Hello Zeppelin developers !

ApacheCon North America is back in person this year in October.

Together with Ismaël Mejía, we are organizing for the first time a Data
Engineering Track as part of ApacheCon.

You might be wondering why a different track if we already have the Big
Data track. Simple, this new track covers the ‘other’ open-source projects
we use to clean data, orchestrate workloads, do observability,
visualization, governance, data lineage and many other tasks that are part
of data engineering and that are usually not covered by the data processing
/ database tracks.

If you are curious you can find more details here:

So why are you getting this message? Well it could be that (1) you are
already a contributor to a project in the data engineering space and you
might be interested in sending your proposal, or (2) you are interested in
integrations of these tools with your existing data tools.

If you are interested you can submit a proposal using the CfP link below.
Don’t forget to choose the Data Engineering Track.

The Call for Presentations (CfP) closes in less than two weeks on May 23th,

We are looking forward to receiving your submissions and hopefully seeing
you in

New Orleans in October.


Ismaël and Jarek

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