Github user Tagar commented on the issue: @sameer79 I was using latest Zeppelin from master snapshot. Chrome browser. Can you reproduce the same sorting issue for strings? Here's the code I used: ```python %pyspark print sorted(['abba2','abba','abba','Abba','abba','aBBa' ])""" select 1,2,0, '2014-05-01', 'abba2' union all select 1,3,-1, '2014-05-01', 'abba' union all select 1,5,3, '2014-12-01', 'abba' union all select 1,9,-3, '2014-05-01', 'Abba' union all select 1,2,-10, '2014-05-01', 'abba' union all select 2,7,3, '2014-05-01', 'aBBa' """)) ```