The Zeppelin meeting with MADlib starts at 9AM Pacific today. Join us
at: Join at this URL: <>

On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 8:06 AM, Greg Chase <> wrote:

> The Zeppelin meeting with MADlib starts at 9AM Pacific today. Join us
> at: Join at this URL: <>
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Greg Chase <> wrote:
>> This is a reminder about the virtual meeting tomorrow at 9AM Pacific
>> discussing running Apache Zeppelin with Apache MADlib and Apache HAWQ.
>> Join at this URL: <>
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Greg Chase <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear members of the Apache Zeppelin, Apache MADlib, and Apache HAWQ
>>> communities,
>>> We are hosting a cross-community virtual meeting for data science users
>>> this next Tuesday, June 21, 9AM Pacific.  No sign up is necessary, just
>>> join the event here <>.
>>> This meeting will also be recorded and posted.
>>> We'll be introducing users of Zeppelin to the capabilities of the MADlib
>>> SQL machine learning library.  We'll be showing users of MADlib how they
>>> can visualize their investigations and publish their work using the
>>> Zeppelin notebook.
>>> Agenda:
>>> * What is Apache Zeppelin?
>>> * What is Apache HAWQ (incubating) and Apache MADlib (incubating)? - 5
>>> min/Frank
>>> * Demo of Zeppelin and MADlib for data science running on HAWQ
>>> More about the technologies we'll be discussing:
>>> *Apache Zeppelin* <> is a web-based
>>> notebook that enables interactive data analytics. It lets you make
>>> beautiful data-driven, interactive and collaborative documents with SQL,
>>> Scala and more.  Apache Zeppelin has plugins to many database engines
>>> including PostgreSQL, and massively parallel processing engines based off
>>> PostgreSQL including Apache HAWQ and the Greenplum Database.
>>> *Apache MADlib (incubating) <>* is a
>>> big data machine learning library in SQL for data scientists. It operates
>>> on data locally in PostgreSQL-compatible database engines. MADlib is
>>> optimized for parallel processing platforms such as Apache HAWQ and the
>>> Greenplum Database.
>>> *Apache HAWQ (incubating) <>* is an
>>> Apache Hadoop-Native SQL query engine that operates directly on data in a
>>> Hadoop cluster. It provides the highest degree of SQL completeness of any
>>> SQL on Hadoop engine. It scales elastically, is parallel processing, and
>>> integrates with MADlib and Zeppelin.
>>> Speakers will be:
>>> *Moon soo Lee -  CTO, NFLabs*
>>> LeeMoonSoo is a creator for Apache Zeppelin (incubating) and a
>>> Co-Founder, CTO at NFLabs.
>>> *Frank McQuillan - Director of Product Management, Pivotal Software*
>>> Frank McQuillan focuses on analytics and machine learning for large data
>>> sets.
>>> *Rahul Iyer - R&D Manager, Pivotal Software*
>>> Rahul Iyer leads the development team at Pivotal Software that
>>> contributes to the Apache MADlib project.
>>> See you this next Tuesday, June 21, 9AM Pacific.  No sign up is
>>> necessary, just join the event here
>>> <>.

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