I tried to download the 0.8 source codes, but the link didn't work. How do I 
get the 0.8 source code?
   - Source: zeppelin-0.8.0.tgz (58 MB, pgp, md5, sha)

I have been trying to understand the python container behavior, but so far I 
couldn't make it to work. The python.docker works to the point it downloads the 
python image.  The python code execution didn't work in the next paragraph.
I want to know about the lifetime of the container, basically the scope of the 
container. If I close the notebook, what happens to the python objects (e.g. 
variables, data frame, model, etc) created, are they gone?  For example, the 
next time I open the same notebook and try to reference the objects the python 
codes produced previously, am I able to reference them or they are gone?
How about the IPython implementation, what is scope of the python session?  Is 
it tied to the notebook session?  In the other words, when the notebook is 
closed, all python objects created in the session are gone?  Is there any way 
to save the python session so that the last created python objects can be 
referenced later?

    On Thursday, August 2, 2018, 12:02:12 AM EDT, denny wong 
<tecgi...@yahoo.com> wrote:  
I tried to use the python docker option in 0.8 (see below), but it didn't work 
for me.  I can see the python docker image downloaded properly.  However when I 
ran the python paragraph (2nd paragraph), I got the "process not running" 
error.  I didn't see any python container running.  What's wrong?  Any idea?  - 
Thanks, Denny


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