liuxun created ZEPPELIN-3623:

             Summary: Create a cluster interpreter process module design
                 Key: ZEPPELIN-3623
             Project: Zeppelin
          Issue Type: Sub-task
          Components: zeppelin-server
    Affects Versions: 0.9.0
            Reporter: liuxun
            Assignee: liuxun
             Fix For: 0.9.0

 # Create an interpreter process in the specified Zeeppelin-Server via Thrift


 # Create interpreter process parameters remotely
  struct ClusterInterpreterParam {
    1: string host,
    2: i32 port,
    3: string userName,
    4: string noteId,
    5: string replName
 # Create a cluster interpreter process function
  service ClusterManagerService {
    bool startInterpreterProcess(1: ClusterInterpreterParam 
The Interpreter process in Zeppelin-Server is created or used in the 
getOrCreateClusterIntpProcess() function of the ManagedInterpreterGroup class, 
so the process of creating the cluster interpreter process is put into this 

*The logic for creating a cluster interpreter is as follows*:

 ** The user performs a note operation on the Zepplin-Server-A server;

 ** If the remoteInterpreterProcess instance is not created in the 
getOrCreateClusterIntpProcess() function, find the Zepplin-Server with the idle 
resources from the metadata of the cluster.

 ** If the server with idle resources is the Zepplin-Server-A native, the 
Interpreter Process instance is created directly locally;

 ** If the server with idle resources is not Zepplin-Server-A, Zepplin-Server-A 
calls the callStartInterpreterProcess() function interface of the 
Zepplin-Server-B server through the Thrift interface, and the Interpreter 
Process instance is performed by getOrCreateClusterIntpProcess() in the 
Zepplin-Server-B server. Creation.

 ** In particular, the remote creation process needs to be aware that because 
the Interpreter Process instance is created locally or remotely in the same 
code logic, in order to avoid the getOrCreateClusterIntpProcess() infinite loop 
call, a createClusterInptProcess boolean variable is added, if there are 
multiple Zepplin-Servers. The composedClusterInptProcess is equal to true in 
the cluster environment. It is equal to false in the single server environment. 
The createClusterInptProcess boolean variable is set to false in the 
Zepplin-Server-B server when the callStartInterpreterProcess() function is 
called, so getOrCreateClusterIntpProcess() It is possible to create an 
Interpreter Process instance locally on the Zepplin-Server-B server;

 ** After the Interpreter Process instance is created locally on the 
Zepplin-Server-B server, the Interpreter Process instance will report its 
Thrift IP and port to the Zeppelin cluster metadata. The 
remoteInterpreterProcess in the Zepplin-Server-A server is connected to the 
cluster metadata. The Thrift IP and port can establish a remote connection 
across servers;

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