Name supplies usually have both a cache lookup: ``` name_supply.UniqueGlobalFor("__main__") ``` and a hinted fresh name generator: ``` name_supply.FreshGlobalWithPrefix("my_module", "my_var", "any_other_prefix") ``` --- [Visit Topic]( to respond. You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](
[Apache TVM Discuss] [Development/pre-RFC] [pre-RFC] Name mangling in IRModules
Mark Shields via Apache TVM Discuss Fri, 10 Jun 2022 10:25:40 -0700
- [Apache TVM Discuss] [Development/pre... Andrew Reusch via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM Discuss] [Developmen... tqchen via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM Discuss] [Develo... Andrew Reusch via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM Discuss] [De... tqchen via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM Discuss]... Mark Shields via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM Dis... tqchen via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM Dis... Andrew Reusch via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM... tqchen via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache... Mark Shields via Apache TVM Discuss
- [Apache TVM Discuss] [Developmen... Andrew Reusch via Apache TVM Discuss