Hi Moon

I see in the interpreter.json, each interpreter has an id associated.  Is this 
id used in anyway?  Does Zeppelin  use the name and group attributes only to 
figure out the interpreter to use for each paragraph?  When does Zeppelin 
figure out interpreter to use?  Each time when a paragraph is about to run?
2B5UBR2T1": {
      "id": "2B5UBR2T1",
      "name": "psql",
      "group": "psql",
      "properties": {
        "postgresql.password": "",
        "postgresql.driver.name": "org.postgresql.Driver",
        "postgresql.max.result": "1000",
        "postgresql.url": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/",
        "postgresql.user": "gpadmin"


> On May 28, 2016, at 1:54 AM, moon soo Lee <leemoon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Denny,
> Binding information between interpreter and notebook is persisted in
> 'conf/interpreter.json'. So normally, notebook will not have any problem
> when imported to a different instance.
> The interpreter ids in 'angularObject' section is used for restoring
> angularObject. So when a notebook which includes angularObject is imported
> to a different instance, angularObject will be restored to front-end side,
> but will not automatically restored to the backend (interpreter) side. Most
> case, user will just need to run notebook to create angularObject in the
> new instance.
> Thanks,
> moon
> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 8:29 PM denny wong <tecgi...@yahoo.com.invalid>
> wrote:
>> If I export a notebook from one Zeppelin instance and import it to a
>> different instance.  There are possibilities that the new instance may have
>> different interpreter settings, so the interpreter ids may be different.
>> How does Zeppelin resolve the id differences?  The interpreter ids seem
>> embedded in the notebook json data.  If any of these ids don't match the
>> interpreters in the new instance, what would happen?
>> "angularObjects": {      "2BDFTKHGQ": [],      "2BB471VK2": [],
>> "2BCJUYDVX": [],      "2BC45AGQM": [],      "2BCGRMV7H": [],
>> "2BDGM8X1N": [],      "2BC7KXZAS": [],      "2BENDU4PZ": [],
>> "2BD552SA5": [],      "2BDQVWF7N": [],      "2BBJTY1M2": [],
>> "2BCKDVMGA": [],      "2BC1DGS1Y": [],      "2BD89FPEV": [],
>> "2BBBNC5BZ": [],      "2BAX63HFB": [],      "2BE4DCPJG": []    },
>> Thanks,
>> Denny

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