Edk2\BuildNotes2.txt is not maintained any more. User can find the
related info in wiki. So, this file can be removed.

Cc: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Signed-off-by: Zhiju.Fan <>
 BuildNotes2.txt | 154 --------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 154 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 BuildNotes2.txt

diff --git a/BuildNotes2.txt b/BuildNotes2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf4f6930a..0000000000
--- a/BuildNotes2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-Intel(R) Platform Innovation Framework for EFI
-EFI Development Kit II (EDK II)
-Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its
-subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
-* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
-Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
-EDK II packages can be gathered from the following address:
-The detailed introduction of these packages can be found in each package
-description file. (The *.dec file under the package directory)
-The most recent version of the setup instructions is available on the EDK II
-Quick Start (Windows Development Platform)
-In a command prompt window, change to the top-level directory of the EDK II 
-  The first time the edksetup script is executed, it creates three files in the
-  %WORKSPACE%\Conf directory. The files: tools_def.txt, target.txt and
-  build_rule.txt, are only created if they do not exist, if they exist, they
-  are not touched.
-First, set up your project workspace. If you have previously initialized this
-WORKSPACE, and a newer version of the *.template files in
-WORKSPACE\BaseTools\Conf exists, remove the *.txt files in the WORKSPACE\Conf
-directory prior to running the edksetup script.
-For the reference build of the Nt32 Platform emulation environment, use the 
-edksetup.bat option: --nt32. For building other platforms or modules, this
-option is not required, as Visual Studio standard includes, libraries and/or
-dlls are not required for normal development.
-    c:\MyWork\edk2\> edksetup --nt32
-The default tool chain (named MYTOOLS) is pre-configured to use VS2008 for IA32
-and X64 target architectures and DDK3790 for IPF target architectures. To use a
-different tool chain, either modify the tools_def.txt file's MYTOOLS entries,
-or modify the %WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt file's TOOL_CHAIN_TAG. The 
-tags are listed near the top of the %WORKSPACE%\Conf\tools_def.txt file, below
-the Supported Tool Chains comment.
-Alternatively, you may use the build command's -t option to specify a different
-tool chain tag name: build -t VS2008 ... , for example.  Using this method will
-require that you always use the build command's -t option. If you use 64-bit 
-Windows OS, you should use tool chain tag name with x86, such as VS2008x86.
-Next, go to the module directory and begin to build. This example is for the
-HelloWorld application.
-    c:\MyWork\edk2\> cd MdeModulePkg\Application\HelloWorld
-    c:\MyWork\edk2\> build
-If you want to build the a module in another package (for example, 
-MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\BaseLib.inf), please edit the file
-%WORKSPACE%\Conf\Target.txt first.
-Change the following line
-    ACTIVE_PLATFORM       = MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
-    ACTIVE_PLATFORM       = MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc
-Then go to MdePkg\Library\BaseLib directory and type build:
-    c:\MyWork\edk2\> cd MdePkg\Library\BaseLib
-    c:\MyWork\edk2\> build
-If you want build a platform, ACTIVE_PLATFORM must be set to your desired
-platform dsc file, go to directory which must be not a module's directory, and
-run "build" command.
-Instead of changing Target.txt, you can specify platform, module and/or
-architecture on command line.
-For example, if you want to build NT32 platform, you can just type 
-    c:\MyWork\edk2\> build -p Nt32Pkg\Nt32Pkg.dsc -a IA32
-and if you want to build HelloWorld module, you can just type
-    c:\MyWork\edk2\> build -p Nt32Pkg\Nt32Pkg.dsc -a IA32 -m 
-Other helpful command line options of build tool include "-v" and "-d".
-The "-v" option is used to turn on the verbose build, which provide more
-information during the build. "-d <debug level 0-9>" option is used to
-turn on the debug information which is helpful debugging build tools.
-For more information on build options, please try "build -h" on command line.
-  The Windows style help option "/?" is not a valid option for the build
-  command.
-Supported build targets
-all       - Build whole platform or module. It can be ignored.
-genc      - Generate AutoGen.c, AutoGen.h and <ModuleName>.depex files only.
-genmake   - Generate makefiles in addition to files generated by "genc" target.
-clean     - Clean intermediate files
-cleanall  - Clean all generated files and directories during build, except the
-            generated Makefile files (top level and module makefiles)
-cleanlib  - Clean all generated files and directories during library build
-run       - Launch NT32 shell (only valid for NT32 platform)
-Tools in Python
-* Run build tool written in Python from source
-  It can be executed from its source directly as long as you have the Python
-  interpreter (version 2.5.4) installed. The source code is located at
-  WORKSPACE/BaseTools.
-  where:
-    build/      - The entry tool of build tools
-  "" steps:
-    1. Run "edksetup.bat"
-    2. set PYTHONPATH to the local directory of above source
-       (BaseTools/Source/Python)
-    4. Go to platform or module directory
-    5. Run "<python_interpreter.exe> <python_source_dir>/build/" or
-       "<python_source_dir>/build/" directly.
-* Convert Python source to exe file
-  The tools written in Python can be converted into executable program which 
-  be executed without Python interpreter. One of the conversion tools is called
-  cx_Freeze, available at: 
-  If you have installed cx_Freeze at c:\cx_Freeze-3.0.3. Use the following
-  command lines to convert to a Windows executable.
-    set PYTHONPATH=<buildtools>\BaseTools\Source\Python
-    c:\cx_Freeze-3.0.3\FreezePython.exe 
-  The generated .exe files are put in "mybuild" subdirectory.

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