Hi dudes,

As part of a team we were testing our own zeppelin version using branch-0.8. 
Our version is running inside of a docker container that is inside of a EMR 

We tested the image using the functionality of S3NotebookRepo and when we run 
in a local environment (outside of EMR) the notebooks are restored correctly. 
However, when we run the same inside of the EMR environment it fails and we 
receive the following error:


We tried to understand it and we found that the project has the following 


The first dependency has an aws-java-sdk old version 1.7.4 wish doesn't include 
the stack-trace specified method isInRegionOptimizeModeEnabled().

We finally noticed that the dependency org.apache.hadoop is the one that 
includes zom.amazonaws-java-sdk:1.7.4. So, our solution was adding an exclusion 
to that dependency in the pom.xml file of the project:


We think, this change could be added to the community code in case there's 
someone else having the same dependencies error

I'm open to any suggestions


Wilson René Guevara Arévalo | Software Developer
Skype: wilsonr990
wilsonr...@hotmail.com | wilsonr...@gmail.com

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