v3 changes:
1. Fix Token clean up too early caused CheckProcedure return error.

v2 changes:
1. Remove some duplicated global variables.
2. Enhance token design to support multiple task trig for different APs at the 
same time.

V1 changes:
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1937

Add MM Mp Protocol in PiSmmCpuDxeSmm driver.

Cc: Ray Ni <ray...@intel.com>
Cc: Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/MpService.c        | 536 ++++++++++++++++++-
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.c   |  11 +
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h   | 160 +++++-
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.inf |   3 +
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.c            | 372 +++++++++++++
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.h            | 286 ++++++++++
 6 files changed, 1351 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.c
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.h

diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/MpService.c 
index 64fb4d6344..13858f5d2d 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/MpService.c
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/MpService.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ UINTN                                       mSemaphoreSize;
 SPIN_LOCK                                   *mPFLock = NULL;
 SMM_CPU_SYNC_MODE                           mCpuSmmSyncMode;
 BOOLEAN                                     mMachineCheckSupported = FALSE;
+SPIN_LOCK                                   **mApTokenLock;
   Performs an atomic compare exchange operation to get semaphore.
@@ -146,6 +147,45 @@ ReleaseAllAPs (
+  Wheck whether task has been finished by all APs.
+  @param       BlockMode   Whether did it in block mode or non-block mode.
+  @retval      TRUE        Task has been finished by all APs.
+  @retval      FALSE       Task not has been finished by all APs.
+IsTaskFinishInAllAPs (
+  IN BOOLEAN                        BlockMode
+  )
+  UINTN                             Index;
+  for (Index = mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index-- > 0;) {
+    //
+    // Ignore BSP and APs which not call in SMM.
+    //
+    if ((Index == gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu) 
|| (!*(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present))) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (BlockMode) {
+      AcquireSpinLock(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy);
+      ReleaseSpinLock(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy);
+    } else {
+      if (AcquireSpinLockOrFail (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy)) {
+        ReleaseSpinLock(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy);
+      } else {
+        return FALSE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return TRUE;
   Checks if all CPUs (with certain exceptions) have checked in for this SMI run
@@ -347,6 +387,92 @@ ReplaceOSMtrrs (
   MtrrSetAllMtrrs (&gSmiMtrrs);
+  Check whether execute in single AP or all APs.
+  Compare two Tokens used by different APs to know whether in StartAllAps call.
+  Whether is an valid AP base on AP's Present flag.
+  @retval  TRUE      IN StartAllAps call.
+  @retval  FALSE     Not in StartAllAps call.
+InStartAllApsCall (
+  )
+  UINTN      ApIndex;
+  UINTN      ApIndex2;
+  for (ApIndex = mMaxNumberOfCpus; ApIndex-- > 0;) {
+    if ((ApIndex != gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu) 
+        *(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[ApIndex].Present) &&
+        (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[ApIndex].Token != NULL)) {
+      for (ApIndex2 = ApIndex; ApIndex2-- > 0;) {
+        if ((ApIndex2 != 
gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu) && 
+            *(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[ApIndex2].Present) &&
+            (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[ApIndex2].Token != NULL)) {
+          return mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[ApIndex2].Token == 
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+  Clean up the status flags used during executing the procedure.
+  @param   CpuIndex      The AP index which calls this function.
+CleanUpStatusFlags (
+  IN UINTN                  CpuIndex
+  )
+  UINTN                             Index;
+  if (InStartAllApsCall ()) {
+    //
+    // In Start All APs mode, make sure all APs have finished task.
+    //
+    if (IsTaskFinishInAllAPs (FALSE)) {
+      //
+      // Clean the flags update in the function call.
+      //
+      for (Index = mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index-- > 0;) {
+        //
+        // Only In SMM APs need to be clean up.
+        //
+        if (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present) {
+          if (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Token != NULL) {
+            ReleaseSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Token);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    //
+    // In single AP mode.
+    //
+    if (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Token != NULL) {
+      //
+      // Free the wrapper buffer in non-block mode used by 
SmmMpDispatchProcedure function.
+      //
+      if (mApTokenLock[CpuIndex] == mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Token) {
+        FreePool ((VOID *)mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Parameter);
+      }
+      ReleaseSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Token);
+    }
+  }
   SMI handler for BSP.
@@ -604,6 +730,7 @@ APHandler (
   UINT64                            Timer;
   UINTN                             BspIndex;
   MTRR_SETTINGS                     Mtrrs;
+  EFI_STATUS                        ProcedureStatus;
   // Timeout BSP
@@ -730,14 +857,19 @@ APHandler (
     // Invoke the scheduled procedure
-    (*mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Procedure) (
-      (VOID*)mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Parameter
-      );
+    ProcedureStatus = (*mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Procedure) (
+                          (VOID*)mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Parameter
+                          );
+    if (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Status != NULL) {
+      *mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Status = ProcedureStatus;
+    }
     // Release BUSY
     ReleaseSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy);
+    CleanUpStatusFlags (CpuIndex);
   if (SmmCpuFeaturesNeedConfigureMtrrs()) {
@@ -906,13 +1038,95 @@ Gen4GPageTable (
   return (UINT32)(UINTN)PageTable;
+  Checks whether the input token is the current used token.
+  @param[in]  CpuIndex   Cpu Index.
+  @param[in]  Token      This parameter describes the token that was passed 
into DispatchProcedure or
+                         BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval TRUE           The input token is the current used token.
+  @retval FALSE          The input token is not the current used token.
+IsCurrentToken (
+  IN UINTN               CpuIndex,
+  IN SPIN_LOCK           *Token
+  )
+  UINTN         Index;
+  if (Token == NULL) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  if (CpuIndex == (UINTN) -1) {
+    for (Index = 0; Index < gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus; 
Index ++) {
+      if (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present && 
+          (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Token != NULL) &&
+          (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Token == Token)) {
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  return mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Token == Token;
+  Checks status of specified AP.
+  This function checks whether the specified AP has finished the task assigned
+  by StartupThisAP(), and whether timeout expires.
+  @param[in]  Token             This parameter describes the token that was 
passed into DispatchProcedure or
+                                BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Specified AP has finished task assigned by 
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY         Specified AP has not finished task and timeout 
has not expired.
+IsApReady (
+  IN SPIN_LOCK          *Token
+  )
+  if (AcquireSpinLockOrFail (Token)) {
+    ReleaseSpinLock (Token);
+    return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  return EFI_NOT_READY;
   Schedule a procedure to run on the specified CPU.
   @param[in]       Procedure                The address of the procedure to run
   @param[in]       CpuIndex                 Target CPU Index
-  @param[in, out]  ProcArguments            The parameter to pass to the 
-  @param[in]       BlockingMode             Startup AP in blocking mode or not
+  @param[in,out]   ProcArguments            The parameter to pass to the 
+  @param[in]       Token                    This is an optional parameter that 
allows the caller to execute the
+                                            procedure in a blocking or 
non-blocking fashion. If it is NULL the
+                                            call is blocking, and the call 
will not return until the AP has
+                                            completed the procedure. If the 
token is not NULL, the call will
+                                            return immediately. The caller can 
check whether the procedure has
+                                            completed with CheckOnProcedure or 
+  @param[in]       TimeoutInMicroseconds    Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for the APs to finish
+                                            execution of Procedure, either for 
blocking or non-blocking mode.
+                                            Zero means infinity. If the 
timeout expires before all APs return
+                                            from Procedure, then Procedure on 
the failed APs is terminated. If
+                                            the timeout expires in blocking 
mode, the call returns EFI_TIMEOUT.
+                                            If the timeout expires in 
non-blocking mode, the timeout determined
+                                            can be through CheckOnProcedure or 
+                                            Note that timeout support is 
optional. Whether an implementation
+                                            supports this feature can be 
determined via the Attributes data
+                                            member.
+  @param[in,out]   CpuStatus                This optional pointer may be used 
to get the status code returned
+                                            by Procedure when it completes 
execution on the target AP, or with
+                                            EFI_TIMEOUT if the Procedure fails 
to complete within the optional
+                                            timeout. The implementation will 
update this variable with
+                                            EFI_NOT_READY prior to starting 
Procedure on the target AP.
   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER    CpuNumber not valid
   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER    CpuNumber specifying BSP
@@ -923,10 +1137,12 @@ Gen4GPageTable (
 InternalSmmStartupThisAp (
-  IN      EFI_AP_PROCEDURE          Procedure,
-  IN      UINTN                     CpuIndex,
-  IN OUT  VOID                      *ProcArguments OPTIONAL,
-  IN      BOOLEAN                   BlockingMode
+  IN      EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2              Procedure,
+  IN      UINTN                          CpuIndex,
+  IN OUT  VOID                           *ProcArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN      SPIN_LOCK                      *Token,
+  IN      UINTN                          TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT  EFI_STATUS                     *CpuStatus
   if (CpuIndex >= gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus) {
@@ -952,24 +1168,208 @@ InternalSmmStartupThisAp (
+  if ((TimeoutInMicroseconds != 0) && ((mSmmMp.Attributes & 
+  }
+  if (Procedure == NULL) {
+  }
+  if (IsCurrentToken (CpuIndex, Token)) {
+  }
-  if (BlockingMode) {
+  if (Token == NULL) {
     AcquireSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy);
   } else {
-    if (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy)) {
-      DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[%d].Busy\n", CpuIndex));
+    if (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail (Token)) {
+      DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "Token can't acquire\n"));
+    if (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy)) {
+      DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "Can't acquire mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[%d].Busy\n", 
+      ReleaseSpinLock (Token);
+      return EFI_NOT_READY;
+    }
   mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Procedure = Procedure;
   mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Parameter = ProcArguments;
+  mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Token     = Token;
+  mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Status    = CpuStatus;
+  if (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Status != NULL) {
+    *mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
+  }
   ReleaseSemaphore (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Run);
-  if (BlockingMode) {
+  if (Token == NULL) {
     AcquireSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy);
     ReleaseSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy);
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Worker function to execute a caller provided function on all enabled APs.
+  @param[in]     Procedure               A pointer to the function to be run on
+                                         enabled APs of the system.
+  @param[in]     TimeoutInMicroseconds   Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for
+                                         APs to return from Procedure, either 
+                                         blocking or non-blocking mode.
+  @param[in,out] ProcedureArguments      The parameter passed into Procedure 
+                                         all APs.
+  @param[in,out] Token                   This is an optional parameter that 
allows the caller to execute the
+                                         procedure in a blocking or 
non-blocking fashion. If it is NULL the
+                                         call is blocking, and the call will 
not return until the AP has
+                                         completed the procedure. If the token 
is not NULL, the call will
+                                         return immediately. The caller can 
check whether the procedure has
+                                         completed with CheckOnProcedure or 
+  @param[in,out] CPUStatus               This optional pointer may be used to 
get the status code returned
+                                         by Procedure when it completes 
execution on the target AP, or with
+                                         EFI_TIMEOUT if the Procedure fails to 
complete within the optional
+                                         timeout. The implementation will 
update this variable with
+                                         EFI_NOT_READY prior to starting 
Procedure on the target AP.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             In blocking mode, all APs have finished 
+                                  the timeout expired.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             In non-blocking mode, function has been 
+                                  to all enabled APs.
+  @retval others                  Failed to Startup all APs.
+InternalSmmStartupAllAPs (
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2             Procedure,
+  IN       UINTN                         TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT   VOID                          *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN OUT   SPIN_LOCK                     *Token,
+  IN OUT   EFI_STATUS                    *CPUStatus
+  )
+  UINTN               Index;
+  UINTN               CpuCount;
+  if ((TimeoutInMicroseconds != 0) && ((mSmmMp.Attributes & 
+  }
+  if (Procedure == NULL) {
+  }
+  if (IsCurrentToken ((UINTN)-1, Token)) {
+  }
+  CpuCount = 0;
+  for (Index = mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index-- > 0;) {
+    if (*mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present && (Index != 
gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu)) {
+      CpuCount ++;
+      if (gSmmCpuPrivate->Operation[Index] == SmmCpuRemove) {
+        return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+      }
+      if (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy)) {
+        return EFI_NOT_READY;
+      }
+      ReleaseSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy);
+    }
+  }
+  if (CpuCount == 0) {
+    return EFI_NOT_STARTED;
+  }
+  if (Token == NULL) {
+    //
+    // Make sure all BUSY should be acquired.
+    //
+    for (Index = mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index-- > 0;) {
+      if (Index != gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu 
&& *(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present)) {
+        AcquireSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail (Token)) {
+    }
+    //
+    // Make sure all BUSY should be acquired.
+    //
+    for (Index = mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index-- > 0;) {
+      if (Index != gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu 
&& *(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present)) {
+        if (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Busy)) {
+          DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "Can't acquire 
mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[%d].Busy\n", Index));
+          //
+          // Release BUSY accquired before.
+          //
+          for (CpuCount = mMaxNumberOfCpus; CpuCount -- > Index;) {
+            if (CpuCount != 
gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu && 
*(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuCount].Present)) {
+              ReleaseSpinLock (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuCount].Busy);
+            }
+          }
+          ReleaseSpinLock (Token);
+          return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (Index = mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index-- > 0;) {
+    if (Index != gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu && 
*(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present)) {
+      mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Procedure = (EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2) Procedure;
+      mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Parameter = ProcedureArguments;
+      mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Token     = Token;
+      if (CPUStatus != NULL) {
+        mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Status    = CPUStatus + Index;
+        if (mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Status != NULL) {
+          *mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      //
+      // PI spec requirement:
+      // For every excluded processor, the array entry must contain a value of 
+      //
+      if (CPUStatus != NULL) {
+        *(CPUStatus + Index) = EFI_NOT_STARTED;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ReleaseAllAPs ();
+  if (Token == NULL) {
+    //
+    // Make sure all APs have completed their tasks.
+    //
+    IsTaskFinishInAllAPs (TRUE);
+  }
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Wrapper for Procedures.
+  @param[in]  Buffer              Pointer to PROCEDURE_WRAPPER buffer.
+ProcedureWrapper (
+  IN OUT VOID *Buffer
+  )
+  Wrapper = Buffer;
+  Wrapper->Procedure (Wrapper->ProcedureArgument);
   return EFI_SUCCESS;
@@ -995,7 +1395,24 @@ SmmBlockingStartupThisAp (
   IN OUT  VOID                      *ProcArguments OPTIONAL
-  return InternalSmmStartupThisAp(Procedure, CpuIndex, ProcArguments, TRUE);
+  EFI_STATUS        Status;
+  Wrapper = AllocatePool (sizeof(PROCEDURE_WRAPPER));
+  if (Wrapper == NULL) {
+  }
+  Wrapper->Procedure = Procedure;
+  Wrapper->ProcedureArgument = ProcArguments;
+  //
+  // Use wrapper function to convert EFI_AP_PROCEDURE to EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2.
+  //
+  Status = InternalSmmStartupThisAp(ProcedureWrapper, CpuIndex, Wrapper, NULL, 
0, NULL);
+  FreePool (Wrapper);
+  return Status;
@@ -1020,7 +1437,37 @@ SmmStartupThisAp (
   IN OUT  VOID                      *ProcArguments OPTIONAL
-  return InternalSmmStartupThisAp(Procedure, CpuIndex, ProcArguments, 
FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmBlockStartupThisAp));
+  SPIN_LOCK               *CpuToken;
+  PROCEDURE_WRAPPER       *Wrapper;
+  EFI_STATUS              Status;
+  Wrapper = AllocatePool (sizeof(PROCEDURE_WRAPPER));
+  if (Wrapper == NULL) {
+  }
+  Wrapper->Procedure = Procedure;
+  Wrapper->ProcedureArgument = ProcArguments;
+  if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmBlockStartupThisAp)) {
+    CpuToken = NULL;
+  } else {
+    CpuToken = mApTokenLock[CpuIndex];
+  }
+  //
+  // Use wrapper function to convert EFI_AP_PROCEDURE to EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2.
+  //
+  Status = InternalSmmStartupThisAp(ProcedureWrapper, CpuIndex, Wrapper, 
CpuToken, 0, NULL);
+  //
+  // Free wrapper buffer for block mode.
+  // Non-block mode frees buffer in ApHandler function.
+  //
+  if (CpuToken == NULL) {
+    FreePool (Wrapper);
+  }
+  return Status;
@@ -1112,6 +1559,13 @@ SmiRendezvous (
   Cr2 = 0;
   SaveCr2 (&Cr2);
+  //
+  // Call the user register Startup function first.
+  //
+  if (mSmmMpSyncData->StartupProcedure != NULL) {
+    mSmmMpSyncData->StartupProcedure (mSmmMpSyncData->StartupProcArgs);
+  }
   // Perform CPU specific entry hooks
@@ -1273,13 +1727,17 @@ InitializeSmmCpuSemaphores (
   UINTN                      Pages;
   UINTN                      *SemaphoreBlock;
   UINTN                      SemaphoreAddr;
+  UINTN                      ApTokenSize;
+  UINTN                      CpuIndex; 
   SemaphoreSize   = GetSpinLockProperties ();
   ProcessorCount = gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus;
   GlobalSemaphoresSize = (sizeof (SMM_CPU_SEMAPHORE_GLOBAL) / sizeof (VOID *)) 
* SemaphoreSize;
   CpuSemaphoresSize    = (sizeof (SMM_CPU_SEMAPHORE_CPU) / sizeof (VOID *)) * 
ProcessorCount * SemaphoreSize;
-  TotalSize = GlobalSemaphoresSize + CpuSemaphoresSize;
+  ApTokenSize = SemaphoreSize * ProcessorCount;
+  TotalSize = GlobalSemaphoresSize + CpuSemaphoresSize + ApTokenSize;
   DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "One Semaphore Size    = 0x%x\n", SemaphoreSize));
+  DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "Token Spin Lock Size = 0x%x\n", ApTokenSize));
   DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "Total Semaphores Size = 0x%x\n", TotalSize));
   Pages = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TotalSize);
   SemaphoreBlock = AllocatePages (Pages);
@@ -1305,10 +1763,19 @@ InitializeSmmCpuSemaphores (
   mSmmCpuSemaphores.SemaphoreCpu.Run     = (UINT32 *)SemaphoreAddr;
   SemaphoreAddr += ProcessorCount * SemaphoreSize;
   mSmmCpuSemaphores.SemaphoreCpu.Present = (BOOLEAN *)SemaphoreAddr;
+  SemaphoreAddr += ProcessorCount * SemaphoreSize;
+  mSmmCpuSemaphores.SemaphoreCpu.Token = (SPIN_LOCK *)SemaphoreAddr;
   mPFLock                       = mSmmCpuSemaphores.SemaphoreGlobal.PFLock;
   mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock = 
+  mApTokenLock = AllocatePool (sizeof (SPIN_LOCK *) * 
+  ASSERT (mApTokenLock != NULL);
+  for (CpuIndex = 0; CpuIndex < 
gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus; CpuIndex ++) {
+    mApTokenLock[CpuIndex] = (SPIN_LOCK 
*)((UINTN)mSmmCpuSemaphores.SemaphoreCpu.Token + SemaphoreSize * CpuIndex);
+    InitializeSpinLock (mApTokenLock[CpuIndex]);
+  }
   mSemaphoreSize = SemaphoreSize;
@@ -1469,3 +1936,40 @@ RegisterSmmEntry (
   gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntry = SmmEntryPoint;
   return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Register the SMM Foundation entry point.
+  @param[in]      Procedure            A pointer to the code stream to be run 
on the designated target AP
+                                       of the system. Type EFI_AP_PROCEDURE is 
defined below in Volume 2
+                                       with the related definitions of
+                                       EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL.StartupAllAPs.
+                                       If caller may pass a value of NULL to 
deregister any existing
+                                       startup procedure.
+  @param[in]      ProcedureArguments   Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code that is
+                                       run by the AP. It is an optional common 
mailbox between APs and
+                                       the caller to share information
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  The Procedure has been set successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        The Procedure is NULL but 
ProcedureArguments not NULL.
+RegisterStartupProcedure (
+  IN EFI_AP_PROCEDURE    Procedure,
+  IN VOID                *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL
+  )
+  if (Procedure == NULL && ProcedureArguments != NULL) {
+  }
+  if (mSmmMpSyncData == NULL) {
+    return EFI_NOT_READY;
+  }
+  mSmmMpSyncData->StartupProcedure = Procedure;
+  mSmmMpSyncData->StartupProcArgs  = ProcedureArguments;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.c 
index 2f7d777ee7..dd1b3be0f5 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.c
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.c
@@ -996,6 +996,17 @@ PiCpuSmmEntry (
+  //
+  // Install the SMM Mp Protocol into SMM protocol database
+  //
+  Status = gSmst->SmmInstallProtocolInterface (
+                    &mSmmCpuHandle,
+                    &gEfiMmMpProtocolGuid,
+                    EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE,
+                    &mSmmMp
+                    );
   // Expose address of CPU Hot Plug Data structure if CPU hot plug is 
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h 
index 2bb35a424d..5df09687e1 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
 #include <Protocol/SmmReadyToLock.h>
 #include <Protocol/SmmCpuService.h>
 #include <Protocol/SmmMemoryAttribute.h>
+#include <Protocol/MmMp.h>
 #include <Guid/AcpiS3Context.h>
 #include <Guid/MemoryAttributesTable.h>
@@ -221,11 +222,20 @@ typedef struct {
+// Wrapper used to convert EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2 and EFI_AP_PROCEDURE.
+typedef struct {
+  EFI_AP_PROCEDURE  Procedure;
+  VOID              *ProcedureArgument;
 extern SMM_CPU_PRIVATE_DATA  *gSmmCpuPrivate;
 extern CPU_HOT_PLUG_DATA      mCpuHotPlugData;
 extern UINTN                  mMaxNumberOfCpus;
 extern UINTN                  mNumberOfCpus;
 extern EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL   mSmmCpu;
+extern EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL     mSmmMp;
 /// The mode of the CPU at the time an SMI occurs
@@ -363,10 +373,12 @@ SmmRelocationSemaphoreComplete (
 typedef struct {
   SPIN_LOCK                         *Busy;
-  volatile EFI_AP_PROCEDURE         Procedure;
+  volatile EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2        Procedure;
   volatile VOID                     *Parameter;
   volatile UINT32                   *Run;
   volatile BOOLEAN                  *Present;
+  SPIN_LOCK                         *Token;
+  EFI_STATUS                        *Status;
 typedef enum {
@@ -388,6 +400,8 @@ typedef struct {
   volatile SMM_CPU_SYNC_MODE    EffectiveSyncMode;
   volatile BOOLEAN              SwitchBsp;
   volatile BOOLEAN              *CandidateBsp;
+  EFI_AP_PROCEDURE              StartupProcedure;
+  VOID                          *StartupProcArgs;
 #define SMM_PSD_OFFSET              0xfb00
@@ -410,6 +424,7 @@ typedef struct {
   SPIN_LOCK                         *Busy;
   volatile UINT32                   *Run;
   volatile BOOLEAN                  *Present;
+  SPIN_LOCK                         *Token;
@@ -439,6 +454,7 @@ extern SPIN_LOCK                           
 extern EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR                *mSmmCpuSmramRanges;
 extern UINTN                               mSmmCpuSmramRangeCount;
 extern UINT8                               mPhysicalAddressBits;
+extern SPIN_LOCK                           **mApTokenLock;
 // Copy of the PcdPteMemoryEncryptionAddressOrMask
@@ -1259,4 +1275,146 @@ RestoreCr2 (
   IN UINTN  Cr2
+  Schedule a procedure to run on the specified CPU.
+  @param[in]       Procedure                The address of the procedure to run
+  @param[in]       CpuIndex                 Target CPU Index
+  @param[in,out]   ProcArguments            The parameter to pass to the 
+  @param[in,out]   Token                    This is an optional parameter that 
allows the caller to execute the
+                                            procedure in a blocking or 
non-blocking fashion. If it is NULL the
+                                            call is blocking, and the call 
will not return until the AP has
+                                            completed the procedure. If the 
token is not NULL, the call will
+                                            return immediately. The caller can 
check whether the procedure has
+                                            completed with CheckOnProcedure or 
+  @param[in]       TimeoutInMicroseconds    Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for the APs to finish
+                                            execution of Procedure, either for 
blocking or non-blocking mode.
+                                            Zero means infinity. If the 
timeout expires before all APs return
+                                            from Procedure, then Procedure on 
the failed APs is terminated. If
+                                            the timeout expires in blocking 
mode, the call returns EFI_TIMEOUT.
+                                            If the timeout expires in 
non-blocking mode, the timeout determined
+                                            can be through CheckOnProcedure or 
+                                            Note that timeout support is 
optional. Whether an implementation
+                                            supports this feature can be 
determined via the Attributes data
+                                            member.
+  @param[in,out]   CPUStatus                This optional pointer may be used 
to get the status code returned
+                                            by Procedure when it completes 
execution on the target AP, or with
+                                            EFI_TIMEOUT if the Procedure fails 
to complete within the optional
+                                            timeout. The implementation will 
update this variable with
+                                            EFI_NOT_READY prior to starting 
Procedure on the target AP.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER    CpuNumber not valid
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER    CpuNumber specifying BSP
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER    The AP specified by CpuNumber did not enter 
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER    The AP specified by CpuNumber is busy
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS              The procedure has been successfully 
+InternalSmmStartupThisAp (
+  IN      EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2              Procedure,
+  IN      UINTN                          CpuIndex,
+  IN OUT  VOID                           *ProcArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN      SPIN_LOCK                      *Token,
+  IN      UINTN                          TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT  EFI_STATUS                     *CpuStatus
+  );
+  Checks whether the input token is the current used token.
+  @param[in]  CpuIndex   Cpu Index.
+  @param[in]  Token      This parameter describes the token that was passed 
into DispatchProcedure or
+                         BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval TRUE           The input token is the current used token.
+  @retval FALSE          The input token is not the current used token.
+IsCurrentToken (
+  IN UINTN               CpuIndex,
+  IN SPIN_LOCK           *Token
+  );
+  Checks status of specified AP.
+  This function checks whether the specified AP has finished the task assigned
+  by StartupThisAP(), and whether timeout expires.
+  @param[in]  Token             This parameter describes the token that was 
passed into DispatchProcedure or
+                                BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Specified AP has finished task assigned by 
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY         Specified AP has not finished task and timeout 
has not expired.
+IsApReady (
+  IN SPIN_LOCK  *Token
+  );
+  Worker function to execute a caller provided function on all enabled APs.
+  @param[in]     Procedure               A pointer to the function to be run on
+                                         enabled APs of the system.
+  @param[in]     TimeoutInMicroseconds   Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for
+                                         APs to return from Procedure, either 
+                                         blocking or non-blocking mode.
+  @param[in,out] ProcedureArgument       The parameter passed into Procedure 
+                                         all APs.
+  @param[in,out] Token                   This is an optional parameter that 
allows the caller to execute the
+                                         procedure in a blocking or 
non-blocking fashion. If it is NULL the
+                                         call is blocking, and the call will 
not return until the AP has
+                                         completed the procedure. If the token 
is not NULL, the call will
+                                         return immediately. The caller can 
check whether the procedure has
+                                         completed with CheckOnProcedure or 
+  @param[in,out] CPUStatus               This optional pointer may be used to 
get the status code returned
+                                         by Procedure when it completes 
execution on the target AP, or with
+                                         EFI_TIMEOUT if the Procedure fails to 
complete within the optional
+                                         timeout. The implementation will 
update this variable with
+                                         EFI_NOT_READY prior to starting 
Procedure on the target AP.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             In blocking mode, all APs have finished 
+                                  the timeout expired.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             In non-blocking mode, function has been 
+                                  to all enabled APs.
+  @retval others                  Failed to Startup all APs.
+InternalSmmStartupAllAPs (
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2             Procedure,
+  IN       UINTN                         TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT   VOID                          *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN OUT   SPIN_LOCK                     *Token,
+  IN OUT   EFI_STATUS                    *CPUStatus
+  );
+  Register the SMM Foundation entry point.
+  @param[in]      Procedure            A pointer to the code stream to be run 
on the designated target AP
+                                       of the system. Type EFI_AP_PROCEDURE is 
defined below in Volume 2
+                                       with the related definitions of
+                                       EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL.StartupAllAPs.
+                                       If caller may pass a value of NULL to 
deregister any existing
+                                       startup procedure.
+  @param[in,out]  ProcedureArguments   Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code that is
+                                       run by the AP. It is an optional common 
mailbox between APs and
+                                       the caller to share information
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  The Procedure has been set successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        The Procedure is NULL but 
ProcedureArguments not NULL.
+RegisterStartupProcedure (
+  IN EFI_AP_PROCEDURE    Procedure,
+  IN VOID                *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL
+  );
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.inf 
index 466c568d49..da0308c47f 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.inf
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.inf
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
+  SmmMp.h
+  SmmMp.c
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@
   gEfiSmmReadyToLockProtocolGuid           ## NOTIFY
   gEfiSmmCpuServiceProtocolGuid            ## PRODUCES
   gEdkiiSmmMemoryAttributeProtocolGuid     ## PRODUCES
+  gEfiMmMpProtocolGuid                    ## PRODUCES
   gEfiAcpiVariableGuid                     ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES ## HOB # it 
is used for S3 boot.
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfbc78691f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+/** @file
+SMM MP protocol implementation
+Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include "PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h"
+#include "SmmMp.h"
+/// SMM MP Protocol instance
+  0,
+  SmmMpGetNumberOfProcessors,
+  SmmMpDispatchProcedure,
+  SmmMpBroadcastProcedure,
+  SmmMpSetStartupProcedure,
+  SmmMpCheckForProcedure,
+  SmmMpWaitForProcedure
+  Service to retrieves the number of logical processor in the platform.
+  @param[in]  This                The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[out] NumberOfProcessors  Pointer to the total number of logical 
processors in the system,
+                                  including the BSP and all APs.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The number of processors was retrieved 
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   NumberOfProcessors is NULL
+SmmMpGetNumberOfProcessors (
+  OUT      UINTN                *NumberOfProcessors
+  )
+  if (NumberOfProcessors == NULL) {
+  }
+  *NumberOfProcessors = gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  This service allows the caller to invoke a procedure one of the application 
processors (AP). This
+  function uses an optional token parameter to support blocking and 
non-blocking modes. If the token
+  is passed into the call, the function will operate in a non-blocking fashion 
and the caller can
+  check for completion with CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+  @param[in]     This                   The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]     Procedure              A pointer to the procedure to be run 
on the designated target
+                                        AP of the system. Type 
EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2 is defined below in
+                                        related definitions.
+  @param[in]     CpuNumber              The zero-based index of the processor 
number of the target
+                                        AP, on which the code stream is 
supposed to run. If the number
+                                        points to the calling processor then 
it will not run the
+                                        supplied code.
+  @param[in]     TimeoutInMicroseconds  Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for this AP to
+                                        finish execution of Procedure, either 
for blocking or
+                                        non-blocking mode. Zero means 
infinity. If the timeout
+                                        expires before this AP returns from 
Procedure, then Procedure
+                                        on the AP is terminated. If the 
timeout expires in blocking
+                                        mode, the call returns EFI_TIMEOUT. If 
the timeout expires
+                                        in non-blocking mode, the timeout 
determined can be through
+                                        CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+                                        Note that timeout support is optional. 
Whether an
+                                        implementation supports this feature, 
can be determined via
+                                        the Attributes data member.
+  @param[in,out] ProcedureArguments     Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code
+                                        that is run by the AP. It is an 
optional common mailbox
+                                        between APs and the caller to share 
+  @param[in,out] Token                  This is parameter is broken into two 
+                                        1.Token->Completion is an optional 
parameter that allows the
+                                        caller to execute the procedure in a 
blocking or non-blocking
+                                        fashion. If it is NULL the call is 
blocking, and the call will
+                                        not return until the AP has completed 
the procedure. If the
+                                        token is not NULL, the call will 
return immediately. The caller
+                                        can check whether the procedure has 
completed with
+                                        CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+                                        2.Token->Status The implementation 
updates the address pointed
+                                        at by this variable with the status 
code returned by Procedure
+                                        when it completes execution on the 
target AP, or with EFI_TIMEOUT
+                                        if the Procedure fails to complete 
within the optional timeout.
+                                        The implementation will update this 
variable with EFI_NOT_READY
+                                        prior to starting Procedure on the 
target AP
+  @param[in,out] CPUStatus              This optional pointer may be used to 
get the status code returned
+                                        by Procedure when it completes 
execution on the target AP, or with
+                                        EFI_TIMEOUT if the Procedure fails to 
complete within the optional
+                                        timeout. The implementation will 
update this variable with
+                                        EFI_NOT_READY prior to starting 
Procedure on the target AP.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                   In the blocking case, this indicates 
that Procedure has completed
+                                        execution on the target AP.
+                                        In the non-blocking case this 
indicates that the procedure has
+                                        been successfully scheduled for 
execution on the target AP.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER         The input arguments are out of range. 
Either the target AP is the
+                                        caller of the function, or the 
Procedure or Token is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY                 If the target AP is busy executing 
another procedure
+  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED           Token is already in use for another 
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT                   In blocking mode, the timeout expired 
before the specified AP
+                                        has finished
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES          Could not allocate a required resource.
+SmmMpDispatchProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL            *This,
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2             Procedure,
+  IN       UINTN                         CpuNumber,
+  IN       UINTN                         TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT   VOID                          *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN OUT   MM_COMPLETION                 *Token,
+  IN OUT   EFI_STATUS                    *CPUStatus
+  )
+  SPIN_LOCK      *CpuToken;
+  if (Token != NULL) {
+    CpuToken = AllocatePool (sizeof (SPIN_LOCK));
+    ASSERT (CpuToken != NULL);
+    if (CpuToken == NULL) {
+      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    InitializeSpinLock ((SPIN_LOCK *)(CpuToken));
+    *Token = (MM_COMPLETION)CpuToken;
+  }
+  return InternalSmmStartupThisAp (
+    Procedure,
+    CpuNumber,
+    ProcedureArguments,
+    Token != NULL ? CpuToken : NULL,
+    TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+    CPUStatus
+    );
+  This service allows the caller to invoke a procedure on all running 
application processors (AP)
+  except the caller. This function uses an optional token parameter to support 
blocking and
+  nonblocking modes. If the token is passed into the call, the function will 
operate in a non-blocking
+  fashion and the caller can check for completion with CheckOnProcedure or 
+  It is not necessary for the implementation to run the procedure on every 
processor on the platform.
+  Processors that are powered down in such a way that they cannot respond to 
interrupts, may be
+  excluded from the broadcast.
+  @param[in]     This                   The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]     Procedure              A pointer to the code stream to be run 
on the APs that have
+                                        entered MM. Type EFI_AP_PROCEDURE is 
defined below in related
+                                        definitions.
+  @param[in]     TimeoutInMicroseconds  Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for the APs to finish
+                                        execution of Procedure, either for 
blocking or non-blocking mode.
+                                        Zero means infinity. If the timeout 
expires before all APs return
+                                        from Procedure, then Procedure on the 
failed APs is terminated. If
+                                        the timeout expires in blocking mode, 
the call returns EFI_TIMEOUT.
+                                        If the timeout expires in non-blocking 
mode, the timeout determined
+                                        can be through CheckOnProcedure or 
+                                        Note that timeout support is optional. 
Whether an implementation
+                                        supports this feature can be 
determined via the Attributes data
+                                        member.
+  @param[in,out] ProcedureArguments     Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code
+                                        that is run by the AP. It is an 
optional common mailbox
+                                        between APs and the caller to share 
+  @param[in,out] Token                  This is parameter is broken into two 
+                                        1.Token->Completion is an optional 
parameter that allows the
+                                        caller to execute the procedure in a 
blocking or non-blocking
+                                        fashion. If it is NULL the call is 
blocking, and the call will
+                                        not return until the AP has completed 
the procedure. If the
+                                        token is not NULL, the call will 
return immediately. The caller
+                                        can check whether the procedure has 
completed with
+                                        CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+                                        2.Token->Status The implementation 
updates the address pointed
+                                        at by this variable with the status 
code returned by Procedure
+                                        when it completes execution on the 
target AP, or with EFI_TIMEOUT
+                                        if the Procedure fails to complete 
within the optional timeout.
+                                        The implementation will update this 
variable with EFI_NOT_READY
+                                        prior to starting Procedure on the 
target AP
+  @param[in,out] CPUStatus              This optional pointer may be used to 
get the individual status
+                                        returned by every AP that participated 
in the broadcast. This
+                                        parameter if used provides the base 
address of an array to hold
+                                        the EFI_STATUS value of each AP in the 
system. The size of the
+                                        array can be ascertained by the 
GetNumberOfProcessors function.
+                                        As mentioned above, the broadcast may 
not include every processor
+                                        in the system. Some implementations 
may exclude processors that
+                                        have been powered down in such a way 
that they are not responsive
+                                        to interrupts. Additionally the 
broadcast excludes the processor
+                                        which is making the BroadcastProcedure 
call. For every excluded
+                                        processor, the array entry must 
contain a value of EFI_NOT_STARTED
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                   In the blocking case, this indicates 
that Procedure has completed
+                                        execution on the APs.
+                                        In the non-blocking case this 
indicates that the procedure has
+                                        been successfully scheduled for 
execution on the APs.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER         The Procedure or Token is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY                 If the target AP is busy executing 
another procedure
+  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED           Token is already in use for another 
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT                   In blocking mode, the timeout expired 
before the specified AP
+                                        has finished.
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES          Could not allocate a required resource.
+SmmMpBroadcastProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL            *This,
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2             Procedure,
+  IN       UINTN                         TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT   VOID                          *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN OUT   MM_COMPLETION                 *Token,
+  IN OUT   EFI_STATUS                    *CPUStatus
+  )
+  SPIN_LOCK        *CpuToken;
+  if (Token != NULL) {
+    CpuToken = AllocatePool (sizeof (SPIN_LOCK));
+    ASSERT (CpuToken != NULL);
+    if (CpuToken == NULL) {
+      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    InitializeSpinLock ((SPIN_LOCK *)(CpuToken));
+    *Token = (MM_COMPLETION)CpuToken;
+  }
+  return InternalSmmStartupAllAPs(
+    Procedure,
+    TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+    ProcedureArguments,
+    Token != NULL ? CpuToken : NULL,
+    CPUStatus
+    );
+  This service allows the caller to set a startup procedure that will be 
executed when an AP powers
+  up from a state where core configuration and context is lost. The procedure 
is execution has the
+  following properties:
+  1. The procedure executes before the processor is handed over to the 
operating system.
+  2. All processors execute the same startup procedure.
+  3. The procedure may run in parallel with other procedures invoked through 
the functions in this
+  protocol, or with processors that are executing an MM handler or running in 
the operating system.
+  @param[in]      This                 The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]      Procedure            A pointer to the code stream to be run 
on the designated target AP
+                                       of the system. Type EFI_AP_PROCEDURE is 
defined below in Volume 2
+                                       with the related definitions of
+                                       EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL.StartupAllAPs.
+                                       If caller may pass a value of NULL to 
deregister any existing
+                                       startup procedure.
+  @param[in,out]  ProcedureArguments   Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code that is
+                                       run by the AP. It is an optional common 
mailbox between APs and
+                                       the caller to share information
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  The Procedure has been set successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        The Procedure is NULL but 
ProcedureArguments not NULL.
+SmmMpSetStartupProcedure (
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE    Procedure,
+  IN OUT   VOID                *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL
+  )
+  return RegisterStartupProcedure (Procedure, ProcedureArguments);
+  When non-blocking execution of a procedure on an AP is invoked with 
+  via the use of a token, this function can be used to check for completion of 
the procedure on the AP.
+  The function takes the token that was passed into the DispatchProcedure 
call. If the procedure
+  is complete, and therefore it is now possible to run another procedure on 
the same AP, this function
+  returns EFI_SUCESS. In this case the status returned by the procedure that 
executed on the AP is
+  returned in the token's Status field. If the procedure has not yet 
completed, then this function
+  returns EFI_NOT_READY.
+  When a non-blocking execution of a procedure is invoked with 
BroadcastProcedure, via the
+  use of a token, this function can be used to check for completion of the 
procedure on all the
+  broadcast APs. The function takes the token that was passed into the 
+  call. If the procedure is complete on all broadcast APs this function 
returns EFI_SUCESS. In this
+  case the Status field in the token passed into the function reflects the 
overall result of the
+  invocation, which may be EFI_SUCCESS, if all executions succeeded, or the 
first observed failure.
+  If the procedure has not yet completed on the broadcast APs, the function 
+  @param[in]      This                 The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]      Token                This parameter describes the token that 
was passed into
+                                       DispatchProcedure or BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  Procedure has completed.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY                The Procedure has not completed.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        Token or Token->Completion is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                Token is not currently in use for a 
non-blocking call
+SmmMpCheckForProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL            *This,
+  IN       MM_COMPLETION                 Token
+  )
+  if (Token == NULL) {
+  }
+  if (!IsCurrentToken ((UINTN)-1, (SPIN_LOCK *)Token)) {
+    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  }
+  return IsApReady ((SPIN_LOCK *)Token);
+  When a non-blocking execution of a procedure on an AP is invoked via 
+  this function will block the caller until the remote procedure has completed 
on the designated AP.
+  The non-blocking procedure invocation is identified by the Token parameter, 
which must match the
+  token that used when DispatchProcedure was called. Upon completion the 
status returned by
+  the procedure that executed on the AP is used to update the token's Status 
+  When a non-blocking execution of a procedure on an AP is invoked via 
+  this function will block the caller until the remote procedure has completed 
on all of the APs that
+  entered MM. The non-blocking procedure invocation is identified by the Token 
parameter, which
+  must match the token that used when BroadcastProcedure was called. Upon 
completion the
+  overall status returned by the procedures that executed on the broadcast AP 
is used to update the
+  token's Status field. The overall status may be EFI_SUCCESS, if all 
executions succeeded, or the
+  first observed failure.
+  @param[in]      This                 The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]      Token                This parameter describes the token that 
was passed into
+                                       DispatchProcedure or BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  Procedure has completed.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        Token or Token->Completion is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                Token is not currently in use for a 
non-blocking call
+SmmMpWaitForProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL            *This,
+  IN       MM_COMPLETION                 Token
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS    Status;
+  do {
+    Status = SmmMpCheckForProcedure (This, Token);
+  } while (Status == EFI_NOT_READY);
+  return Status;
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.h 
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+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMp.h
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+/** @file
+Include file for SMM MP protocol implementation.
+Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _SMM_MP_PROTOCOL_H_
+#define _SMM_MP_PROTOCOL_H_
+// SMM MP Protocol function prototypes.
+  Service to retrieves the number of logical processor in the platform.
+  @param[in]  This                The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[out] NumberOfProcessors  Pointer to the total number of logical 
processors in the system,
+                                  including the BSP and all APs.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The number of processors was retrieved 
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   NumberOfProcessors is NULL
+SmmMpGetNumberOfProcessors (
+  OUT      UINTN                *NumberOfProcessors
+  );
+  This service allows the caller to invoke a procedure one of the application 
processors (AP). This
+  function uses an optional token parameter to support blocking and 
non-blocking modes. If the token
+  is passed into the call, the function will operate in a non-blocking fashion 
and the caller can
+  check for completion with CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+  @param[in]     This                   The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]     Procedure              A pointer to the procedure to be run 
on the designated target
+                                        AP of the system. Type 
EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2 is defined below in
+                                        related definitions.
+  @param[in]     CpuNumber              The zero-based index of the processor 
number of the target
+                                        AP, on which the code stream is 
supposed to run. If the number
+                                        points to the calling processor then 
it will not run the
+                                        supplied code.
+  @param[in]     TimeoutInMicroseconds  Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for this AP to
+                                        finish execution of Procedure, either 
for blocking or
+                                        non-blocking mode. Zero means 
infinity. If the timeout
+                                        expires before this AP returns from 
Procedure, then Procedure
+                                        on the AP is terminated. If the 
timeout expires in blocking
+                                        mode, the call returns EFI_TIMEOUT. If 
the timeout expires
+                                        in non-blocking mode, the timeout 
determined can be through
+                                        CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+                                        Note that timeout support is optional. 
Whether an
+                                        implementation supports this feature, 
can be determined via
+                                        the Attributes data member.
+  @param[in,out] ProcedureArguments     Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code
+                                        that is run by the AP. It is an 
optional common mailbox
+                                        between APs and the caller to share 
+  @param[in,out] Token                  This is parameter is broken into two 
+                                        1.Token->Completion is an optional 
parameter that allows the
+                                        caller to execute the procedure in a 
blocking or non-blocking
+                                        fashion. If it is NULL the call is 
blocking, and the call will
+                                        not return until the AP has completed 
the procedure. If the
+                                        token is not NULL, the call will 
return immediately. The caller
+                                        can check whether the procedure has 
completed with
+                                        CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+                                        2.Token->Status The implementation 
updates the address pointed
+                                        at by this variable with the status 
code returned by Procedure
+                                        when it completes execution on the 
target AP, or with EFI_TIMEOUT
+                                        if the Procedure fails to complete 
within the optional timeout.
+                                        The implementation will update this 
variable with EFI_NOT_READY
+                                        prior to starting Procedure on the 
target AP
+  @param[in,out] CPUStatus              This optional pointer may be used to 
get the status code returned
+                                        by Procedure when it completes 
execution on the target AP, or with
+                                        EFI_TIMEOUT if the Procedure fails to 
complete within the optional
+                                        timeout. The implementation will 
update this variable with
+                                        EFI_NOT_READY prior to starting 
Procedure on the target AP.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                   In the blocking case, this indicates 
that Procedure has completed
+                                        execution on the target AP.
+                                        In the non-blocking case this 
indicates that the procedure has
+                                        been successfully scheduled for 
execution on the target AP.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER         The input arguments are out of range. 
Either the target AP is the
+                                        caller of the function, or the 
Procedure or Token is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY                 If the target AP is busy executing 
another procedure
+  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED           Token is already in use for another 
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT                   In blocking mode, the timeout expired 
before the specified AP
+                                        has finished
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES          Could not allocate a required resource.
+SmmMpDispatchProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL             *This,
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2              Procedure,
+  IN       UINTN                          CpuNumber,
+  IN       UINTN                          TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT   VOID                           *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN OUT   MM_COMPLETION                  *Token,
+  IN OUT   EFI_STATUS                     *CPUStatus
+  );
+  This service allows the caller to invoke a procedure on all running 
application processors (AP)
+  except the caller. This function uses an optional token parameter to support 
blocking and
+  nonblocking modes. If the token is passed into the call, the function will 
operate in a non-blocking
+  fashion and the caller can check for completion with CheckOnProcedure or 
+  It is not necessary for the implementation to run the procedure on every 
processor on the platform.
+  Processors that are powered down in such a way that they cannot respond to 
interrupts, may be
+  excluded from the broadcast.
+  @param[in]     This                   The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]     Procedure              A pointer to the code stream to be run 
on the APs that have
+                                        entered MM. Type EFI_AP_PROCEDURE is 
defined below in related
+                                        definitions.
+  @param[in]     TimeoutInMicroseconds  Indicates the time limit in 
microseconds for the APs to finish
+                                        execution of Procedure, either for 
blocking or non-blocking mode.
+                                        Zero means infinity. If the timeout 
expires before all APs return
+                                        from Procedure, then Procedure on the 
failed APs is terminated. If
+                                        the timeout expires in blocking mode, 
the call returns EFI_TIMEOUT.
+                                        If the timeout expires in non-blocking 
mode, the timeout determined
+                                        can be through CheckOnProcedure or 
+                                        Note that timeout support is optional. 
Whether an implementation
+                                        supports this feature can be 
determined via the Attributes data
+                                        member.
+  @param[in,out] ProcedureArguments     Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code
+                                        that is run by the AP. It is an 
optional common mailbox
+                                        between APs and the caller to share 
+  @param[in,out] Token                  This is parameter is broken into two 
+                                        1.Token->Completion is an optional 
parameter that allows the
+                                        caller to execute the procedure in a 
blocking or non-blocking
+                                        fashion. If it is NULL the call is 
blocking, and the call will
+                                        not return until the AP has completed 
the procedure. If the
+                                        token is not NULL, the call will 
return immediately. The caller
+                                        can check whether the procedure has 
completed with
+                                        CheckOnProcedure or WaitForProcedure.
+                                        2.Token->Status The implementation 
updates the address pointed
+                                        at by this variable with the status 
code returned by Procedure
+                                        when it completes execution on the 
target AP, or with EFI_TIMEOUT
+                                        if the Procedure fails to complete 
within the optional timeout.
+                                        The implementation will update this 
variable with EFI_NOT_READY
+                                        prior to starting Procedure on the 
target AP
+  @param[in,out] CPUStatus              This optional pointer may be used to 
get the individual status
+                                        returned by every AP that participated 
in the broadcast. This
+                                        parameter if used provides the base 
address of an array to hold
+                                        the EFI_STATUS value of each AP in the 
system. The size of the
+                                        array can be ascertained by the 
GetNumberOfProcessors function.
+                                        As mentioned above, the broadcast may 
not include every processor
+                                        in the system. Some implementations 
may exclude processors that
+                                        have been powered down in such a way 
that they are not responsive
+                                        to interrupts. Additionally the 
broadcast excludes the processor
+                                        which is making the BroadcastProcedure 
call. For every excluded
+                                        processor, the array entry must 
contain a value of EFI_NOT_STARTED
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                   In the blocking case, this indicates 
that Procedure has completed
+                                        execution on the APs.
+                                        In the non-blocking case this 
indicates that the procedure has
+                                        been successfully scheduled for 
execution on the APs.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER         The Procedure or Token is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY                 If the target AP is busy executing 
another procedure
+  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED           Token is already in use for another 
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT                   In blocking mode, the timeout expired 
before the specified AP
+                                        has finished
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES          Could not allocate a required resource.
+SmmMpBroadcastProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL             *This,
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE2              Procedure,
+  IN       UINTN                          TimeoutInMicroseconds,
+  IN OUT   VOID                           *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL,
+  IN OUT   MM_COMPLETION                  *Token,
+  IN OUT   EFI_STATUS                     *CPUStatus
+  );
+  This service allows the caller to set a startup procedure that will be 
executed when an AP powers
+  up from a state where core configuration and context is lost. The procedure 
is execution has the
+  following properties:
+  1. The procedure executes before the processor is handed over to the 
operating system.
+  2. All processors execute the same startup procedure.
+  3. The procedure may run in parallel with other procedures invoked through 
the functions in this
+  protocol, or with processors that are executing an MM handler or running in 
the operating system.
+  @param[in]      This                 The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]      Procedure            A pointer to the code stream to be run 
on the designated target AP
+                                       of the system. Type EFI_AP_PROCEDURE is 
defined below in Volume 2
+                                       with the related definitions of
+                                       EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL.StartupAllAPs.
+                                       If caller may pass a value of NULL to 
deregister any existing
+                                       startup procedure.
+  @param[in,out]  ProcedureArguments   Allows the caller to pass a list of 
parameters to the code that is
+                                       run by the AP. It is an optional common 
mailbox between APs and
+                                       the caller to share information
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  The Procedure has been set successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        The Procedure is NULL but 
ProcedureArguments not NULL.
+SmmMpSetStartupProcedure (
+  IN       EFI_AP_PROCEDURE    Procedure,
+  IN OUT   VOID                *ProcedureArguments OPTIONAL
+  );
+  When non-blocking execution of a procedure on an AP is invoked with 
+  via the use of a token, this function can be used to check for completion of 
the procedure on the AP.
+  The function takes the token that was passed into the DispatchProcedure 
call. If the procedure
+  is complete, and therefore it is now possible to run another procedure on 
the same AP, this function
+  returns EFI_SUCESS. In this case the status returned by the procedure that 
executed on the AP is
+  returned in the token's Status field. If the procedure has not yet 
completed, then this function
+  returns EFI_NOT_READY.
+  When a non-blocking execution of a procedure is invoked with 
BroadcastProcedure, via the
+  use of a token, this function can be used to check for completion of the 
procedure on all the
+  broadcast APs. The function takes the token that was passed into the 
+  call. If the procedure is complete on all broadcast APs this function 
returns EFI_SUCESS. In this
+  case the Status field in the token passed into the function reflects the 
overall result of the
+  invocation, which may be EFI_SUCCESS, if all executions succeeded, or the 
first observed failure.
+  If the procedure has not yet completed on the broadcast APs, the function 
+  @param[in]      This                 The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]      Token                This parameter describes the token that 
was passed into
+                                       DispatchProcedure or BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  Procedure has completed.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY                The Procedure has not completed.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        Token or Token->Completion is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                Token is not currently in use for a 
non-blocking call
+SmmMpCheckForProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL             *This,
+  IN       MM_COMPLETION                  Token
+  );
+  When a non-blocking execution of a procedure on an AP is invoked via 
+  this function will block the caller until the remote procedure has completed 
on the designated AP.
+  The non-blocking procedure invocation is identified by the Token parameter, 
which must match the
+  token that used when DispatchProcedure was called. Upon completion the 
status returned by
+  the procedure that executed on the AP is used to update the token's Status 
+  When a non-blocking execution of a procedure on an AP is invoked via 
+  this function will block the caller until the remote procedure has completed 
on all of the APs that
+  entered MM. The non-blocking procedure invocation is identified by the Token 
parameter, which
+  must match the token that used when BroadcastProcedure was called. Upon 
completion the
+  overall status returned by the procedures that executed on the broadcast AP 
is used to update the
+  token's Status field. The overall status may be EFI_SUCCESS, if all 
executions succeeded, or the
+  first observed failure.
+  @param[in]      This                 The EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]      Token                This parameter describes the token that 
was passed into
+                                       DispatchProcedure or BroadcastProcedure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  Procedure has completed.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        Token or Token->Completion is NULL
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                Token is not currently in use for a 
non-blocking call
+SmmMpWaitForProcedure (
+  IN CONST EFI_MM_MP_PROTOCOL            *This,
+  IN       MM_COMPLETION                 Token
+  );

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