manufacturer Name/CPU Name/Firmware Revision using the RpiFirmware
protocol. This is aims at making the driver more suitable to cater
for platforms other than the Raspberry Pi 3 as well as simplifying
the population of entries in PlatformSmbiosDxe.

Signed-off-by: Pete Batard <p...@akeo.ie>
  Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Drivers/RpiFirmwareDxe/RpiFirmwareDxe.c | 155 
  Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Include/Protocol/RpiFirmware.h          |  58 
  2 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Drivers/RpiFirmwareDxe/RpiFirmwareDxe.c 
index 9b5ee1946279..378c99bcba05 100644
--- a/Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Drivers/RpiFirmwareDxe/RpiFirmwareDxe.c
+++ b/Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Drivers/RpiFirmwareDxe/RpiFirmwareDxe.c
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ typedef struct {
    RPI_FW_TAG_HEAD           TagHead;
    UINT32                    EndTag;
  #pragma pack()
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ RpiFirmwareGetModelRevision (
    OUT   UINT32 *Revision
    EFI_STATUS                    Status;
    UINT32                        Result;
@@ -506,6 +506,153 @@ RpiFirmwareGetModelRevision (
    return EFI_SUCCESS;
+RpiFirmwareGetFirmwareRevision (
+  OUT   UINT32 *Revision
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                    Status;
+  UINT32                        Result;
+  if (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail (&mMailboxLock)) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: failed to acquire spinlock\n", __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+  }
+  Cmd = mDmaBuffer;
+  ZeroMem (Cmd, sizeof (*Cmd));
+  Cmd->BufferHead.BufferSize  = sizeof (*Cmd);
+  Cmd->BufferHead.Response    = 0;
+  Cmd->TagHead.TagId          = RPI_MBOX_GET_REVISION;
+  Cmd->TagHead.TagSize        = sizeof (Cmd->TagBody);
+  Cmd->TagHead.TagValueSize   = 0;
+  Cmd->EndTag                 = 0;
+  Status = MailboxTransaction (Cmd->BufferHead.BufferSize, RPI_MBOX_VC_CHANNEL, 
+  ReleaseSpinLock (&mMailboxLock);
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) ||
+      Cmd->BufferHead.Response != RPI_MBOX_RESP_SUCCESS) {
+      "%a: mailbox transaction error: Status == %r, Response == 0x%x\n",
+      __FUNCTION__, Status, Cmd->BufferHead.Response));
+    return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+  }
+  *Revision = Cmd->TagBody.Revision;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+RpiFirmwareGetModelName (
+  IN INTN ModelId
+  )
+  UINT32  Revision;
+  // If a negative ModelId is passed, detect it.
+  if ((ModelId < 0) && (RpiFirmwareGetModelRevision (&Revision) == 

Style-wise, please always use {} with if-statements.

Will do.

Beyond that, this pattern repeats identcally in three functions in
this file. Meanwhile, there is never any error handling of
RpiFirmwareGetModelRevision other than if not successful, we leave it
as negative.

Yes, because then we'll get the default case (that returns "Unknown ..."), which is precisely what we want if we can't access the model revision for any reason.

Are there other intended uses of that function, or could
we move this logic there?

I'm not sure how that would work, since ModelId, ManufacturerId, and CpuId are for different parts of the bit fields, so, if I understand what you're suggesting correctly (but I'm not really sure I do) trying to move the check for negative value into RpiFirmwareGetModelRevision () wouldn't work that great. Plus then the function name would become a misnommer.

Are you really seeing a functional issue with the current code, or something that would make a possible contributor wanting to modify this section puzzled as to what we're trying to accomplish here (which I think is pretty clear, but then again, I wrote the code so maybe I'm not the most impartial? Because if not, I'd rather save my limited supply of time, and just go with a v3 that only adds the {} suggested.




+    ModelId = (Revision >> 4) & 0xFF;
+  switch (ModelId) {
+  // 
+  case 0x00:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Model A";
+  case 0x01:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Model B";
+  case 0x02:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Model A+";
+  case 0x03:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Model B+";
+  case 0x04:
+    return "Raspberry Pi 2 Model B";
+  case 0x06:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Compute Module 1";
+  case 0x08:
+    return "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B";
+  case 0x09:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Zero";
+  case 0x0A:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3";
+  case 0x0C:
+    return "Raspberry Pi Zero W";
+  case 0x0D:
+    return "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+";
+  case 0x0E:
+    return "Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+";
+  case 0x11:
+    return "Raspberry Pi 4 Model B";
+  default:
+    return "Unknown Raspberry Pi Model";
+  }
+RpiFirmwareGetManufacturerName (
+  IN INTN ManufacturerId
+  )
+  UINT32  Revision;
+  // If a negative ModelId is passed, detect it.
+  if ((ManufacturerId < 0) && (RpiFirmwareGetModelRevision (&Revision) == 
+    ManufacturerId = (Revision >> 16) & 0x0F;
+  switch (ManufacturerId) {
+  // 
+  case 0x00:
+    return "Sony UK";
+  case 0x01:
+    return "Egoman";
+  case 0x02:
+  case 0x04:
+    return "Embest";
+  case 0x03:
+    return "Sony Japan";
+  case 0x05:
+    return "Stadium";
+  default:
+    return "Unknown Manufacturer";
+  }
+RpiFirmwareGetCpuName (
+  IN INTN CpuId
+  )
+  UINT32  Revision;
+  // If a negative CpuId is passed, detect it.
+  if ((CpuId < 0) && (RpiFirmwareGetModelRevision (&Revision) == EFI_SUCCESS))
+    CpuId = (Revision >> 12) & 0x0F;
+  switch (CpuId) {
+  // 
+  case 0x00:
+    return "BCM2835 (ARM11)";
+  case 0x01:
+    return "BCM2836 (ARM Cortex-A7)";
+  case 0x02:
+    return "BCM2837 (ARM Cortex-A53)";
+  case 0x03:
+    return "BCM2711 (ARM Cortex-A72)";
+  default:
+    return "Unknown CPU Model";
+  }
  #pragma pack()
  typedef struct {
    UINT32 Width;
mRpiFirmwareProtocol = {
+  RpiFirmwareGetModelName,
+  RpiFirmwareGetFirmwareRevision,
+  RpiFirmwareGetManufacturerName,
+  RpiFirmwareGetCpuName,
diff --git a/Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Include/Protocol/RpiFirmware.h b/Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Include/Protocol/RpiFirmware.h
index ec70f28efe1a..e49d6e6132d9 100644
--- a/Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Include/Protocol/RpiFirmware.h
+++ b/Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi3/Include/Protocol/RpiFirmware.h
@@ -96,6 +96,30 @@ EFI_STATUS
    UINT32 *Revision
+  INTN ModelId
+  );
+  UINT32 *Revision
+  );
+  INTN ManufacturerId
+  );
+  INTN CpuId
+  );
@@ -104,21 +128,25 @@ EFI_STATUS
typedef struct {
-  SET_POWER_STATE    SetPowerState;
-  GET_MAC_ADDRESS    GetMacAddress;
-  GET_COMMAND_LINE   GetCommandLine;
-  GET_CLOCK_RATE     GetClockRate;
-  GET_CLOCK_RATE     GetMaxClockRate;
-  GET_CLOCK_RATE     GetMinClockRate;
-  SET_CLOCK_RATE     SetClockRate;
-  GET_FB             GetFB;
-  FREE_FB            FreeFB;
-  GET_FB_SIZE        GetFBSize;
-  SET_LED            SetLed;
-  GET_SERIAL         GetSerial;
-  GET_MODEL          GetModel;
-  GET_MODEL_REVISION GetModelRevision;
-  GET_ARM_MEM        GetArmMem;
+  SET_POWER_STATE       SetPowerState;
+  GET_MAC_ADDRESS       GetMacAddress;
+  GET_COMMAND_LINE      GetCommandLine;
+  GET_CLOCK_RATE        GetClockRate;
+  GET_CLOCK_RATE        GetMaxClockRate;
+  GET_CLOCK_RATE        GetMinClockRate;
+  SET_CLOCK_RATE        SetClockRate;
+  GET_FB                GetFB;
+  FREE_FB               FreeFB;
+  GET_FB_SIZE           GetFBSize;
+  SET_LED               SetLed;
+  GET_SERIAL            GetSerial;
+  GET_MODEL             GetModel;
+  GET_MODEL_REVISION    GetModelRevision;
+  GET_MODEL_NAME        GetModelName;
+  GET_FIRMWARE_REVISION GetFirmwareRevision;
+  GET_MANUFACTURER_NAME GetManufacturerName;
+  GET_CPU_NAME          GetCpuName;
+  GET_ARM_MEM           GetArmMem;
extern EFI_GUID gRaspberryPiFirmwareProtocolGuid;

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