
We have been evaluating Zeppelin to develop a programmatic(API-driven) 
universal query execution platform.

A platform which can:

  *   Accept and validate any query (spark-sql, sql, hive, elastic-search etc)
  *   Run the query
  *   Track the status
  *   Stop the query.
  *   Also, support multiple queries and workflow.

We evaluated quite a few frameworks and then finally chose Zeppelin over others 

  *   Zeppelin is an ASF project.
  *   The community is lively and helpful.
  *   The API driven approach of Zeppelin which will help mashup more APIs and 
create pipelines.

We would like to contribute more to Zeppelin by contributing code, raising and 
fixing issues and adding more APIs and interpreters.

What does the community think of this, please feel forward to reply with 
suggestions or questions.



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