Build tool supports user to specify the conf folder.
To make the build options be evaluated at the beginning
of launching build, extract the buildoption function
from to a new .py file.

Signed-off-by: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
 .../Python/Common/     |  28 ++++-
 BaseTools/Source/Python/build/        | 108 +-----------------
 BaseTools/Source/Python/build/ |  92 +++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Source/Python/build/

diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/ 
index 79a5acc01074..16cc75ccb7c8 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/
@@ -8,16 +8,19 @@
 # Import Modules
 from __future__ import print_function
 from __future__ import absolute_import
+from buildoptions import BuildOption,BuildTarget
+import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
 import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
 from . import EdkLogger
 from . import DataType
 from .BuildToolError import *
-from . import GlobalData
 from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
 gDefaultTargetTxtFile = "target.txt"
 ## TargetTxtClassObject
@@ -139,16 +142,33 @@ class TargetTxtClassObject(object):
 # @param ConfDir:  Conf dir
 # @retval Target An instance of TargetTxtClassObject() with loaded target.txt
-def TargetTxtDict(ConfDir):
+def TargetTxtDict():
     Target = TargetTxtClassObject()
-    Target.LoadTargetTxtFile(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ConfDir, 
+    if BuildOption.ConfDirectory:
+        # Get alternate Conf location, if it is absolute, then just use the 
absolute directory name
+        ConfDirectoryPath = os.path.normpath(BuildOption.ConfDirectory)
+        if not os.path.isabs(ConfDirectoryPath):
+            # Since alternate directory name is not absolute, the alternate 
directory is located within the WORKSPACE
+            # This also handles someone specifying the Conf directory in the 
workspace. Using --conf=Conf
+            ConfDirectoryPath = mws.join(os.environ["WORKSPACE"], 
+    else:
+        if "CONF_PATH" in os.environ:
+            ConfDirectoryPath = 
+        else:
+            # Get standard WORKSPACE/Conf use the absolute path to the 
+            ConfDirectoryPath = mws.join(os.environ["WORKSPACE"], 'Conf')
+    GlobalData.gConfDirectory = ConfDirectoryPath
+    targettxt = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ConfDirectoryPath, 
+    if os.path.exists(targettxt):
+        Target.LoadTargetTxtFile(targettxt)
     return Target
-TargetTxt = TargetTxtDict(os.path.join(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"),"Conf"))
+TargetTxt = TargetTxtDict()
 # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed 
into another
 # script.
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/ 
index 323fc8f64e31..1c03f063668b 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import traceback
 import multiprocessing
 from threading import Thread,Event,BoundedSemaphore
 import threading
 from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
 from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
-from optparse import OptionParser
+from buildoptions import BuildOption,BuildTarget
 from AutoGen.PlatformAutoGen import PlatformAutoGen
 from AutoGen.ModuleAutoGen import ModuleAutoGen
 from AutoGen.WorkspaceAutoGen import WorkspaceAutoGen
 from AutoGen.AutoGenWorker import AutoGenWorkerInProcess,AutoGenManager,\
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ from Common.Misc import 
 from Common.StringUtils import NormPath
 from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
 from Common.BuildToolError import *
 from Common.DataType import *
 import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
-from Common.BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION
 from Workspace.WorkspaceDatabase import BuildDB
 from BuildReport import BuildReport
 from GenPatchPcdTable.GenPatchPcdTable import 
 from PatchPcdValue.PatchPcdValue import PatchBinaryFile
@@ -53,14 +53,10 @@ from PatchPcdValue.PatchPcdValue import PatchBinaryFile
 import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
 from GenFds.GenFds import GenFds, GenFdsApi
 import multiprocessing as mp
 from multiprocessing import Manager
-# Version and Copyright
-VersionNumber = "0.60" + ' ' + gBUILD_VERSION
-__version__ = "%prog Version " + VersionNumber
-__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation  All rights 
 ## standard targets of build command
 gSupportedTarget = ['all', 'genc', 'genmake', 'modules', 'libraries', 'fds', 
'clean', 'cleanall', 'cleanlib', 'run']
 ## build configuration file
@@ -761,26 +757,11 @@ class Build():
             GlobalData.gBinCacheDest = BinCacheDest
             if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest is not None:
                 EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, 
ExtraData="Invalid value of option --binary-destination.")
-        if self.ConfDirectory:
-            # Get alternate Conf location, if it is absolute, then just use 
the absolute directory name
-            ConfDirectoryPath = os.path.normpath(self.ConfDirectory)
-            if not os.path.isabs(ConfDirectoryPath):
-                # Since alternate directory name is not absolute, the 
alternate directory is located within the WORKSPACE
-                # This also handles someone specifying the Conf directory in 
the workspace. Using --conf=Conf
-                ConfDirectoryPath = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, 
-        else:
-            if "CONF_PATH" in os.environ:
-                ConfDirectoryPath = 
-            else:
-                # Get standard WORKSPACE/Conf use the absolute path to the 
-                ConfDirectoryPath = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, 'Conf')
-        GlobalData.gConfDirectory = ConfDirectoryPath
-        GlobalData.gDatabasePath = 
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ConfDirectoryPath, GlobalData.gDatabasePath))
+        GlobalData.gDatabasePath = 
         if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, 
             os.makedirs(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, '.cache'))
         self.Db = BuildDB
         self.BuildDatabase = self.Db.BuildObject
         self.Platform = None
@@ -2298,17 +2279,11 @@ def ParseDefines(DefineList=[]):
                 DefineDict[DefineTokenList[0]] = "TRUE"
                 DefineDict[DefineTokenList[0]] = DefineTokenList[1].strip()
     return DefineDict
-gParamCheck = []
-def SingleCheckCallback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
-    if option not in gParamCheck:
-        setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
-        gParamCheck.append(option)
-    else:
-        parser.error("Option %s only allows one instance in command line!" % 
 def LogBuildTime(Time):
     if Time:
         TimeDurStr = ''
         TimeDur = time.gmtime(Time)
@@ -2318,83 +2293,10 @@ def LogBuildTime(Time):
             TimeDurStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", TimeDur)
         return TimeDurStr
         return None
-## Parse command line options
-# Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this 
-#   @retval Opt   A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options
-#   @retval Args  Target of build command
-def MyOptionParser():
-    Parser = OptionParser(description=__copyright__, version=__version__, 
prog="build.exe", usage="%prog [options] 
-    Parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", action="append", type="choice", 
choices=['IA32', 'X64', 'EBC', 'ARM', 'AARCH64'], dest="TargetArch",
-        help="ARCHS is one of list: IA32, X64, ARM, AARCH64 or EBC, which 
overrides target.txt's TARGET_ARCH definition. To specify more archs, please 
repeat this option.")
-    Parser.add_option("-p", "--platform", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="PlatformFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
-        help="Build the platform specified by the DSC file name argument, 
overriding target.txt's ACTIVE_PLATFORM definition.")
-    Parser.add_option("-m", "--module", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="ModuleFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
-        help="Build the module specified by the INF file name argument.")
-    Parser.add_option("-b", "--buildtarget", type="string", 
dest="BuildTarget", help="Using the TARGET to build the platform, overriding 
target.txt's TARGET definition.",
-                      action="append")
-    Parser.add_option("-t", "--tagname", action="append", type="string", 
-        help="Using the Tool Chain Tagname to build the platform, overriding 
target.txt's TOOL_CHAIN_TAG definition.")
-    Parser.add_option("-x", "--sku-id", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="SkuId", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
-        help="Using this name of SKU ID to build the platform, overriding 
-    Parser.add_option("-n", action="callback", type="int", 
dest="ThreadNumber", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
-        help="Build the platform using multi-threaded compiler. The value 
overrides target.txt's MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER. When value is set to 0, 
tool automatically detect number of "\
-             "processor threads, set value to 1 means disable multi-thread 
build, and set value to more than 1 means user specify the threads number to 
-    Parser.add_option("-f", "--fdf", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="FdfFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
-        help="The name of the FDF file to use, which overrides the setting in 
the DSC file.")
-    Parser.add_option("-r", "--rom-image", action="append", type="string", 
dest="RomImage", default=[],
-        help="The name of FD to be generated. The name must be from [FD] 
section in FDF file.")
-    Parser.add_option("-i", "--fv-image", action="append", type="string", 
dest="FvImage", default=[],
-        help="The name of FV to be generated. The name must be from [FV] 
section in FDF file.")
-    Parser.add_option("-C", "--capsule-image", action="append", type="string", 
dest="CapName", default=[],
-        help="The name of Capsule to be generated. The name must be from 
[Capsule] section in FDF file.")
-    Parser.add_option("-u", "--skip-autogen", action="store_true", 
dest="SkipAutoGen", help="Skip AutoGen step.")
-    Parser.add_option("-e", "--re-parse", action="store_true", dest="Reparse", 
help="Re-parse all meta-data files.")
-    Parser.add_option("-c", "--case-insensitive", action="store_true", 
dest="CaseInsensitive", default=False, help="Don't check case of file name.")
-    Parser.add_option("-w", "--warning-as-error", action="store_true", 
dest="WarningAsError", help="Treat warning in tools as error.")
-    Parser.add_option("-j", "--log", action="store", dest="LogFile", help="Put 
log in specified file as well as on console.")
-    Parser.add_option("-s", "--silent", action="store_true", type=None, 
-        help="Make use of silent mode of (n)make.")
-    Parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", type=None, 
help="Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.")
-    Parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", type=None, 
help="Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, "\
"including library instances selected, final dependency expression, "\
"and warning messages, etc.")
-    Parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store", type="int", 
help="Enable debug messages at specified level.")
-    Parser.add_option("-D", "--define", action="append", type="string", 
dest="Macros", help="Macro: \"Name [= Value]\".")
-    Parser.add_option("-y", "--report-file", action="store", 
dest="ReportFile", help="Create/overwrite the report to the specified 
-    Parser.add_option("-Y", "--report-type", action="append", type="choice", 
'HASH', 'EXECUTION_ORDER'], dest="ReportType", default=[],
-        help="Flags that control the type of build report to generate.  Must 
-             "To specify more than one flag, repeat this option on the command 
line and the default flag set is [PCD, LIBRARY, FLASH, DEPEX, HASH, 
-    Parser.add_option("-F", "--flag", action="store", type="string", 
-        help="Specify the specific option to parse EDK UNI file. Must be one 
of: [-c, -s]. -c is for EDK framework UNI file, and -s is for EDK UEFI UNI 
file. "\
-             "This option can also be specified by setting *_*_*_BUILD_FLAGS 
in [BuildOptions] section of platform DSC. If they are both specified, this 
value "\
-             "will override the setting in [BuildOptions] section of platform 
-    Parser.add_option("-N", "--no-cache", action="store_true", 
dest="DisableCache", default=False, help="Disable build cache mechanism")
-    Parser.add_option("--conf", action="store", type="string", 
dest="ConfDirectory", help="Specify the customized Conf directory.")
-    Parser.add_option("--check-usage", action="store_true", dest="CheckUsage", 
default=False, help="Check usage content of entries listed in INF file.")
-    Parser.add_option("--ignore-sources", action="store_true", 
dest="IgnoreSources", default=False, help="Focus to a binary build and ignore 
all source files")
-    Parser.add_option("--pcd", action="append", dest="OptionPcd", help="Set 
PCD value by command line. Format: \"PcdName=Value\" ")
-    Parser.add_option("-l", "--cmd-len", action="store", type="int", 
dest="CommandLength", help="Specify the maximum line length of build command. 
Default is 4096.")
-    Parser.add_option("--hash", action="store_true", dest="UseHashCache", 
default=False, help="Enable hash-based caching during build process.")
-    Parser.add_option("--binary-destination", action="store", type="string", 
dest="BinCacheDest", help="Generate a cache of binary files in the specified 
-    Parser.add_option("--binary-source", action="store", type="string", 
dest="BinCacheSource", help="Consume a cache of binary files from the specified 
-    Parser.add_option("--genfds-multi-thread", action="store_true", 
dest="GenfdsMultiThread", default=False, help="Enable GenFds multi thread to 
generate ffs file.")
-    Parser.add_option("--disable-include-path-check", action="store_true", 
dest="DisableIncludePathCheck", default=False, help="Disable the include path 
check for outside of package.")
-    (Opt, Args) = Parser.parse_args()
-    return (Opt, Args)
 ## Tool entrance method
 # This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options.
 # If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know
 # if it's executed successfully or not.
@@ -2413,11 +2315,11 @@ def Main():
     GlobalData.gCommand = sys.argv[1:]
     # Parse the options and args
-    (Option, Target) = MyOptionParser()
+    Option, Target = BuildOption, BuildTarget
     GlobalData.gOptions = Option
     GlobalData.gCaseInsensitive = Option.CaseInsensitive
     # Set log level
     LogLevel = EdkLogger.INFO
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/ 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7161aa66f23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+## @file
+# build a platform or a module
+#  Copyright (c) 2014, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
+#  Copyright (c) 2007 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+#  Copyright (c) 2018, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development, L.P.<BR>
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Version and Copyright
+from Common.BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION
+from optparse import OptionParser
+VersionNumber = "0.60" + ' ' + gBUILD_VERSION
+__version__ = "%prog Version " + VersionNumber
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation  All rights 
+gParamCheck = []
+def SingleCheckCallback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+    if option not in gParamCheck:
+        setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
+        gParamCheck.append(option)
+    else:
+        parser.error("Option %s only allows one instance in command line!" % 
+def MyOptionParser():
+    Parser = OptionParser(description=__copyright__, version=__version__, 
prog="build.exe", usage="%prog [options] 
+    Parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", action="append", type="choice", 
choices=['IA32', 'X64', 'EBC', 'ARM', 'AARCH64'], dest="TargetArch",
+        help="ARCHS is one of list: IA32, X64, ARM, AARCH64 or EBC, which 
overrides target.txt's TARGET_ARCH definition. To specify more archs, please 
repeat this option.")
+    Parser.add_option("-p", "--platform", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="PlatformFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
+        help="Build the platform specified by the DSC file name argument, 
overriding target.txt's ACTIVE_PLATFORM definition.")
+    Parser.add_option("-m", "--module", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="ModuleFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
+        help="Build the module specified by the INF file name argument.")
+    Parser.add_option("-b", "--buildtarget", type="string", 
dest="BuildTarget", help="Using the TARGET to build the platform, overriding 
target.txt's TARGET definition.",
+                      action="append")
+    Parser.add_option("-t", "--tagname", action="append", type="string", 
+        help="Using the Tool Chain Tagname to build the platform, overriding 
target.txt's TOOL_CHAIN_TAG definition.")
+    Parser.add_option("-x", "--sku-id", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="SkuId", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
+        help="Using this name of SKU ID to build the platform, overriding 
+    Parser.add_option("-n", action="callback", type="int", 
dest="ThreadNumber", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
+        help="Build the platform using multi-threaded compiler. The value 
overrides target.txt's MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER. When value is set to 0, 
tool automatically detect number of "\
+             "processor threads, set value to 1 means disable multi-thread 
build, and set value to more than 1 means user specify the threads number to 
+    Parser.add_option("-f", "--fdf", action="callback", type="string", 
dest="FdfFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
+        help="The name of the FDF file to use, which overrides the setting in 
the DSC file.")
+    Parser.add_option("-r", "--rom-image", action="append", type="string", 
dest="RomImage", default=[],
+        help="The name of FD to be generated. The name must be from [FD] 
section in FDF file.")
+    Parser.add_option("-i", "--fv-image", action="append", type="string", 
dest="FvImage", default=[],
+        help="The name of FV to be generated. The name must be from [FV] 
section in FDF file.")
+    Parser.add_option("-C", "--capsule-image", action="append", type="string", 
dest="CapName", default=[],
+        help="The name of Capsule to be generated. The name must be from 
[Capsule] section in FDF file.")
+    Parser.add_option("-u", "--skip-autogen", action="store_true", 
dest="SkipAutoGen", help="Skip AutoGen step.")
+    Parser.add_option("-e", "--re-parse", action="store_true", dest="Reparse", 
help="Re-parse all meta-data files.")
+    Parser.add_option("-c", "--case-insensitive", action="store_true", 
dest="CaseInsensitive", default=False, help="Don't check case of file name.")
+    Parser.add_option("-w", "--warning-as-error", action="store_true", 
dest="WarningAsError", help="Treat warning in tools as error.")
+    Parser.add_option("-j", "--log", action="store", dest="LogFile", help="Put 
log in specified file as well as on console.")
+    Parser.add_option("-s", "--silent", action="store_true", type=None, 
+        help="Make use of silent mode of (n)make.")
+    Parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", type=None, 
help="Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.")
+    Parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", type=None, 
help="Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, "\
"including library instances selected, final dependency expression, "\
"and warning messages, etc.")
+    Parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store", type="int", 
help="Enable debug messages at specified level.")
+    Parser.add_option("-D", "--define", action="append", type="string", 
dest="Macros", help="Macro: \"Name [= Value]\".")
+    Parser.add_option("-y", "--report-file", action="store", 
dest="ReportFile", help="Create/overwrite the report to the specified 
+    Parser.add_option("-Y", "--report-type", action="append", type="choice", 
'HASH', 'EXECUTION_ORDER'], dest="ReportType", default=[],
+        help="Flags that control the type of build report to generate.  Must 
+             "To specify more than one flag, repeat this option on the command 
line and the default flag set is [PCD, LIBRARY, FLASH, DEPEX, HASH, 
+    Parser.add_option("-F", "--flag", action="store", type="string", 
+        help="Specify the specific option to parse EDK UNI file. Must be one 
of: [-c, -s]. -c is for EDK framework UNI file, and -s is for EDK UEFI UNI 
file. "\
+             "This option can also be specified by setting *_*_*_BUILD_FLAGS 
in [BuildOptions] section of platform DSC. If they are both specified, this 
value "\
+             "will override the setting in [BuildOptions] section of platform 
+    Parser.add_option("-N", "--no-cache", action="store_true", 
dest="DisableCache", default=False, help="Disable build cache mechanism")
+    Parser.add_option("--conf", action="store", type="string", 
dest="ConfDirectory", help="Specify the customized Conf directory.")
+    Parser.add_option("--check-usage", action="store_true", dest="CheckUsage", 
default=False, help="Check usage content of entries listed in INF file.")
+    Parser.add_option("--ignore-sources", action="store_true", 
dest="IgnoreSources", default=False, help="Focus to a binary build and ignore 
all source files")
+    Parser.add_option("--pcd", action="append", dest="OptionPcd", help="Set 
PCD value by command line. Format: \"PcdName=Value\" ")
+    Parser.add_option("-l", "--cmd-len", action="store", type="int", 
dest="CommandLength", help="Specify the maximum line length of build command. 
Default is 4096.")
+    Parser.add_option("--hash", action="store_true", dest="UseHashCache", 
default=False, help="Enable hash-based caching during build process.")
+    Parser.add_option("--binary-destination", action="store", type="string", 
dest="BinCacheDest", help="Generate a cache of binary files in the specified 
+    Parser.add_option("--binary-source", action="store", type="string", 
dest="BinCacheSource", help="Consume a cache of binary files from the specified 
+    Parser.add_option("--genfds-multi-thread", action="store_true", 
dest="GenfdsMultiThread", default=False, help="Enable GenFds multi thread to 
generate ffs file.")
+    Parser.add_option("--disable-include-path-check", action="store_true", 
dest="DisableIncludePathCheck", default=False, help="Disable the include path 
check for outside of package.")
+    (Opt, Args) = Parser.parse_args()
+    return (Opt, Args)
+BuildOption, BuildTarget = MyOptionParser()

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