> Hi @driazati I'm recently prepraing the release note, but I met a problem 
> after create csv files. My step is following 
> [readme](https://github.com/apache/tvm/blob/main/tests/scripts/release/README.md),
>  it mentions below:
> > You can then import this CSV into a collaborative spreadsheet editor to 
> > distribute the work of categorizing PRs for the notes. Once done, you can 
> > download the resulting CSV and convert it to readable release notes.
> However, after csv files generated and make each row own its category by 
> handed, but I'm confused about:
> I met error when executing `python3 ./make_notes.py --notes-csv 
> out-large.csv`:
> ```shell
> {'oid': '8e9216013ced6b9655359a696a5bb1bf68fdd638', 'committedDate': 
> '2023-04-08T12:48:48Z', 'associatedPullRequests': {'nodes': [{'number': 
> 14533, 'additions': 2, 'changedFiles': 1, 'de
> letions': 1, 'author': {'login': 'shtinsa'}, 'title': '[hexagon] Hexagon 
> inference fix', 'body': '1. Resolves issue with kernels linking.\r\n2. Fixes 
> warning generated by clang-15.'}]}}
> Opening CSV                                                                   
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/ysh329/code/tvm/tests/scripts/release/make_notes.py", line 92, 
> in <module>
>     category = row["category"].strip()
> KeyError: 'category'
> ```
> What does the excepted categoried csv file look like before executing 
> `make_notes.py`? It seems csv file generated by `gather_prs.py` which is not 
> compatible with `make_note.py`.
> Can u give me some suggestions?

Hey, those scripts are mostly just a guideline, we haven't really devoted 
support to making it a polished pipeline for generating release notes. For 
those to work there is a manual step of categorizing each PR listed from 
`gather_prs.py` into a CSV with the headers referenced in `make_notes.py`, so 
that's why they don't hook straight up to each other. I've attached a sample of 
the list of categorized PRs used in v0.9.0 for reference: [Release Notes v0.9.0 
- PRs with _ 150 lines 

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