This patch implements the Security Protocol In and Security Protocol Out
commands in UefiScsiLib to prepare support for the Storage Security
Command Protocol.

Cc: Jiewen Yao <>
Cc: Jian J Wang <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Signed-off-by: Christopher J Zurcher <>
 MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Scsi.h   |  48 +++--
 MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiScsiLib.h     | 126 +++++++++++-
 MdePkg/Include/Protocol/ScsiIo.h         |   9 +-
 MdePkg/Library/UefiScsiLib/UefiScsiLib.c | 205 +++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Scsi.h 
index cbe5709fe5..10d7b49ba7 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Scsi.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Scsi.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /** @file
   Support for SCSI-2 standard
-  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@@ -163,6 +163,12 @@
 #define EFI_SCSI_OP_SEND_MESSAGE10  0x2a
 #define EFI_SCSI_OP_SEND_MESSAGE12  0xaa
+// Additional commands for Secure Transactions
 // SCSI Data Transfer Direction
@@ -172,22 +178,30 @@
 // Peripheral Device Type Definitions
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_DISK          0x00  ///< Direct-access device (e.g. 
magnetic disk)
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_TAPE          0x01  ///< Sequential-access device (e.g. 
magnetic tape)
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_PRINTER       0x02  ///< Printer device
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_PROCESSOR     0x03  ///< Processor device
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_WORM          0x04  ///< Write-once device (e.g. some 
optical disks)
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_CDROM         0x05  ///< CD-ROM device
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_SCANNER       0x06  ///< Scanner device
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_OPTICAL       0x07  ///< Optical memory device (e.g. 
some optical disks)
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_MEDIUMCHANGER 0x08  ///< Medium changer device (e.g. 
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_COMMUNICATION 0x09  ///< Communications device
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_ASCIT8_1      0x0A  ///< Defined by ASC IT8 (Graphic 
arts pre-press devices)
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_ASCIT8_2      0x0B  ///< Defined by ASC IT8 (Graphic 
arts pre-press devices)
-// 0Ch - 1Eh are reserved
-#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_UNKNOWN       0x1F  ///< Unknown or no device type
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_DISK            0x00  ///< Direct-access device (e.g. 
magnetic disk)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_TAPE            0x01  ///< Sequential-access device 
(e.g. magnetic tape)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_PRINTER         0x02  ///< Printer device
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_PROCESSOR       0x03  ///< Processor device
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_WORM            0x04  ///< Write-once device (e.g. some 
optical disks)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_CDROM           0x05  ///< CD/DVD device
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_SCANNER         0x06  ///< Scanner device (obsolete)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_OPTICAL         0x07  ///< Optical memory device (e.g. 
some optical disks)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_MEDIUMCHANGER   0x08  ///< Medium changer device (e.g. 
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_COMMUNICATION   0x09  ///< Communications device 
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_A               0x0A  ///< Obsolete
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_B               0x0B  ///< Obsolete
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_RAID            0x0C  ///< Storage array controller 
device (e.g., RAID)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_SES             0x0D  ///< Enclosure services device
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_RBC             0x0E  ///< Simplified direct-access 
device (e.g., magnetic disk)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_OCRW            0x0F  ///< Optical card reader/writer 
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_BRIDGE          0x10  ///< Bridge Controller Commands
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_OSD             0x11  ///< Object-based Storage Device
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_AUTOMATION      0x12  ///< Automation/Drive Interface
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_SECURITYMANAGER 0x13  ///< Security manager device
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_RESERVED_LOW    0x14  ///< Reserved (low)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_RESERVED_HIGH   0x1D  ///< Reserved (high)
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_WLUN            0x1E  ///< Well known logical unit
+#define EFI_SCSI_TYPE_UNKNOWN         0x1F  ///< Unknown or no device type
 // Page Codes for INQUIRY command
diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiScsiLib.h 
index 10dd81902b..a0d99e703a 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiScsiLib.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiScsiLib.h
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   for hard drive, CD and DVD devices that are the most common SCSI boot 
targets used by UEFI platforms.
   This library class depends on SCSI I/O Protocol defined in UEFI 
Specification and SCSI-2 industry standard.
-Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@@ -813,6 +813,130 @@ ScsiWrite16Command (
+  Execute Security Protocol In SCSI command on a specific SCSI target.
+  Executes the SCSI Security Protocol In command on the SCSI target specified 
by ScsiIo.
+  If Timeout is zero, then this function waits indefinitely for the command to 
+  If Timeout is greater than zero, then the command is executed and will 
timeout after
+  Timeout 100 ns units.  The StartLba and SectorSize parameters are used to 
+  the CDB for this SCSI command.
+  If ScsiIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If HostAdapterStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If TargetStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If DataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is non-zero and SenseData is not NULL, SenseData must 
meet buffer
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  If DataLength is non-zero and DataBuffer is not NULL, DataBuffer must meet 
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  @param[in]      ScsiIo               SCSI IO Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      Timeout              The length of timeout period.
+  @param[in, out] SenseData            A pointer to output sense data.
+  @param[in, out] SenseDataLength      The length of output sense data.
+  @param[out]     HostAdapterStatus    The status of Host Adapter.
+  @param[out]     TargetStatus         The status of the target.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocol     The Security Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocolSpecific  The Security Protocol Specific 
+  @param[in]      TransferLength       The size in bytes of the data 
+  @param[in, out] DataBuffer           A pointer to a data buffer.
+  @param[in, out] DataLength           The length of data buffer.
+  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS                 Command is executed successfully.
+  @retval  EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE         The SCSI Request Packet was executed, 
but the entire DataBuffer could
+                                       not be transferred. The actual number 
of bytes transferred is returned in DataLength.
+  @retval  EFI_NOT_READY               The SCSI Request Packet could not be 
sent because there are too many
+                                       SCSI Command Packets already queued.
+  @retval  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR            A device error occurred while 
attempting to send SCSI Request Packet.
+  @retval  EFI_UNSUPPORTED             The command described by the SCSI 
Request Packet is not supported by
+                                       the SCSI initiator(i.e., SCSI  Host 
+  @retval  EFI_TIMEOUT                 A timeout occurred while waiting for 
the SCSI Request Packet to execute.
+  @retval  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER       The contents of the SCSI Request Packet 
are invalid.
+ScsiSecurityProtocolInCommand (
+  IN     UINT64                Timeout,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *SenseData,   OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT UINT8                 *SenseDataLength,
+     OUT UINT8                 *HostAdapterStatus,
+     OUT UINT8                 *TargetStatus,
+  IN     UINT8                 SecurityProtocol,
+  IN     UINT16                SecurityProtocolSpecific,
+  IN     UINT32                TransferLength,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *DataBuffer,  OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT UINT32                *DataLength
+  );
+  Execute Security Protocol Out SCSI command on a specific SCSI target.
+  Executes the SCSI Security Protocol Out command on the SCSI target specified 
by ScsiIo.
+  If Timeout is zero, then this function waits indefinitely for the command to 
+  If Timeout is greater than zero, then the command is executed and will 
timeout after
+  Timeout 100 ns units.  The StartLba and SectorSize parameters are used to 
+  the CDB for this SCSI command.
+  If ScsiIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If HostAdapterStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If TargetStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If DataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is non-zero and SenseData is not NULL, SenseData must 
meet buffer
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  If DataLength is non-zero and DataBuffer is not NULL, DataBuffer must meet 
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  @param[in]      ScsiIo               SCSI IO Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      Timeout              The length of timeout period.
+  @param[in, out] SenseData            A pointer to output sense data.
+  @param[in, out] SenseDataLength      The length of output sense data.
+  @param[out]     HostAdapterStatus    The status of Host Adapter.
+  @param[out]     TargetStatus         The status of the target.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocol     The Security Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocolSpecific  The Security Protocol Specific 
+  @param[in]      TransferLength       The size in bytes of the transfer data.
+  @param[in, out] DataBuffer           A pointer to a data buffer.
+  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS                 Command is executed successfully.
+  @retval  EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE         The SCSI Request Packet was executed, 
but the entire DataBuffer could
+                                       not be transferred. The actual number 
of bytes transferred is returned in DataLength.
+  @retval  EFI_NOT_READY               The SCSI Request Packet could not be 
sent because there are too many
+                                       SCSI Command Packets already queued.
+  @retval  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR            A device error occurred while 
attempting to send SCSI Request Packet.
+  @retval  EFI_UNSUPPORTED             The command described by the SCSI 
Request Packet is not supported by
+                                       the SCSI initiator(i.e., SCSI  Host 
+  @retval  EFI_TIMEOUT                 A timeout occurred while waiting for 
the SCSI Request Packet to execute.
+  @retval  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER       The contents of the SCSI Request Packet 
are invalid.
+ScsiSecurityProtocolOutCommand (
+  IN     UINT64                Timeout,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *SenseData,   OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT UINT8                 *SenseDataLength,
+     OUT UINT8                 *HostAdapterStatus,
+     OUT UINT8                 *TargetStatus,
+  IN     UINT8                 SecurityProtocol,
+  IN     UINT16                SecurityProtocolSpecific,
+  IN     UINT32                TransferLength,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *DataBuffer  OPTIONAL
+  );
   Execute blocking/non-blocking Read(10) SCSI command on a specific SCSI
diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/ScsiIo.h b/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/ScsiIo.h
index 05e46bda9c..27c31fe7f9 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/ScsiIo.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/ScsiIo.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   services environment to access SCSI devices. In particular, functions for
   managing devices on SCSI buses are defined here.
-  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@@ -43,8 +43,11 @@ typedef struct _EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL;
 #define MFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_OCRW                                  0x0F    ///< 
Optical card reader/writer device
 #define MFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_BRIDGE                                0x10    ///< 
Bridge Controller Commands
 #define MFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_OSD                                   0x11    ///< 
Object-based Storage Device
-#define EFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_RESERVED_LOW                          0x12    ///< 
Reserved (low)
-#define EFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_RESERVED_HIGH                         0x1E    ///< 
Reserved (high)
+#define MFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_AUTOMATION                            0x12    ///< 
Automation/Drive Interface
+#define MFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_SECURITYMANAGER                       0x13    ///< 
Security manager device
+#define EFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_RESERVED_LOW                          0x14    ///< 
Reserved (low)
+#define EFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_RESERVED_HIGH                         0x1D    ///< 
Reserved (high)
+#define EFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_WLUN                                  0x1E    ///< 
Well known logical unit
 #define EFI_SCSI_IO_TYPE_UNKNOWN                               0x1F    ///< 
Unknown no device type
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/UefiScsiLib/UefiScsiLib.c 
index c7491d1436..7584d717ad 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Library/UefiScsiLib/UefiScsiLib.c
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/UefiScsiLib/UefiScsiLib.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /** @file
   UEFI SCSI Library implementation
-  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #define EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_SIX      0x6
 #define EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_TEN      0xa
@@ -1280,6 +1281,208 @@ ScsiWrite16Command (
+  Execute Security Protocol In SCSI command on a specific SCSI target.
+  Executes the SCSI Security Protocol In command on the SCSI target specified 
by ScsiIo.
+  If Timeout is zero, then this function waits indefinitely for the command to 
+  If Timeout is greater than zero, then the command is executed and will 
timeout after
+  Timeout 100 ns units.  The StartLba and SectorSize parameters are used to 
+  the CDB for this SCSI command.
+  If ScsiIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If HostAdapterStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If TargetStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If DataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is non-zero and SenseData is not NULL, SenseData must 
meet buffer
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  If DataLength is non-zero and DataBuffer is not NULL, DataBuffer must meet 
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  @param[in]      ScsiIo               SCSI IO Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      Timeout              The length of timeout period.
+  @param[in, out] SenseData            A pointer to output sense data.
+  @param[in, out] SenseDataLength      The length of output sense data.
+  @param[out]     HostAdapterStatus    The status of Host Adapter.
+  @param[out]     TargetStatus         The status of the target.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocol     The Security Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocolSpecific  The Security Protocol Specific 
+  @param[in]      TransferLength       The size in bytes of the data 
+  @param[in, out] DataBuffer           A pointer to a data buffer.
+  @param[in, out] DataLength           The length of data buffer.
+  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS                 Command is executed successfully.
+  @retval  EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE         The SCSI Request Packet was executed, 
but the entire DataBuffer could
+                                       not be transferred. The actual number 
of bytes transferred is returned in DataLength.
+  @retval  EFI_NOT_READY               The SCSI Request Packet could not be 
sent because there are too many
+                                       SCSI Command Packets already queued.
+  @retval  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR            A device error occurred while 
attempting to send SCSI Request Packet.
+  @retval  EFI_UNSUPPORTED             The command described by the SCSI 
Request Packet is not supported by
+                                       the SCSI initiator(i.e., SCSI  Host 
+  @retval  EFI_TIMEOUT                 A timeout occurred while waiting for 
the SCSI Request Packet to execute.
+  @retval  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER       The contents of the SCSI Request Packet 
are invalid.
+ScsiSecurityProtocolInCommand (
+  IN     UINT64                Timeout,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *SenseData,   OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT UINT8                 *SenseDataLength,
+     OUT UINT8                 *HostAdapterStatus,
+     OUT UINT8                 *TargetStatus,
+  IN     UINT8                 SecurityProtocol,
+  IN     UINT16                SecurityProtocolSpecific,
+  IN     UINT32                TransferLength,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *DataBuffer,  OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT UINT32                *DataLength
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                      Status;
+  UINT8                           Cdb[EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_TWELVE];
+  ASSERT (SenseDataLength != NULL);
+  ASSERT (HostAdapterStatus != NULL);
+  ASSERT (TargetStatus != NULL);
+  ASSERT (DataLength != NULL);
+  ASSERT (ScsiIo != NULL);
+  ZeroMem (&CommandPacket, sizeof (EFI_SCSI_IO_SCSI_REQUEST_PACKET));
+  CommandPacket.Timeout           = Timeout;
+  CommandPacket.InDataBuffer      = DataBuffer;
+  CommandPacket.SenseData         = SenseData;
+  CommandPacket.InTransferLength  = TransferLength;
+  CommandPacket.Cdb               = Cdb;
+  //
+  // Fill Cdb for Security Protocol In Command
+  //
+  Cdb[0]                        = EFI_SCSI_OP_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_IN;
+  Cdb[1]                        = SecurityProtocol;
+  WriteUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)&Cdb[2], SwapBytes16 (SecurityProtocolSpecific));
+  WriteUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)&Cdb[6], SwapBytes32 (TransferLength));
+  CommandPacket.CdbLength       = EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_TWELVE;
+  CommandPacket.DataDirection   = EFI_SCSI_DATA_IN;
+  CommandPacket.SenseDataLength = *SenseDataLength;
+  Status                        = ScsiIo->ExecuteScsiCommand (ScsiIo, 
&CommandPacket, NULL);
+  *HostAdapterStatus            = CommandPacket.HostAdapterStatus;
+  *TargetStatus                 = CommandPacket.TargetStatus;
+  *SenseDataLength              = CommandPacket.SenseDataLength;
+  *DataLength                   = CommandPacket.InTransferLength;
+  return Status;
+  Execute Security Protocol Out SCSI command on a specific SCSI target.
+  Executes the SCSI Security Protocol Out command on the SCSI target specified 
by ScsiIo.
+  If Timeout is zero, then this function waits indefinitely for the command to 
+  If Timeout is greater than zero, then the command is executed and will 
timeout after
+  Timeout 100 ns units.  The StartLba and SectorSize parameters are used to 
+  the CDB for this SCSI command.
+  If ScsiIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If HostAdapterStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If TargetStatus is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If DataLength is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If SenseDataLength is non-zero and SenseData is not NULL, SenseData must 
meet buffer
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  If DataLength is non-zero and DataBuffer is not NULL, DataBuffer must meet 
+  alignment requirement defined in EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL. Otherwise 
+  gets returned.
+  @param[in]      ScsiIo               SCSI IO Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      Timeout              The length of timeout period.
+  @param[in, out] SenseData            A pointer to output sense data.
+  @param[in, out] SenseDataLength      The length of output sense data.
+  @param[out]     HostAdapterStatus    The status of Host Adapter.
+  @param[out]     TargetStatus         The status of the target.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocol     The Security Protocol to use.
+  @param[in]      SecurityProtocolSpecific  The Security Protocol Specific 
+  @param[in]      TransferLength       The size in bytes of the transfer data.
+  @param[in, out] DataBuffer           A pointer to a data buffer.
+  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS                 Command is executed successfully.
+  @retval  EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE         The SCSI Request Packet was executed, 
but the entire DataBuffer could
+                                       not be transferred. The actual number 
of bytes transferred is returned in DataLength.
+  @retval  EFI_NOT_READY               The SCSI Request Packet could not be 
sent because there are too many
+                                       SCSI Command Packets already queued.
+  @retval  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR            A device error occurred while 
attempting to send SCSI Request Packet.
+  @retval  EFI_UNSUPPORTED             The command described by the SCSI 
Request Packet is not supported by
+                                       the SCSI initiator(i.e., SCSI  Host 
+  @retval  EFI_TIMEOUT                 A timeout occurred while waiting for 
the SCSI Request Packet to execute.
+  @retval  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER       The contents of the SCSI Request Packet 
are invalid.
+ScsiSecurityProtocolOutCommand (
+  IN     UINT64                Timeout,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *SenseData,   OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT UINT8                 *SenseDataLength,
+     OUT UINT8                 *HostAdapterStatus,
+     OUT UINT8                 *TargetStatus,
+  IN     UINT8                 SecurityProtocol,
+  IN     UINT16                SecurityProtocolSpecific,
+  IN     UINT32                TransferLength,
+  IN OUT VOID                  *DataBuffer   OPTIONAL
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                      Status;
+  UINT8                           Cdb[EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_TWELVE];
+  ASSERT (SenseDataLength != NULL);
+  ASSERT (HostAdapterStatus != NULL);
+  ASSERT (TargetStatus != NULL);
+  ASSERT (ScsiIo != NULL);
+  ZeroMem (&CommandPacket, sizeof (EFI_SCSI_IO_SCSI_REQUEST_PACKET));
+  CommandPacket.Timeout           = Timeout;
+  CommandPacket.OutDataBuffer     = DataBuffer;
+  CommandPacket.SenseData         = SenseData;
+  CommandPacket.OutTransferLength = TransferLength;
+  CommandPacket.Cdb               = Cdb;
+  //
+  // Fill Cdb for Security Protocol Out Command
+  //
+  Cdb[0]                        = EFI_SCSI_OP_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_OUT;
+  Cdb[1]                        = SecurityProtocol;
+  WriteUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)&Cdb[2], SwapBytes16 (SecurityProtocolSpecific));
+  WriteUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)&Cdb[6], SwapBytes32 (TransferLength));
+  CommandPacket.CdbLength       = EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_TWELVE;
+  CommandPacket.DataDirection   = EFI_SCSI_DATA_OUT;
+  CommandPacket.SenseDataLength = *SenseDataLength;
+  Status                        = ScsiIo->ExecuteScsiCommand (ScsiIo, 
&CommandPacket, NULL);
+  *HostAdapterStatus            = CommandPacket.HostAdapterStatus;
+  *TargetStatus                 = CommandPacket.TargetStatus;
+  *SenseDataLength              = CommandPacket.SenseDataLength;
+  return Status;
   Internal helper notify function in which update the result of the
   non-blocking SCSI Read/Write commands and signal caller event.

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