Hello guys, the second build configuration (env below) is now taking too much time ( > 49min) and gets killed, as per travis.org policy ( https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#Build-Timeouts).
SCALA_VER=\"2.11\" SPARK_VER=\"2.1.0\" HADOOP_VER=\"2.6\" LIVY_VER=\"0.3.0\" PROFILE=\"-Pspark-2.1 -Phadoop-2.6 -Ppyspark -Psparkr -Pscalding -Phelium-dev -Pexamples -Pscala-2.11 -Plivy-0.3\" BUILD_FLAG=\"package -Pbuild-distr -DskipRat\" TEST_FLAG=\"verify -Pusing-packaged-distr -DskipRat\" TEST_PROJECTS=\"\"" Am I the only one experiencing this? If not, any thought on what to remove to reduce this build duration? Cheers, Remy (Remilito)