
Has anybody got Spark Streaming Twitter example to work in Zeppelin? When I 
started the streaming context with ssc.start(), the Zeppelin paragraph seemed 
to have started but it got stuck there. The top right corner of the paragraph 
says “RUNNING 0%” 

I think this is a problem with Spark Streaming + Zeppelin, rather than one with 
Twitter example in particular. Because I’ve tried my own simple streaming tests 
but got the same thing: Stuck in “RUNNING 0%” status forever. 

I also tried to stop the streaming context with ssc.stop() in a new paragraph 
but it won’t execute i.e. remain in “PENDING” status. In fact, any new code 
won’t execute in a new paragraph. I had to restart Zeppelin to get me out of 
this situation. Zeppelin logs didn’t reveal any errors either.

Could anyone help me here?

Thank you,
Chaoran Yu

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