On 2019-08-16 15:40, Vitaly Cheptsov via Groups.Io wrote:
> I missed your message while writing mine, but I am afraid I disagree
> with the functional macro usage for this feature.
> I explicitly quoted C standard static_assert definition in one of my
> previous messages, and I want EDK II to be as close to standard C as
> possible.
Choosing a random message in this thread to comment.

We could also migrate the existing uses of __STATIC_ASSERT in BaseTools
to the new STATIC_ASSERT:

BaseTools/Source/C/Common/PcdValueCommon.h:22:#define __STATIC_ASSERT
BaseTools/Source/C/Common/PcdValueCommon.h:24:#define __STATIC_ASSERT
Binary file BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/DscBuildData.pyc matches
CApp = CApp + '__STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(%s_%s_INIT_Value) < %d *
sizeof(%s), "Pcd %s.%s Value in Dec exceed the array capability %s"); //
From  %s Line %s \n ' % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName,
CApp = CApp + '__STATIC_ASSERT(%d < %d * sizeof(%s), "Pcd %s.%s Value in
Dec exceed the array capability %s"); // From %s Line %s \n' %

Rebecca Cran

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