
I just merged it with Github's "Squash and Merge" button. I also wonder
which is better but I feel like both are ok but the disadvantage of Github
button is that we couldn't cherry-pick to another branch automatically.

I talked to Jeff about the same issue and we concluded both would be ok.

Hope this helps,

2022년 3월 31일 (목) 오후 5:33, Philipp Dallig <>님이 작성:

> Hi Jeff and Jongyoul,
> it seems that you have changed the way of merging pull requests into the
> Zeppelin master branch.
> The following pull request
> ( looks great in GitHub
> (marked as merged) and in the commit histroy
> (
> with a link into the Apache JIRA.
> How did you achieve this?
> I failed with the pull request
> I merged the last pull requests with the `./dev/`
> script, but this script closes the pull requests, which does not look
> good in GitHub.
> Best Regards
> Philipp

이종열, Jongyoul Lee, 李宗烈

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